Sunday, October 22, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 15 of 18

Final week of 50 miles.
Week beginning thoughts: Considering I didn't even get this blog started until Wednesday night, I had none. Too busy!

Planned: strength
Did: rest
Legs were still sore and tired from the relay, so another rest day was needed.

Planned: 10 m
Did: #10mileTuesday in 2 parts
Part 1: 6.23 mi @ 8:51/mi
My plan was to meet the early downtown run group for ~6 miles then finish up at work. I arrived just a minute too late and by the time I'd parked, I saw the last of the group go around the corner and I didn't think I'd catch them. So I cursed at myself for a bit, then decided to run anyway. I had my lights and my pepper spray, and downtown is really well-lit. I started off running and ended up seeing so many people as I ran, I never felt uncomfortable! Good to note for future that it IS okay to run by myself downtown in the dark. The other exciting part was that I wore LONG pants and LONG sleeves. Hello, fall running!
Part 2: 3.82 mi @ 8:23/mi
I finished my 10k downtown and headed in to work. The sun wasn't fully up, so I wore my lights and finished out the remaining miles to get my 10 total. 
Through both runs I felt good, though the "marathon leg" feeling returned after I was 3-4 miles in. Maybe I'm not fully recovered!

Planned: 5 mi rest
Did: rest
Travel day for a work trip, and I planned to run on the treadmill Thurs & Friday morning.

Planned: 5 mi treadmill
Did: 5.5 mi stationary bike + 10 mins upper body weights
This was frustrating. I woke up at 5AM to get my 5 miles done on the hotel treadmill before my morning meetings, and there was a dude walking on the ONLY treadmill there. I did some stretching to see if he'd leave, but he did not, so I called it a wash and hopped on the stationary bike. Did 5.5 miles in 20 minutes (16.7 mph average) then followed up with about 10 minutes of upper body (curls, overhead press, rows, and push-ups). 
Come on, dude. :-|
At least there was this beautiful sunrise!

Bonus!! 10.05 mi @ 9:05/mi avg
I was afraid of getting into a time crunch tomorrow and not being able to do my run again so I took the opportunity during a break this afternoon to just do both of my 5-mile runs together... 10 miles! I ran through a residential area near where my conference is being held, in the gorgeous little village of Kohler, Wisconsin. It's BEAUTIFUL. The trees are in peak fall color, there are horse pastures, a nice little running path or sidewalks through the most picture-perfect neighborhood. It was just so pleasant. I could have run forever except I had to get back and get ready for our evening entertainment. I just loved this run and I'm so so so happy that I got all my miles covered (which means I can sleep in tomorrow, yippeeeee).
Fall colors, and horses!

Kohler factory tower across the street.

Wildlife seen on the run: turkeys and wabbits!

Horse pastures and fall colors.

Planned: 5-10 mi run nothing, already done!
Did: rest (travel day)

Planned: 20 mi
Did: 20.17 mi @ 8:52/mi avg
I'm home alone this weekend because Scott & Super D are camping, so I went to meet the early downtown group for 10 miles before the sun came up and figured I'd tack on whatever extra I needed after they were done. I actually arrived on time (yay) so we all headed out for the "Perfect 10" route (their routes all have names, but I have no clue where we are most of the time because it's dark!). The downtown neighborhoods are hilly, but we kept a good pace. I enjoyed chatting with everyone there and it made those early miles tick by quite quickly. Eventually the last 2 of us remained and Jennifer ("Skoog" as they call her) peeled off to return and I continued north on the Swamp Rabbit. I ran a simple out-and-back to get the rest of the miles, stopped for a selfie with 3 miles to go, and finished out with a smile on my face. I even could hear the sounds of the Furman marching band practicing when I got close enough to campus. :) Felt really good on this run. Legs tired towards the end, of course, but finished feeling really strong. Super excited!

3 miles to go

Discovered my heartrate strap slipped down and rubbed my chest raw.

Planned: 10 mi race pace
Did: 10.03 mi @ 8:43/mi avg
Close, but not quite where I needed to be pace-wise. I didn't think I'd hit it, and I didn't really try. I had to drag myself out the door and finally started running around 9:45am. Today was one of those days where I just did NOT want to run. I'm glad I didn't bail, but this certainly wasn't a fun run. They can't all be awesome, I suppose! I ran all over Furman's campus as an homage to all of the weekend's homecoming activities that I completely avoided. Sorry, Furman friends, my introverted side won that battle this year.
Highlight of today: new shoes! Mizuno Wave Rider 21
Week ending thoughts: I'm so ready for taper time. And I'm so glad I don't have to run tomorrow.
Miles run: 50.29

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