Sunday, January 21, 2018

Snow Week

Did: 10.15 mi mountain biking 
Work holiday + daycare is open = mountain biking date with Scott! We headed up to Dupont Forest and biked Reasonover Creek, Turkey Knob, and tried to head down to another creek crossing but were informed by someone coming up the other way that the creek was impassible... soooo we turned around and headed back up and rode the forest service roads back to the car. Not quite the ride we'd planned, but still got a good 10 miles in. I took a spill on an icy patch and have a nice bruise on my elbow, but other than that, a nice cold ride!
Yay bike date!

That is SOLID ice. Very hard.

Cool ice needles

Did: 6.2 mi treadmill speedwork ladder
Scott's traveling for work, which meant no early downtown group run today. :( Thought about doing the Pint & Pie run this evening, but worried it might be too chilly for D in the stroller so I didn't want to take the chance of missing #10kTuesday entirely! So, treadmill was the name of the game today... and of course, treadmill requires speedwork, because I cannot just run mile after mile at the same pace. Nope nope nope. Did a ladder workout today, up and down the ladder. 400 / 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 800 / 400 each at 5k pace (~7:00/mi) and a 400 of recovery between each. Skipped the 1200 on the way down the ladder because I miscalculated the total mileage for this workout... no worries. I was glad to skip it by that point! Felt hard after the first 800 and I wasn't sure if I'd make it through the 1200 and 1600, but was able to power through. Whew!

Did: 3.9 mi snow walk
Work and daycare are closed today, so we're at home avoiding driving anywhere. It's too slick out to go for a run (sadface) and I was tentatively planning on strength training at the gym today... not great resources for strength training at home so I opted for a neighborhood walk in the snow. We'll take little dude out later to play, but I wanted to actually get somewhere and get my heartrate up (moderately). Did a pretty solid out and back plus loop, total of nearly 4 miles in a bit over an hour. Roads are NOT going to be driveable for a while until it gets above freezing!

Snowy Neighborhood


Pretty deep powder

Icy slushy roads

the Reedy River (more like a creek by the time it gets up here to us!)
Did: nothing, shoveled snow for 30 minutes
Daycare with limited hours, working from home, work delayed opening = no exercise.

Did: treadmill desk walk 2.25mi, short lift & 1mi run
I started writing this entry saying "ugh, work took over the day again and I didn't get to work out"; then I stopped and thought, 'NO. I'm going to work out, dangit.'
So I did.
It was a quick one - some random mostly upper body weights, some PT and stretching, and a quick 8:00 mile on the treadmill. Total of 30 minutes working out, but it's better than nothing.

Did: 5k race + 7.1 mi run home
Greenville News Run Downtown 5k race report here.

After the race, we went to Swamp Rabbit Cafe for breakfast. Scott ran from downtown to the cafe, we all ate, then he and D drove home while I ran home. It worked out great and allowed us both to knock out a long-ish run today. Pretty happy with a sub-9 pace (8:57/mi avg to be exact), too! It was a beautiful day to run long and solo. :)

I need to get better angles for my pics. Accordion neck is not attractive. 😬
Did: 30.5 mi road bike ride
What a gorgeous day to be on the bike! I set out solo from the house and did a loop on Little Texas Rd to Bridwell/Enoree and picked up the Swamp Rabbit Trail in TR. Headed to Furman to meet up with Robin & Dale for Part II. We rode to the north end of the trail, then back down past Furman to the old train car and back. Did just about 15 miles with them, and ended up with a little over 30 total for myself! Longest ride in a good while... super happy to be getting some miles in the saddle. Just looked it up... JULY was the last time I rode over 30 miles!

Week Summary:
Running: 16.44 mi / 3x (short this week due to snowy conditions)
Miles biked: 40.6 mi / 2x (yay!)
Strength: 1x (kind of a half, but I'll count it)

Feeling good. Loving getting back on the bike, but not loving that it's taking my running mileage down. I'm excited to get back into the long run / long bike rides on the weekends, and it seems like I have friends who are also wanting to get on this routine so hopefully will have some external motivation and company to get that accomplished!

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