Sunday, November 26, 2017

Recovery Week 2

Week Beginning thoughts: This will be a holiday week / race week / not-really-training-for-anything week. Still no plan to follow but doing work.

Did: strength
100 pushups total. Huzzah!

Good session, a little bit less PT to allow for more time lifting since my mileage is much much lower. Want to build some leg strength to help on the bike for (hopefully) a good triathlon season next year.
Squat machine got me like #gymselfie
Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:12/mi avg 
Made this a little bit of a speed session just for funsies and to wake up the legs for Thursday's upcoming race (Turkey Day 8k). I planned it out in my head as I was warming up, and set out to do 1mi WU / 4mi @ 8/mi pace / 1mi CD

Um, nailed it?

Did: treadmill desk walking
Really today is a rest day in preparation for tomorrow's 8k race, but I couldn't just sit on my butt so I spent a good while on the treadmill desk getting stuff done. Walked about 2.5 miles at a casual pace. Legs were super sore yesterday from the speed miles and lifting on Monday, so the walk helped loosen them up as well.
Rainbow in the fountain - views from the treadmill desk.
Thursday - Thanksgiving Day
Did: TreesGreenville Turkey Day 8k, #RWRunStreak Day 1
Race report here

It's the most RUNderful time of the year!
Did: 2.39 mi run @ 8:36/mi
Just a short run today for the #RWRunStreak Day 2. Beautiful, sunny, cool. Perfect running weather!
Horse farm run
Did: 2.88 mi run @ 9:17/mi
Wanted to get a long run in this morning, but emergency vet trip squashed those plans. Got in a nice quick run at sunset to keep the #RWRunStreak Day 3 going!
Sunset + disco vest
Did: 21.3 mi bike @ 12.8mph + 1.18 mi run @ 9:09/mi w/ stroller
Family bike ride this morning down to the playground near the zoo, and a stop at Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery for a scone and coffee. Beautiful morning and I'm looking forward to more family outings now that I'm done being a crazy marathoner for the time being. ;)
Got home and hopped into the running shoes for a quick loop around the neighborhood w/ D in the stroller. @RWRunStreak Day 4 complete.

Week-Ending Thoughts: I'm already antsy about next year's plans knowing how busy it will be due to this. I'm also having mixed feelings about Thursday's race. On the one hand, I'm obviously disappointed that I didn't PR. On the other hand, it takes off pressure to find a 5k to PR before the end of the year! ;)  I've got some ideas for 2018 brewing, but want to let them simmer for a while before I write anything out.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

TreesGreenville Turkey Day 8k

Another fun race with the family - becoming a tradition!

We picked up our packets on Tuesday after work, so race morning all we had to do was get ourselves downtown. All 3 of us (Scott, me, and D) were racing - D doing the 1/4 Mile Tot Trot, and then the 3 of us doing the 8k with Scott pushing D in the stroller so I could race.

I hadn't done any specific training for this race, but I felt pretty good coming off of the marathon ~1.5 weeks ago. I wasn't sure what I had in me but knew a PR would be challenging. Existing PR is 35:18 at this race 4 years ago, but the course was new this year. Still in downtown Greenville, but slightly different route.

We arrived downtown in plenty of time, so we leisurely got ourselves over to the start area. The Tot Trot was set to start at 8:10, then the 5k and 8k started together at 8:30. The course for the Tots was an out-and-back loop along Main Street.

Track suited up with new shoes, too!
Cold at the start, but ready! They gave out capes to the Tots racing. 
D was all ready to go until the actual start of the race when he then insisted "I want up!" and wouldn't walk one step. So I carried him the entire 1/4 mile course. *sigh* I put him down within 20 yards of the finish and ran in front of him as he cried "I want uuupppp! Mommy upppp!" and I kept running in front of him as he chased me crying across the finish line. Oh well. 

Then we gathered ourselves and got lined up for the start. It was supposed to be a self-seeded race (my favorite... ugh) and as usual the instructions were for "strollers in the back with the walkers." Uh, nope. I think estimated pace is estimated pace, whether you have a stroller or not. So Scott & D lined up with me near the front. I wasn't too worried about disobeying the rules since there were families in front of us with kids on their shoulders / piggy-back riding. Yeah.

Ready to run!
The start gun (actually, the starting "gobble") went off and the race began... I took off as quickly as possible to weave around the improperly-seeded runners ahead of me. It was kind of a blessing that the course started on the slight uphill grade towards the baseball stadium, so it slowed people down right from the start.

We turned down a block and went back towards the center of town for the first mile. It was a pretty even up and down, and I felt good.

Mile 1 - 7:08

The second mile started with a decent little incline, then turned across town and went towards the zoo. This part was mostly flat.

