Sunday, October 29, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 16 of 18

Week Beginning thoughts: Getting down to the wire here. Let's do this.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Good lift today, felt strong. No real residual soreness from the long weekend miles, which seems promising.
maintaining in all categories :)

Planned: 8 m
Did: 8.10 mi in 2 parts
Had to split this one again due to time constraints.
Part 1: 6.21 mi @ 8:24/mi avg
This was a good one, felt like I was pushing a little but nothing overreaching. Cool weather but breezy and the sun was actually quite warm since it was late afternoon. Wrapped up the 10k in a little under 53 minutes then hopped in the car to head to daycare and get little D.
Part 2: 1.89 mi @ 8:41/mi avg
The neighborhood hills got me on this one, but legs still felt ok. Did a quick wrap-up for the total of 8 miles I needed before heading in for dinner. Late afternoon runs are SO HARD.

Planned: 5 m
Did: 5.15 mi @ 8:06/mi avg
When hubby decides to do your lunch run with you, "5 easy" becomes "5 tempo". 😏 Two of the miles were sub-8, and this was the hilly Upstate Loop route. Pretty happy with this. And it was a beautifully cool day out, though it got a little warm in the sun since this is a mostly un-shady route.

Planned: 5 m
Did: 5.0 mi @ 7:39/mi avg with 5x800 repeats
Treadmill this morning for some early speedwork. Did 800m repeats and boy were these challenging! Felt good though.
198 heart rate? yikes.
Pretty pleased with all of this!

Planned: rest
Did: rest
Anniversary celebrations on Thursday night forced a Friday rest day. Work hard, play hard! Gotta let loose sometimes.

Planned: 4 m pace or 12 m
Did: 12.02 mi @ 8:39/mi avg
Ran early with a small group downtown. Felt great to get up and get this knocked out early! We held a strong pace typical for this group, with a few miles around 8:20/mi pace. Not bad for "long slow run". Oops. Powered through some hills and escaped downtown before the Spinx Run Fest races got underway and made travel difficult. Crazy to think that the 8am race start time makes me thing "ugh, that's SO LATE". #perspective

Planned: 4 m pace or 12 m
Did: 4.05 mi @ 9:50/mi w/ stroller (780 ft elevation gain)
The energy required to pack up D and I and the stroller into the car just to drive 1 mile so that I could run on flat surface and have a prayer at hitting race pace while pushing an extra ~40+ lbs was just not in the cards today. I chose the more physically difficult but logistically simpler option of a neighborhood stroller run with the understanding that race pace would not be part of today's achievements. It was a beautifully chilly morning when D and I set out around 9am, and we got a nice hilly 4 miles through the neighborhood. We even got to see some of the construction vehicles (2 bulldozers and an excavator!) which really made the morning for D.



Miles this week: 34.32 mi

Week-ending thoughts: I was able to hit some strong speeds this week and got in all of the workouts as planned. 2 weeks to go. Eeek!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 15 of 18

Final week of 50 miles.
Week beginning thoughts: Considering I didn't even get this blog started until Wednesday night, I had none. Too busy!

Planned: strength
Did: rest
Legs were still sore and tired from the relay, so another rest day was needed.

Planned: 10 m
Did: #10mileTuesday in 2 parts
Part 1: 6.23 mi @ 8:51/mi
My plan was to meet the early downtown run group for ~6 miles then finish up at work. I arrived just a minute too late and by the time I'd parked, I saw the last of the group go around the corner and I didn't think I'd catch them. So I cursed at myself for a bit, then decided to run anyway. I had my lights and my pepper spray, and downtown is really well-lit. I started off running and ended up seeing so many people as I ran, I never felt uncomfortable! Good to note for future that it IS okay to run by myself downtown in the dark. The other exciting part was that I wore LONG pants and LONG sleeves. Hello, fall running!
Part 2: 3.82 mi @ 8:23/mi
I finished my 10k downtown and headed in to work. The sun wasn't fully up, so I wore my lights and finished out the remaining miles to get my 10 total. 
Through both runs I felt good, though the "marathon leg" feeling returned after I was 3-4 miles in. Maybe I'm not fully recovered!

Planned: 5 mi rest
Did: rest
Travel day for a work trip, and I planned to run on the treadmill Thurs & Friday morning.

