Monday, March 20, 2017

Clemson Tri Training ? - Week 2 of 8

I'm just going to leave the target race with a question mark until I actually register. For now I'm sticking with my standard workout schedule of:

Monday - strength & stretch
Tuesday - #10kTuesday (always)
Wednesday - bike
Thursday - run
Friday - rest/yoga
Saturday - run
Sunday - bike or run

If I ever figure out what to do about a pool, I'll ideally swim Monday & Thursday each week.

Monday - strength
Good strength session today. Glad to get it done with well before lunch so I wasn't hungry!

1mi warm-up on the elliptical
3 sets of each:
chest press (55lb) x 8
squat (75lb) x 10
pull-up (40lb counter-weight) x 8
glute bridges + first 4 exercises of P90X Ab Ripper
tri cable pulldown (40lb) x 10
lat cable pulldown (40lb) x 10
side-step w/ resistance band x20
middle 3 exercises of P90X Ab Ripper
dumbbell curls (16lb) x 8
OH press (50lb) x 8
deadlift (35lb) x 10
last 3 P90X Ab Ripper

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
This morning I looked at the weather forecast... cold and windy... and decided I'd just treadmill it today for 10kTuesday. I packed shorts and a tank top in my gym bag, and had my windbreaker in my bag as usual (that's where it lives). Hopped onto the treadmill and decided I was going to do mile repeats. Warmed up with 1 mile, then did a mile at 7-7:15 pace. After that, I decided I did not want to run on the treadmill, so I grabbed my jacket and went outside to finish the remaining 4.2 miles. Turns out I didn't even need the jacket! It was beautiful albeit quite windy. Felt amazing though.
The result?

How's that for consistency??

Wednesday - bike
My plans to bike at lunch with Megan were thrwarted once again, today by the 15-25mph sustained winds and high temps in the low 40s! BRRR! I'm not afraid of cold, but the wind was even difficult to run in yesterday... trying to stay upright on a bike? Newp. Not gonna try it.
Hopped on the stationary bike in the gym and watched Dr. Oz on the telly. Did the "random" program for 45 mins plus a little cooldown... total of 11.2 miles at average just shy of 14 mph. I can never go very fast on the indoor bike but I guess it's because I don't get the benefit of any downhill recovery coasting!

Thursday - run
Work overtook my workout time. Blergh. Got 30 mins on the treadmill desk while I got stuff done at least.

Friday - rest
Considered running today due to an unplanned rest day yesterday, but ultimately stuck with the planned rest.

Saturday - stroller run
Ran in the neighborhood with D in the stroller - it's been a while since I did that, and man, it was tough! Got 7.2 miles done and felt great, plus it was a super gorgeous day outside.

Sunday - family bike ride
The three of us (Scott, D, and I) biked up to Gateway Park so D could run off some energy instead of the planned ~20mi bike trip to downtown that we'd originally planned. D woke up with tons of energy so we figured being cooped up in the bike trailer for 2+ hours wouldn't do any of us any good. He enjoyed the playground for about 30 mins until we decided it was getting cold (where did yesterday's nice weather go??) and headed home. I took an additional loop through Green Valley at the end of the ride for a total of 13.9mi. I miss being on the bike!

I've also mostly resigned myself to the fact that the Clemson Tri is probably not going to happen. With just 6 weeks to go and I've yet to get into a pool, the tri season may just have to wait until the weather is warm enough for me to swim in the neighborhood pool in the evenings. I've come to the realization that while, yes, I could adjust my schedule to squeeze in early morning pool workouts and stubbornly forge ahead with my original plan for this triathlon, I'm just not willing to sacrifice the time with my family and the sleep that would be required to make it work. Priorities and choices.

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