Sunday, October 8, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 13 of 18

Lucky 13!!
Week Beginning thoughts: Feeling good and rested from last week. Ready to tackle this one. Six weeks to go.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Lift, lift, lift.
Good lift today. Felt strong despite a week off and even went up in weights on curls. I'm finally at the bottom of the "small" weight rack... next step is to graduate to the big weights!
"Small" to the left, "big" to the right. 

Dat flexibility tho.
Planned: 10 m
Did: #10mileTuesday - 2 Parts
Since Scott is traveling, I couldn't get this one done in the morning without being suuuuper late to work. I worked through the whole day and headed out for a late afternoon Part 1 before my cut-off time of 4:30pm to depart and pick up D. After I got D, we finished the run together on the Swamp Rabbit.
Part 1 at work - 3.80 mi @ 8:31/mi avg
My goal was to get at least 3 done, and I was pleasantly surprised to get close to 4! Plus, with a 3.8 miler done, I'd have exactly a #10kTuesday remaining. It was warmer than I expected this afternoon after morning temps in the upper 40s (!!) and low 50s. Thankfully the humidity was low enough that it wasn't miserable.
Part 2 in TR - 6.21 @ 9:15/mi avg w/ stroller
D and I headed out for an out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit. He was (thankfully) in a really good mood and happily chattered while we ran. I felt kind of slow, but that's to be expected with a 1) late-afternoon run and 2) stroller. Turns out my pace wasn't bad at all! I had a thought to try to meet up with the Pint & Pie Pub Run group, but the timing just didn't work out. I did end up seeing several of them along the trail which was fun.
Nope, not wearing eye liner, just sweating off my mascara. 
Also, D likes Clif bars (especially mine). 

Planned: 5 m
Did: 5.01 mi @ 8:34/mi avg
Excited that I got notice late yesterday that my morning meeting today was cancelled = morning run!! The cool temps were so nice! I *almost* wished I had long sleeves at the beginning. Starting out my first thought was "oof, tired legs" because, duh, finished 10 miles ~12 hours ago. Good training for Bourbon Chase!! I ran through Upstate to get in some hills, and my heart rate pretty much matched the elevation changes:
Green line = Elevation
Background shadow = Heart Rate
Also, I swear those hills feel bigger than they look on this graph!

Turns out I was very close to a progression run, too.
I hit my turn-around point at Mile 3 and immediately thought "uh oh, I'm hungry". Mile 4 was a lot of downhill, so my pace didn't reflect the hunger, but I was feeling it on the slow climb back to my car.

Now for breakfast!

Planned: 5 m
Did: 5.06 mi @ 8:49/mi avg
This run wasn't just poorly planned... it was completely unplanned. I arrived at work not even sure if I was going to run inside or outside, if I was going to do speedwork or just run, and if I was doing speedwork, what "style" would I do? I opted for outside since the gym was a little stuffy. I trotted out for a warm-up and decided that I would do intervals of random unknown distance (somewhere between 400-800m) and would just "go fast" at some unknown and unplanned target pace.
Well then.
Yep, I'd say that went pretty well. I my head I kept thinking "maybe my fast intervals will be sub-8?" Uh huh. I went based on perceived effort and told myself "go fast, not a sprint, not too fast" except for the last quarter-mile(ish) which was definitely a "see how fast you can go". Whee!

Planned: rest
Did: #yogaFriday

Planned: 10 m pace
Did: 12.52 mi @ 10:53/mi avg
With the potential for rain all day tomorrow and a 9am hard stop for run completion, I decided to just work in as many miles as we could do early this morning with Megan & Robin. We met downtown for a change of pace and a hope that there would be plenty of other people out and about at our 6am (!!) start time. We were right! Megan took the lead and we ran close to 8 miles through some downtown neighborhoods and eventually onto the Swamp Rabbit once the sun came out. After that portion, Robin and I did an out-and-back on the Trail to get in a total of 12.5 miles before my time was up. Felt good to get up and get those miles in!

Planned: 20 m
Did: nothing
Yep. Just nothing.

Miles this week: 32.6 mi (out of planned 50) 😞

Week ending thoughts: Week started off awesome, but ended in a disappointing fizzle. Uncertain weather conditions and at-home stress combined and took over the weekend. Moving on and hoping the next is better.

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