Planned: 5 mi treadmill
Did: 5.5 mi stationary bike + 10 mins upper body weights
This was frustrating. I woke up at 5AM to get my 5 miles done on the hotel treadmill before my morning meetings, and there was a dude walking on the ONLY treadmill there. I did some stretching to see if he'd leave, but he did not, so I called it a wash and hopped on the stationary bike. Did 5.5 miles in 20 minutes (16.7 mph average) then followed up with about 10 minutes of upper body (curls, overhead press, rows, and push-ups). 
Come on, dude. :-|
At least there was this beautiful sunrise!

Bonus!! 10.05 mi @ 9:05/mi avg
I was afraid of getting into a time crunch tomorrow and not being able to do my run again so I took the opportunity during a break this afternoon to just do both of my 5-mile runs together... 10 miles! I ran through a residential area near where my conference is being held, in the gorgeous little village of Kohler, Wisconsin. It's BEAUTIFUL. The trees are in peak fall color, there are horse pastures, a nice little running path or sidewalks through the most picture-perfect neighborhood. It was just so pleasant. I could have run forever except I had to get back and get ready for our evening entertainment. I just loved this run and I'm so so so happy that I got all my miles covered (which means I can sleep in tomorrow, yippeeeee).
Fall colors, and horses!

Kohler factory tower across the street.

Wildlife seen on the run: turkeys and wabbits!

Horse pastures and fall colors.

Planned: 5-10 mi run nothing, already done!
Did: rest (travel day)

Planned: 20 mi
Did: 20.17 mi @ 8:52/mi avg
I'm home alone this weekend because Scott & Super D are camping, so I went to meet the early downtown group for 10 miles before the sun came up and figured I'd tack on whatever extra I needed after they were done. I actually arrived on time (yay) so we all headed out for the "Perfect 10" route (their routes all have names, but I have no clue where we are most of the time because it's dark!). The downtown neighborhoods are hilly, but we kept a good pace. I enjoyed chatting with everyone there and it made those early miles tick by quite quickly. Eventually the last 2 of us remained and Jennifer ("Skoog" as they call her) peeled off to return and I continued north on the Swamp Rabbit. I ran a simple out-and-back to get the rest of the miles, stopped for a selfie with 3 miles to go, and finished out with a smile on my face. I even could hear the sounds of the Furman marching band practicing when I got close enough to campus. :) Felt really good on this run. Legs tired towards the end, of course, but finished feeling really strong. Super excited!

3 miles to go

Discovered my heartrate strap slipped down and rubbed my chest raw.

Planned: 10 mi race pace
Did: 10.03 mi @ 8:43/mi avg
Close, but not quite where I needed to be pace-wise. I didn't think I'd hit it, and I didn't really try. I had to drag myself out the door and finally started running around 9:45am. Today was one of those days where I just did NOT want to run. I'm glad I didn't bail, but this certainly wasn't a fun run. They can't all be awesome, I suppose! I ran all over Furman's campus as an homage to all of the weekend's homecoming activities that I completely avoided. Sorry, Furman friends, my introverted side won that battle this year.
Highlight of today: new shoes! Mizuno Wave Rider 21
Week ending thoughts: I'm so ready for taper time. And I'm so glad I don't have to run tomorrow.
Miles run: 50.29

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Race Report: The Bourbon Chase Relay

Okay, I think I'm finally recovered enough to write this up!

What is this event?

The Bourbon Chase Relay is a 200-mile relay race along the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. It starts just outside of Louisville, KY, travels down through Danville, KY, and back up to the finish line in Lexington, KY. The course is broken up into 36 segments of varying lengths (called "legs") with specific start/end checkpoints (called "exchanges") where the "baton" (a slap bracelet with a timing chip on it) is passed from one team member to the next. The idea is that a 12-person team rotates through their roster 3 times, each runner in turn doing a leg and passing along to the next. There are logistical challenges of transportation (typically done with two 15-passenger vans per team) and of course figuring out when to eat and when to sleep since there are no breaks in the running of the race. You run through the day and night!
The Full Course
Here's the catch for us though: due to injuries of several teammates, we were down to 9 runners and 1 walker by the time we got to race day. Logistical nightmare! Thankfully we were all able to make adjustments, some picked up extra runs, and we covered the miles. I picked up one of the longest runs, a 8.9-miler during Van #2's first shift.