Mile 2 - 7:07

Feeling good, we descended into Cleveland Park at the zoo and ran on the flat part of the Swamp Rabbit Trail through the park. I felt good but wondered about maintaining pace through the last half of the race.

Mile 3 - 6:57

Oddly, the 4th mile was the flattest (continued through Cleveland Park back into downtown) but it was by far my slowest. I mentally was telling myself not to push too much and just maintain/hold steady because I knew there were some hills in the final mile to climb back up to the center of downtown.

Mile 4 - 7:33

The final mile started with a good climb up out of the park, some rolling hills on cross-streets, and re-joined the 5k course for the final half mile. I understand why they did this, but I have to say it was really de-motivating to turn onto a course filled with mostly 5k walkers (it was ~30+ minutes into the race at this point) not to mention having to weave around them. There was a final climb up to Main Street, then turn towards the finish line for a (thankfully) downhill/flat finish on the last quarter mile. I glanced at my watch as I made the turn (which I never do) and saw that I was already beyond a chance for a PR. I decided to finish strong, but it definitely made me not want to give it 100% at the end. I cruised through the finish line knowing today would not be a PR finish.

Mile 5 - 7:16

I'm a little disappointed that today wasn't a PR, but I also realize what a feat that would have been. I had hopes of making 2017 the Year of the PR for every distance, but perhaps I'll just have to make 2019 a short-distance (<10 mi) focus year. Still playing with ideas in my head for that, but I know I have work to do.

Things I am happy about:
- Top 2% for all Females
- 5th in age group
- 7:11/mi pace overall

Love this tradition, and the start to #RWRunStreak = run every day (at least 1 mile) between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day!
Post-race snacks (cookie) and medal-wearing.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Recovery Week 1

Image result for meme post marathon blues
It's not that bad, actually. But this was still too funny.

Week beginning thoughts: A week with no training plan to follow? WHAT WILL I DO?!

Did: rest
Honestly I probably could have done something, but I usually like to give myself 2 full rest days after a hard race effort, so I stuck with the plan.

Plan: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.24 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
Went out for an "easy" 10k just to see what my legs would do. I could feel the marathon quads coming around the 4th or 5th mile, but generally not bad! It was nice and cool outside, but sunny. Hooray, winter running.

Plan: strength? speedwork?
Did: short early morning lift
A day full of meetings meant I needed to get the workout done early. Just a 30-minute session was all I could fit in, but I definitely felt better than doing nothing.
Plan: bike
Did: 14.4 mi @ 15.9 mph avg moving speed
Yes, back on the bike! This ride almost didn't happen due to meeting schedules running late, but I'm so glad we went for it anyway. Joined Scott & Donnie on the Sherman College loop during lunch. I looked at my Garmin history, and exactly 3 months ago (Aug. 16th) was the last time I biked, and it was the Sherman College Loop w/ Donnie! I averaged 16.6 mph that ride. Happy that I haven't lost too much speed but really glad to be back in the saddle.

Plan: yoga maybe?
Did: yoga
Ahh, #yogaFriday was good today.

Did: nothing
Friday night was our company holiday party, so yeah, nothing today. Enjoyed time with the family (grandparents included!).

Did: 10.00 mi @ 9:30/mi avg
Stroller running today with D and joined Megan on the Swamp Rabbit for a lovely run! Felt so great to just get out and run, not worry about pace, and enjoy time with a good friend and my little dude. :) Beautifully sunny and 50F made for a gorgeous day! Yay!

Week ending thoughts: Good recovery week. Seems like longer than 1 week ago that I did the marathon but I guess that's what happens with a busy busy week at work!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - RACE WEEK! (Week 18 of 18)


Week Beginning Thoughts: Nothing like a crazy week of work travel to distract from taper madness.

Planned: strength
Did: nothing

Planned: 4 m run
Did: #10kTuesday! 6.21 mi @ 9:16/mi avg
Working from home due to work travel, ran my 10k through the neighborhood between conference calls. This felt oddly hard for such a slow pace... hoping it's just the hilly 'hood that got to me!

Planned: 3 m run
Did: 3.0 mi treadmill progression run
Did this one between work event and evening reception at the hotel (traveling for work). Progression run with mile splits of 9:08 / 8:11 / 7:07. Didn't feel like enough, but I'm trusting my training.

Planned: rest
Did: rest
Yep, sat in a conference all day.

Planned: 2 m run
Did: 2.0 mi @ 9:02/mi treadmill
Final run before the marathon! Knocked these miles out on the hotel treadmill despite staying out at the bar last night.
"Whoa... last run?!"

Elevator door selfie. Feeling good.
Planned: Novant Health Charlotte Marathon
Did: 26.53 mi @ 8:16/mi avg moving pace
Race report here

Planned: rest
Did: definitely rest

Race Report: Novant Health Charlotte Marathon

I never really know where to start with these race reviews. SO many thoughts.

