Sunday, October 1, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 12 of 18

Ahhh, step-back week.
Week Beginning Thoughts: I'm tired.

Planned: strength
Did: rest
A late night last night, early morning this morning, and another late night ahead of me resulted in a decision to make today a rest day.
Concert last night... DESPACITO
Planned: 6 m run
Did: #10kTuesday - 6.35 mi @ 9:32/mi avg
So weird to ONLY have to do 10k today. Legs did not want to move, and I was ready to be done with this run less than a mile into it. I walked part of the first mile because of side stitches. Couldn't get my breathing rhythm right. My knee was hurting (I need to stretch/foam roll). Just all the things were making me want to just stahhpppp. But I did it. Hoorah.
Not all runs are glamorous. I looked as good as I felt!

Planned: 5 m run
Did: 5.02 mi @ 9:10/mi avg
Just a run, nothing special (again). Legs felt fine but boy am I tired. Too many late nights and regular mornings. No rest for the weary! Also, there's something in my eye that's been there since last night and it is bugging the @#*$& out of me.

Update: I went and saw the on-site nurse and in the process of looking for something in my eye (which she saw nothing) it worked itself out. Thank goodness.

Planned: 5 m run
Did: 5.04 mi @ 8:18/mi (4mi @ 7:54 tempo)
Opted for treadmill today for #speedworkThursday since I didn't get up and do my run in the morning. Decided on a 4-mile tempo at one click below 8:00/mi pace, bookended by warm-up and cooldown at 9:30/mi pace. Went pretty well, nothing super exciting. 2 miles into the tempo segment I almost opted for a little break/recovery, but decided to just push through. The last 2 miles seemed to go by much quicker.

Planned: rest
Did: rest
Yep, it's only 9:15 in the morning and I'm already calling it. I considered lifting or at least yoga, but I'm just not in the mood. I also want to leave work early today, so the less time I spend not working today, the more likely an early departure will happen. Plus, this week has been exhausting!

Planned: 6 m pace
Did: 6.00 mi @ 8:32/mi avg
Uh, basically nailed it. We were in Charlotte for a family reunion event this weekend, and little D was staying at my parents' condo while Scott & I stayed in a nearby hotel. We got to wake up and go run together without toddler-wrangling! Scott wasn't all that excited about it, but he was a good sport and we got in a nice 6 miles on the greenway near our hotel. The fall temperatures were starting to sneak in! So nice!

Planned: 12 m
Did: 12.02 mi @ 8:56/mi avg WITH A STROLLER!!!
Suuuuper happy about this run! I attribute much of the success to a) being well-rested and b) having temps in the low 60s. GLORY HALLELUIA IT'S FALL!!! After leaving Charlotte this morning and parting ways with Scott as he heads to the airport for a work trip, D and I parked at the downtown zoo and went for a nice 12-miler on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. As usual, D was a champ and happily played, sang/talked to himself, and napped a bit. I felt great through the entire run, even though I forgot to pack any running snacks for myself... D and I nommed on some homemade peanut butter cookies, and they did the trick (thanks, Mom!). Wheeeee.
Sleepy dude as we approach the final mile!

Miles this week: 34.44 mi

Week-ending thoughts: This week has been a bit of a ride on the struggle bus, but these two great weekend runs have given me a great pick-me-up going into next week (another 50-miler). Just keep swimming!

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