One of the challenges is getting the entire team to the start line. Most of the team was driving in the vans from Atlanta, but Megan and I were coming from Greenville. We rented a car one-way to get to Louisville (since we couldn't drive our own cars... no way back to it once you finish the race!). We left Thursday morning and drove the ~6 hours to Louisville.
Mid-drive stop for lunch. And oh yes, chocolate milk!
We all hit lots of construction traffic, so it took a bit longer than originally planned, but we made it and all got to the Kick-Off Party in downtown L'ville at Angel's Envy distillery.
Half of the team... with BOURBON!
Terrible photography skills.

Dinner at Against the Grain

Not long after dinner we all returned to the hotel and crashed for the night. It was the last "good" sleep any of us would have for about 48 hours!

First Run - Leg #5
4.48 mi @ 8:14/mi
But first...
So we got up, got our coffee, and got to the start line at Jim Beam Distillery. Team photos were had, and the race began for us at 10:15 a.m.

I was the 5th of 6 runners in Van #1, so I still had a few hours before my first leg. By the time it was my turn to run, it was HOT. Like mid-80s. Ugh. Was anticipating cool Kentucky mountain weather, not this junk, especially since it was in the 40s in the morning!

Ready to run - waiting for the hand-off
And there I go!
My leg was pretty hilly. It was thankfully pretty short (the shortest of my 4 runs) and of course I was "fresh" so it ended up being my fastest.

I finished feeling good (and sweaty), passed the baton to the final teammate in our van, and we headed to Maker's Mark distillery to exchange to the other van. While Van #1 was transitioning to a relaxation period, I had to hop into Van #2 to do my "bonus" leg with them. I intentionally did this while I was still pretty fresh with only 4.5 miles under my belt, but this was also going to be one of the longest legs.

Second run - Leg #9
9.0 mi @ 8:59/mi avg

My run was in the middle of the Van #2 shift, so I didn't have to wait too long to begin. I started in the middle of a small town, ran up (yes up hills) to a highway, then the remaining 7+ miles were on the shoulder of a rolling hilly highway with NO shade. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon, so thankfully the sun wasn't directly overhead, but it was warm.

Grabbed some dinner at a roadside sack (bbq chicken sandwich!) and we hopped back in the van. I don't recall a whole lot from the rest of this shift, but I know it got dark and we saw one van ahead of us almost tip over when they went off the shoulder of the road. So that was fun.

We reunited with Van #1 in downtown Danville, KY to begin our night shift while Van #2 got some rest at the local high school who kindly offered up their gym and locker room showers for a mere $5 donation.

Third run - Leg #17
5.5 mi @ 8:45/mi

The night run! I'm usually afraid during my night runs on these relays, but this one I thoroughly enjoyed! The weather was nice and cool, there were plenty of other runners within sight so I never felt alone, and it was a good course. Part on lonely rural roads (very dark!), part on a highway shoulder (thankfully not too busy at this hour), and part back in the town of Danville. I ran this at like 11pm? Midnight? I can't remember. But it was great, and I was way pumped up when I finished.
Poms = necessary

After this leg I finally got to rest some! We headed to the high school and everyone else wanted to / was already asleep in the van. I felt disgusting, so I paid my $5 and indulged in a shower (BEST SHOWER EVER) then got some decent sleep on the gym floor for a couple of hours.

We got up and headed to our next Van hand-off location around 5am and all got prepped for our final runs of the relay.

Fourth Run - Leg #29
7.64 mi @ 9:09/mi

My run didn't start until close to 11 a.m. so I had plenty of time to relax in the morning. I napped a little in the van while the others were running but eventually got myself awake and ready to go. My legs were sore by this point, and though it was my second longest run of the event, it was by far the prettiest. Rolling hills through horse pastures as far as you could see, eventually winding its way into the Woodford Reserve Distillery.

I was happy to be finished and ready for another shower. We departed to find lunch and the hotel for shower/nap before rejoining at the finish line to await the final runner in Van #2.

I'll be honest, by the time we finished I was excited but so tired that I could barely get myself psyched up! We did it though.
Before and after. What a journey!
The rest of the evening consisted of team dinner and early bedtime, then Megan and I drove home in a rental car on Sunday morning. Again, got stuck in traffic, but otherwise an uneventful trip home.

Such a fun event!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 14 of 18

Bourbon Chase relay week!
Week Beginning thoughts: After last week's disappointing end, I'm doing my best to just look forward and make this a good week. It won't be a "typical" training week but should be a fun one with plenty of miles because I'm doing the Bourbon Chase Relay this weekend with a team of 12 friends!