Race Week thoughts

Leading up to the race, I had a lot going through my head about how my preparation for this race was different than previous races. A large part was about the busy-ness of race week leading up to Saturday. I traveled for work Tuesday through Friday, and had an incredibly stressful Tuesday prior to my afternoon departure. I spent Wednesday-Friday in Austin, TX for a work conference, which always brings late nights and a bit too much drinking. I was able to restrain myself pretty well, but still was more than a normal week.

The other "different" thing was the way I trained. The last marathon I ran (Hilton Head Marathon in February 2014) I'd followed a Hal Higdon plan (Intermediate 1, according to my blog) as usual, but hadn't maintained strength training. I'd traded out one mid-week run for biking, and I also skipped the first half of the actual training plan to train for the Paris Mountain Road Race. I started on Week 10. My overall weekly mileage was lower, but my long runs were faster. Generally, it was not a very focused training.

This time, I kept my weekly strength training and yoga, I dropped my cross-training (biking) and stuck with all of the recommended runs, I maintained at least one speedwork session per week, and my long runs were generally slower (10-12 min/mi pace) than the rest of my runs.

Let's just say that this seemed to all work in my favor. :)

Packet Pick-up and Night-before Marathon

I was able to get on an earlier-than-planned flight to get back to Charlotte from Austin, so I got in close to 5pm vs planned 6:45pm. My dad picked me up from the airport and we went straight to the Charlotte Convention Center for packet pick-up. The crowds were pretty thin by this point, so it was no problem getting all of my stuff, plus I picked up a sweet pair of running leggings and a new 26.2 car magnet (my old one got smushed in an accident early this year).

Ready to go!

Flat Marathoner


Nails still in tact after a week!
Enjoyed a nice dinner at my parents' apartment and called it an early night (around 9pm) with my alarm set for 5:30 a.m.

I did not sleep well, but was eager to get up and going when the alarm went off!

Race Morning

Got up, took care of pre-race necessities 💩, ate breakfast, and got all geared up for the run. I remembered struggles of past races and training runs, so I made sure to open all of my race fuel (waffles and gummies) before stuffing them in my pockets. I got a new sports bra with a cell phone pocket in the back, and my running capris also had pockets on each side. Pockets are awesome!

Dad and I left the apartment at 6:30 to walk to the start line (~1.8 miles away) and I was glad he was there so I could wear my coat! It was 33F! ⛄ The walk helped warm me up a bit, and around 7:10 I handed off the coat and headed to the start corrals.

So cold!
I found the pacer for 3:45 (though his sign said 3:40) and stuck close to him. My goal time was 3:45, so I planned to run with him as long as I could and if I was still with him and felt good at the 20-mile mark, I'd take off.

Some short announcements, national anthem, and we were off just a couple minutes behind schedule! I was using a tracking app and had to start it at the start line (which was annoying), and I spent half of the race struggling to get my phone into the pocket on my back. Oh well.

We started off and of course the fun of dodging other runners is always an adventure. I saw my folks right around the 1 or 2 mile mark as we looped through Uptown before heading out towards Dilworth neighborhoods. My hands finally warmed up after about 3 miles and we entered some of the nice residential neighborhoods very close to the elementary school I attended. The course was nicely rolling with a few noticeable but not steep inclines. It was pretty much ideal for a marathon, because most of the other ones I've done have been pancake flat and it really wears you down after pounding on the same grade mile after mile.

Red arrow = pacers. Right on target!
As we went through some of the "hilly" neighborhoods, I found myself wanting to go faster than the pacers. So I did. I easily pulled ahead of them and didn't give it another thought. In my mind, I was telling myself, "Run your race." We ran down Queens Road with the beautiful big houses and huge oak trees, and passed aid station after aid station. I think I saw my folks again somewhere before this, maybe around Mile 5? 7? I can't remember.
Still running, still smiling.
I started to think I should stop in the port-a-potties because my need to pee was not going away. Around Mile 12, I decided to make the pit stop. I found a port-a-potty with no line and jumped in. Pretty quick turn-around time, and right as I exited I saw the 3:45 pace group run right by. Perfect! I hadn't gotten too far behind my goal. (Spoiler alert: after looking at my Garmin splits, even with a stop I was still sub-9 for this mile)

We looped through Uptown close to the finish area and the half marathoners split off to complete their race while we continued around Panther Stadium and went out towards the NoDa and Central area. I'd started eating about every 2 miles at about the 6-mile mark, and this kept me well sustained through the race. I also took water at every stop, which was definitely needed.

Saw the folks again around mile 20? 21? Something like that.


Still smiling, but a little more forced.

It was during this loop (heading away from Uptown) that it started to get difficult mentally. Then I saw a sign that someone was holding that said "Mental toughness is finding fuel in an empty tank". YES. Done.

