Sunday, March 12, 2017

Clemson Tri Training (?) - Week 1 of 8

Early week thoughts:
Well, this is going to be challenging because I still haven't been able to join the pool at USC Upstate. I sent an email to the aquatics director to ask if I could join and if there were any restrictions on hours. No reply yet... hoping soon. I neeeeeeeed to get back in the water!

Monday - lift
Almost didn't get to do this workout but wrapped up for the day just in time to get in a good lift before leaving for the day. Also, some jerk left the enormous plates on the squat rack, so I couldn't use it because they're too heavy for me to remove.
5 min elliptical warm-up
goblet squat
core superset:
glute bridge
med ball toe touch
mason twist
reverse crunch on stability ball
cable tri-pulldown
side-step w/ resistance band
OH press
core superset
one-arm upright cable row
chest press
core superset

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
First: DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) are strong today. Guess that means it was a good lift yesterday.
My tentative plan was to run over to USC Upstate to register at the pool, but since I haven't heard back yet, I just went out for a standard run on the road. My pace got progressively faster over the first 4 miles until I settled into a nice 8:30 pace for the final few miles. Felt good, sun was warm and breeze was comfortable. I can't believe it was below freezing for my run just 3 days ago, and today I ran in shorts and a tank top! Crazy.

Wednesday - bike ride
My butt is still sore from biking on Sunday. Clearly I haven't been on my bike enough lately! I rode solo today and enjoyed the sunshine, but the wind was a little bit challenging. Did the hill + USC Upstate loop plus an extra out-and-back at the edge of the college campus for a total of 11.25 miles at average 15.3 mph. Pretty happy that my speed hasn't gone away as much as I thought it would have!

Thursday - run
No plan for today, ran the cross-country trails at work. I got tired in the middle and walked a bit. It was warmer than I'd anticipated, and I waited until almost 1pm to start my run, so I was hungry. And thirsty. And tired. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.

Friday - short walk at lunch
Basically today is a rest day. Scott and I took a ~20 minute walk after lunch just to get some fresh air and actually catch up with each other. It's a super beautiful day outside so it was nice to get out.

Saturday - run
I got out early for a quick 5-miler through Green Valley before I had to leave for all-day chorus rehearsal. It was chilly (mid-30s) and perfect for running. Felt good, nothing special, just a solid run.

Sunday - run
I would have liked to get out on the bike, but the "winter weather" (we got a piddly dusting of snow that quickly turned into rain in the morning) kept me off of the two-wheeled conveyances and I decided to do another run. I headed out to Furman's campus from the house, did a loop through it and around the lake, and came back. I'd only intended to do 7, but I kept doing extra little bits here and there so I ended up with 8 miles.

This was the height of the snow's brief appearance today.
End of week thoughts:
I still haven't found a pool. I had several thoughts of just scrapping tri plans altogether but I really want to make it happen. Going to attempt actually visiting the USC Upstate pool in person this week to see what the situation is like, and if it doesn't work, I'll have to explore other pool options in the area. Westside Aquatic Center is ~15 mins from my house, and is reasonably priced, but working in a swim outside of the workday is going to be extremely challenging. It opens at 5:30 so I could swim and still get to work by 8, but that means staying later in the workday and not carpooling with Scott.

*sigh*  Logistics are hard!

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