Planned: strength
Did: strength
It's looking like I'm going to be running more miles than originally planned in this weekend's event, so I took it a little easier on the strength and focused on some added PT and stretching. Gotta keep everything in good working order!

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: #10kTuesday speedwork edition = 6.2 mi @ 7:53/mi avg
With the iffy rain situation and darkness lasting until 7:30am, I opted for some indoor speedwork for today's #10kTuesday. Plus, I wanted more recovery time between speedwork and the upcoming relay. I did a ladder workout (love these) and decided to tick things up a notch. I varied the speed pace a bit for each segment, but all were under 6:30/mi pace! And I did a mile at 9.7 mph (6:11/mi)!! 😲

These were HARD but boy I got a thrill with each one that I completed. I manually lapped my Garmin for each of the splits, then had to manually calculate the pace based on distance. I walked part of Split #5 (hence the 11:12 pace) but all others were a jog.

Planned: 5 mi
Did: 5.15 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
It was soooo gross outside. Ran the loop through Upstate, so took on some hills, but didn't want to push too hard. Felt ok, but it was surprising to see the "TE" rating of 5.0 on my Garmin from this run... definitely shows how much the heat takes a toll!
To be fair, I get this TE a lot but not usually on such an average run. I just have a high active heartrate!

Thursday thru Sunday - Bourbon Chase Relay (separate, forthcoming entry)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 13 of 18

Lucky 13!!
Week Beginning thoughts: Feeling good and rested from last week. Ready to tackle this one. Six weeks to go.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Lift, lift, lift.
Good lift today. Felt strong despite a week off and even went up in weights on curls. I'm finally at the bottom of the "small" weight rack... next step is to graduate to the big weights!
"Small" to the left, "big" to the right. 

Dat flexibility tho.
Planned: 10 m
Did: #10mileTuesday - 2 Parts
Since Scott is traveling, I couldn't get this one done in the morning without being suuuuper late to work. I worked through the whole day and headed out for a late afternoon Part 1 before my cut-off time of 4:30pm to depart and pick up D. After I got D, we finished the run together on the Swamp Rabbit.
Part 1 at work - 3.80 mi @ 8:31/mi avg
My goal was to get at least 3 done, and I was pleasantly surprised to get close to 4! Plus, with a 3.8 miler done, I'd have exactly a #10kTuesday remaining. It was warmer than I expected this afternoon after morning temps in the upper 40s (!!) and low 50s. Thankfully the humidity was low enough that it wasn't miserable.
Part 2 in TR - 6.21 @ 9:15/mi avg w/ stroller
D and I headed out for an out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit. He was (thankfully) in a really good mood and happily chattered while we ran. I felt kind of slow, but that's to be expected with a 1) late-afternoon run and 2) stroller. Turns out my pace wasn't bad at all! I had a thought to try to meet up with the Pint & Pie Pub Run group, but the timing just didn't work out. I did end up seeing several of them along the trail which was fun.
Nope, not wearing eye liner, just sweating off my mascara. 
Also, D likes Clif bars (especially mine). 

Planned: 5 m
Did: 5.01 mi @ 8:34/mi avg
Excited that I got notice late yesterday that my morning meeting today was cancelled = morning run!! The cool temps were so nice! I *almost* wished I had long sleeves at the beginning. Starting out my first thought was "oof, tired legs" because, duh, finished 10 miles ~12 hours ago. Good training for Bourbon Chase!! I ran through Upstate to get in some hills, and my heart rate pretty much matched the elevation changes:
Green line = Elevation
Background shadow = Heart Rate
Also, I swear those hills feel bigger than they look on this graph!

Turns out I was very close to a progression run, too.
I hit my turn-around point at Mile 3 and immediately thought "uh oh, I'm hungry". Mile 4 was a lot of downhill, so my pace didn't reflect the hunger, but I was feeling it on the slow climb back to my car.

Now for breakfast!

Planned: 5 m
Did: 5.06 mi @ 8:49/mi avg
This run wasn't just poorly planned... it was completely unplanned. I arrived at work not even sure if I was going to run inside or outside, if I was going to do speedwork or just run, and if I was doing speedwork, what "style" would I do? I opted for outside since the gym was a little stuffy. I trotted out for a warm-up and decided that I would do intervals of random unknown distance (somewhere between 400-800m) and would just "go fast" at some unknown and unplanned target pace.
Well then.
Yep, I'd say that went pretty well. I my head I kept thinking "maybe my fast intervals will be sub-8?" Uh huh. I went based on perceived effort and told myself "go fast, not a sprint, not too fast" except for the last quarter-mile(ish) which was definitely a "see how fast you can go". Whee!