There was also another sign that I saw that said "At least you're not on a conference call" which definitely made me giggle. The cheers and music that was sent through the tracking app also brought a smile to my face every time. So fun!

At last we turned and headed back towards Uptown via the Greenway, and I knew we were getting close. Just a couple more miles! I saw my folks one last time as we passed under 4th street.

The end is near!
Exiting the greenway and turning onto Stonewall street was the worst part - Stonewall was a gradual uphill for about a mile until you crested right around the 26-mile mark. SO HARD. None of the other hills affected me quite like that one.

Ugh, indeed.
Finally crested the hill, turned the corner, and there it was - the finish line!! I saw the finish clock said 3:41:XX so I knew a PR was in the bag. I didn't start my sprint until I was pretty close, not realizing that my start time had been a few minutes after the clock so I was really close to a 3:3X:XX time... but still, I'm not upset about my results.

Uh, not bad for consistency, eh?

Yes, please!
I found my parents soon after I finished, and we walked the 1.8 miles back to their apartment. Walking was hard, but I think it's for the best to keep moving a bit right after the event. Plus, I had to drive back to Greenville later in the day, so sitting in the car would be difficult.

I got back, took a hot hot shower, and piled under blankets to get myself warmed back up.

The rest of the day went like this:

Ok, not that bad, but everything did hurt. Today (Sunday) it's still challenging to go up and down stairs, but I'm moving better than I thought I would. Still planning to take today and tomorrow as a full rest day.

So yeah... a shiny new PR, blew my goal time out of the water, and feel pretty darn good. :)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 17 of 18

It's getting real now!
Week Beginning thoughts: Last week felt too easy. Yep, it's TAPER MADNESS!!!

Planned: strength
Did: strength
I finally moved to the last pin on the assisted pull-ups - only 10lbs counterweight!! But boy were they hard. I only made it through 6 reps on my last set (vs. 8 on the first two) and my form/range of motion was definitely suffering. But hey, can't make progress standing still. Whee!
Ryan understands.
Planned: 6 m
Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
Late afternoon #10kTuesday and it was much warmer than anticipated. Wanted to just get. it. done. and my pace shows it! We'll call this a tempo run.

Planned: 4 m
Did: 4.0 mi treadmill progression run
8:30 / 8:00 / 7:30 miles

Final mile = 800 @ 7:00, then one click up every 0.05 mi to the end. Finished at 6:15/mi pace. Knocked this out early because I haaaaate having my run looming over me for the entire day. I KNOW this about myself but sometimes I still can't convince myself to get out of bed in the morning and just get it over with. 

Planned: 4 m
Did: 4.0 mi treadmill ladder for #speedworkThursday
800 WU
1600 / 1200 / 800 / 400 @ 6:15/mi pace
with 400 @ 9:20/mi pace between each

This was a tough one, and I had to stop at one point to use the restroom (running 6:15 miles is hard when you have to poop, just sayin' 💩 ). Got all the speed splits done at 9.6 mph (based on the treadmill - manual lapping on the Garmin is sometimes imperfect). Really happy about this! There were a couple where I wasn't sure if I'd make it through the entire interval at that speed and thought about clicking it down, but realized a few clicks would not make much difference so I pushed through. Woop, there it is!

Planned: rest
Did: yoga
#yogaFriday was good today.

Planned: 4 m or 8 m
Did: 4.14 mi @ 8:41/mi
Busy day today, so got the short run done when the sun came up. No particular goals for this run, just get the miles done! It was humid and cool, and the trees are really pretty right now.
fall colors!
Planned: 4 m or 8 m
Did: 8.03 mi @ 8:36/mi avg
Headed out to run with the early downtown crowd. They'd planned a 6-miler, so I figured I'd start with them and add on 2 at the end. As I was driving down, I went through a few rain showers - had not looked at the forecast so was surprised to see rain. It seemed to mostly be just misty, so I wasn't worried. We started out and about a mile into the run we definitely got rained on. Awesome. And of course it was the one day I didn't wear a hat! Eventually the rain tapered off and we finished out the 6 feeling good. I did a quick out-and-back on Main Street for the final 2 miles and felt really good. I'm a little disappointed that my pace wasn't as fast as it felt... I felt like we were pretty speedy, but turns out it was right at target race pace. Oh well, we'll see what this all boils down to in 6 days!

Miles this week: 26.38 mi (less than 30?! aaaaahhhh taper madness)
Week-ending thoughts: I suppose tapering is doing what it's supposed to... making me feel like I'm not putting in enough mileage! Here's to trusting your training. A neighbor (marathoner) asked me if I like tapering... I quickly responded, "NO!" It seriously feels like I'm quitting a few weeks short of the big event. I know it's how it's supposed to go, and it logically makes sense, but it really does mess with your head.