Sunday, August 25, 2024

The one that ended with a hilly run

I have no creative titles right now.

Did: 1.3 mi pup run + 45 min pickleball 
Took the pup for a morning run in TR but again she was being pretty lazy. I thought the cooler temps would help but not so much. 

In the afternoon, D and I went to play pickleball after school - it was such fun! We honestly don't know the rules and end up just making them up as we go, but it's fun hitting the ball back and forth. :)

6.3 mi @ 8:53/mi avg
Ran loops in the neighborhood due to being solo this morning, was really dreading it and had to argue with myself to get out the door (and get up out of bed in the first place). Ended up being glad I ran (of course) and enjoyed the cool breeze under the full moonlight. 

First light of day is my favorite time

2.2 mi @ 9:24/mi
Cool temps means 2 miles at a sub-9:30 pace and a heart rate in the 130s! 😍

2.3 mi pup ruck
Took the pup midday for a ruck walk around the neighborhood carrying 20# plate.

This sweet girl 😍

5.05 mi @ 8:57/mi
Early crew run downtown with more pretty comfortable temps!

30 min work gym
Actually made time to hit the gym before lunch today! Mostly upper body but did some one-leg deadlifts with the kettlebell and oh yep those are gonna hurt tomorrow.

Update: I was wrong, everything (not just legs) is sore today. 😂

1.7 mi pup run
Was going out for early morning miles in the neighborhood but the pup awoke and seemed eager to go with me, so I took her and we enjoyed the darkness together.

1.2 mi pup walk during baseball practice.

12.5 mi @ 9:26/mi avg
Wanted to get in some hill training, so got a small group (that got even smaller by the actual run morning) to agree to run the Paris Mtn Road Race 20k loop. Started at 6:30 right at first light of day, made our way up the mountain to view a glowing red sunrise that even cast red light onto the side of the mountain.

Continued on the loop, pounded the quads on the downhills through the crazy loop into Audubon Rd that was new to me, then finally made it in to the familiar neighborhood hills around the other side of the mountain. 

I was relieved when I looked at my watch thinking I was only about halfway but actually had already done 8 miles. Thank goodness! I was quite low on fuel and really would have liked another waffle or a few more gummies, but I hung on and dropped the pace quite a bit in the last 3 miles or so. Felt much better with 1 mile to go and knowing most of the climbing was done!

Got to the parking lot in just enough time to hop in the car and head downtown to meet the Greenville Ruck Club for a first meet-up ruck. 

Swamp Fox Ruck Club!

I'd met the leader of the ruck club at last weekend's Black Box Basic in Savannah, so it was cool to meet him locally as well and support the growth of the local club. Hoping for more group rucks in the future! We did 3.5 miles on a mostly-out-and-back along the Swamp Rabbit Trail through Falls Park. 

After that morning, I was toast!

1 mi neighborhood loop
Just an easy recovery loop before church.

1.7 mi pup walk
Walked in the neighborhood in the afternoon.

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