Planned: rest
Did: #yogaFriday

Planned: 10 m pace
Did: 12.52 mi @ 10:53/mi avg
With the potential for rain all day tomorrow and a 9am hard stop for run completion, I decided to just work in as many miles as we could do early this morning with Megan & Robin. We met downtown for a change of pace and a hope that there would be plenty of other people out and about at our 6am (!!) start time. We were right! Megan took the lead and we ran close to 8 miles through some downtown neighborhoods and eventually onto the Swamp Rabbit once the sun came out. After that portion, Robin and I did an out-and-back on the Trail to get in a total of 12.5 miles before my time was up. Felt good to get up and get those miles in!

Planned: 20 m
Did: nothing
Yep. Just nothing.

Miles this week: 32.6 mi (out of planned 50) 😞

Week ending thoughts: Week started off awesome, but ended in a disappointing fizzle. Uncertain weather conditions and at-home stress combined and took over the weekend. Moving on and hoping the next is better.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Charlotte Marathon Training - Week 12 of 18

Ahhh, step-back week.
Week Beginning Thoughts: I'm tired.

Planned: strength
Did: rest
A late night last night, early morning this morning, and another late night ahead of me resulted in a decision to make today a rest day.
Concert last night... DESPACITO
Planned: 6 m run
Did: #10kTuesday - 6.35 mi @ 9:32/mi avg
So weird to ONLY have to do 10k today. Legs did not want to move, and I was ready to be done with this run less than a mile into it. I walked part of the first mile because of side stitches. Couldn't get my breathing rhythm right. My knee was hurting (I need to stretch/foam roll). Just all the things were making me want to just stahhpppp. But I did it. Hoorah.
Not all runs are glamorous. I looked as good as I felt!

Planned: 5 m run
Did: 5.02 mi @ 9:10/mi avg
Just a run, nothing special (again). Legs felt fine but boy am I tired. Too many late nights and regular mornings. No rest for the weary! Also, there's something in my eye that's been there since last night and it is bugging the @#*$& out of me.

Update: I went and saw the on-site nurse and in the process of looking for something in my eye (which she saw nothing) it worked itself out. Thank goodness.

Planned: 5 m run
Did: 5.04 mi @ 8:18/mi (4mi @ 7:54 tempo)
Opted for treadmill today for #speedworkThursday since I didn't get up and do my run in the morning. Decided on a 4-mile tempo at one click below 8:00/mi pace, bookended by warm-up and cooldown at 9:30/mi pace. Went pretty well, nothing super exciting. 2 miles into the tempo segment I almost opted for a little break/recovery, but decided to just push through. The last 2 miles seemed to go by much quicker.

Planned: rest
Did: rest
Yep, it's only 9:15 in the morning and I'm already calling it. I considered lifting or at least yoga, but I'm just not in the mood. I also want to leave work early today, so the less time I spend not working today, the more likely an early departure will happen. Plus, this week has been exhausting!

Planned: 6 m pace
Did: 6.00 mi @ 8:32/mi avg
Uh, basically nailed it. We were in Charlotte for a family reunion event this weekend, and little D was staying at my parents' condo while Scott & I stayed in a nearby hotel. We got to wake up and go run together without toddler-wrangling! Scott wasn't all that excited about it, but he was a good sport and we got in a nice 6 miles on the greenway near our hotel. The fall temperatures were starting to sneak in! So nice!

Planned: 12 m
Did: 12.02 mi @ 8:56/mi avg WITH A STROLLER!!!
Suuuuper happy about this run! I attribute much of the success to a) being well-rested and b) having temps in the low 60s. GLORY HALLELUIA IT'S FALL!!! After leaving Charlotte this morning and parting ways with Scott as he heads to the airport for a work trip, D and I parked at the downtown zoo and went for a nice 12-miler on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. As usual, D was a champ and happily played, sang/talked to himself, and napped a bit. I felt great through the entire run, even though I forgot to pack any running snacks for myself... D and I nommed on some homemade peanut butter cookies, and they did the trick (thanks, Mom!). Wheeeee.
Sleepy dude as we approach the final mile!

Miles this week: 34.44 mi

Week-ending thoughts: This week has been a bit of a ride on the struggle bus, but these two great weekend runs have given me a great pick-me-up going into next week (another 50-miler). Just keep swimming!