Sunday, December 31, 2023

Xmas Week

Monday 🎄🎅
Did: 10.11 mi @ 9:29/mi 
What has become a traditional Christmas morning 10-mile sunrise run was once again a lovely start to the day!
TR Xmas lights!


Sunrise over the...abandoned shipping container.

Did: 6.25 mi negative split run (first 5k in 32:16, second 5k in 25:48) + 12 min strength
I'm loosely doing some of the 12 Days of Yeti challenge and one of the assigned challenges was a half and half negative split 10k. Sandbagged a bit on the front end and picked it up for the second half. Challenge done. 
Did some pushups/bodyweight exercises afterwards.

Did: 1.1 mi run + 50 min sandbag workout + 1.2 mi pup ruck
Quick neighborhood mile before doing a ridiculously crazy sandbag workout. Was covered in sand and sweat by the end of it. Finished off with 1.2 miles with the pup around the neighborhood.

Me and my 40# sandy friend

Sunset ruck

Did: 3.07 mi run + 3.87 mi ruck hike
A little neighborhood 5k before heading up to Dupont State Forest for a morning in the woods. Scott biked with friends while I took D and the pup on a waterfall hike. We saw High Falls (from the top and the bottom) and Triple Falls on our almost-4-mile trek. I took the 20# pack along for the ride.

Did: 1.4 mi run + 60 min Power Vinyasa + 1.5 mi pup ruck
Quick mid-morning loop in the neighborhood and a lunchtime yoga class - perfect midday treat! After dinner got out for a 30# ruck with the doggo.

Did: 12.02 mi @ 8:33/mi avg
Early morning with the running buddies downtown - solid run! Happy with the pace although my lack of fuel showed up in the last couple of miles where I went from a steady 8:15 pace down to 8:30s. Still, happy with the miles!

Did: 9.04 mi @ 8:43/mi avg
Another early group run today, this time to celebrate running buddy Matt's 9th full year of run streaking (at least 1 mile run every day). Fun group of folks went for the run and then enjoyed coffee afterwards.

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