Monday, August 28, 2023

The week where I ran Altamont twice

Getting in that hill training for BRR!

Did: 3.14 mi @ 8:44/mi avg + 1 mi pup ruck + 12 min ruck strength
Got a nice morning run at sunrise before the temps got too warm. Took the pup for a walk after dinner with the 20# pack and then did a small strength workout once I got home (push-ups, sit-ups, chest press, leg lifts).

Did: 6.3 mi @ 8:12/mi + 60 min Vinyasa 
Had an early meeting at work, but thankfully track friends were able to join me starting at 5 instead of 5:30. Did 6x600 at the downtown track (all 2:31-2:34) and felt pretty good despite the insane heat/humidity even that early in the morning.
In the afternoon, got to do Vinyasa at Soul Yoga. It was a pretty challenging class despite not being a "power" class. Felt good!

Did: 10 min treadmill run + 20 min strength
Feeling low energy today so kept it short and sweet in the work gym.

Did: 6.0 mi Altamont run
Climbed the mountain with friends this morning! Felt stronger/faster this week than last but was a hard run as always.
Found a teeny friend on me when I got in the car!

Did: 2.07 mi @ 9:02/mi avg + 1.8 mi pup ruck 
Morning run miles in the neighborhood before school drop-off, then followed with a ruck pup walk on the trail after drop-off. Still feeling it in the shoulders after about 30 mins with the 20lb pack, but getting better and better each time. 

Did: 14.02 mi @ 10:22/mi avg
Got a wild idea to solo run the Paris Mtn Road Race 20k route for my long run this morning. I started out walking from the house since the route would have been about 16-17 miles if I'd included everything from door to door. Opted to build in a solid walk at the beginning and end of the route to make it not so long on the running since I haven't done more than 12 miles in quite some time.
I walked about 3/4 mi before I started running. I wasn't feeling super energized and it was already hot & humid as I made my way up the mountain. I stopped for several walking breaks since I knew I had a longggg way to go.

need to repaint the YOU MADE IT line

As usual (but is very easy to forget), getting up and over the mountain on Altamont Road is only half the battle (quite literally... you're only 6 miles in). The rolling hills of the neighborhoods that await you for the next half of the route are just as tough. Not as much constant climbing, but significant ups and downs. 
Can't beat the views though!

I struggled and walked a lot of the second half, but convinced myself I was going to get 14 miles done. I got this just as I reached the Swamp Rabbit Trail on the other side of Hwy 276 and began walking back home (about 1.5 miles). Thankfully Scott was on his way back from running errands and picked me up with about a mile to go to the house. 😂 I was DONE. Pretty proud though... 14 miles and 1500+ ft of climbing!

Did: 1.1 mi @ 9:25/mi + 1 mi walk
Quick neighborhood loop before church was all I had time to squeeze in. Got out for a short walk while D was in Sunday School but man it was already so hot out!

Almost 34 miles for the week - happy with that! 
Not so great on the strength training front. Still struggling to find the right balance and time enough for everything I want to do!

Monday, August 21, 2023

Kinda normal week?

If I'm really going to do this rucking thing, I gotta get more time with the ruck and need more than one 30-min gym session per week. Will be challenging while also trying to maintain the run streak and keep run mileage decent for my other running goals. Might need to spend some time planning out a training cycle for the rest of the year. 

Did: 2 mi @ 9:24/mi + 16 mi bike ride @ 12.8 mph avg + 1 mi evening pup ruck walk
Got in a couple easy miles after school morning drop-off in TR. Rode bikes on the newer section of the SRT with Scott during lunch - hot out but felt okay on the bikes! 

Did: 6.95 mi @ 8:06/mi 
Started off the morning with a solid Track Tuesday workout! Had mile repeats in mind as I arrived at the track, but the air was SO stiflingly thick and disgusting that I had to talk myself into "just do the first one". After one, I decided I'd go for the other 2 I'd planned. I ran the first 2 at 7:02 each, and for the third I decided I was absolutely going to get under 7 mins. I clocked steady 1:40 laps for the whole thing, pushed hard on the last 100m and ended up with a 6:40 final mile! 
Track fraaaaands

Did: 1.41 mi @ 9:44/mi + 1.55 mi pup ruck walk
Early loop through the neighborhood followed by pup ruck walk after school drop-off in the morning.

Did: 6.02 mi @ 10:09/mi Altamont climb
Wheeeee back to the mountain! Didn't feel quite as awful as I thought it would. I gave myself permission to go as slowly as I needed and recover for a bit at the top, but I made it the whole way without walking! Felt pretty awesome about that. 

Did: 1.26 mi @ 9:46/mi + 35 min strength
Took it easy-ish today. Short run loop in the morning then a gym session at work during lunch. Focused on upper body and core only. Feeling like I'm making good progress strength-wise and visually! 

Did: 3.13 mi @ 7:00/mi - Michelin 5k
Raced a 5k and was pretty pleased with the result! I didn't go into this with any plan or expectation, but feeling good about my current performance level and the morning slightly cooler temps certainly helped. Ended up getting faster after the first mile in the race (7:07, 6:58, 6:58) and felt like I gave it a good strong effort but not totally giving every last drop. Still a full minute off my overall 5k PR so if I'm going to improve on that, I'll need to put in some serious work. Tentatively slating that effort for early next year... we shall see. 

Did: 5.05 mi @ 9:29/mi avg
Slept in this morning so ended up doing my run during the hottest part of the day. Thought of doing a longer run but the heat totally zapped that idea. Opted for hills instead and ran through Green Valley!

Well, I didn't so much get the strength and ruck workouts in this week. Shorter on mileage too (25 miles). Ah well, can't rock them all. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

First week of school routine

Figuring out new routines with the school year starting Tuesday this week!

Did: 3.17 mi @ 8:50/mi + 0.6 mi pup walk
Did an early run around the neighborhood in the morning just after sunrise and a short evening family walk with the pup. 

Did: 6.42 mi @ 8:18/mi + 0.9 mi pup walk
Track Tuesday morning with friends! The trail was littered with downed trees on the warmup mile which made things more like an obstacle course. Once we made it to the track, did 6x400 (each 91-96s). A short workout but wanted to get back in time to send the kiddos off for the first day of school!
Evening pup walk 🐾

Did: 3.05 mi @ 9:18/mi + 1 mi pup walk
Got out at dawn for some miles around the neighborhood. Seems a *little* cooler this morning?? Still pretty humid but felt pretty nice. Definitely felt cooler and less humid when I got out with the pup for a walk after school drop-off. 

Dawn light

Light pink in the sky

Ivy in the ivy

Did: 5.1 mi @ 8:12/mi avg
Ran the USC Upstate loop at a pretty good pace after the rain cleared out. Kind of wished the rain would have continued because it was super humid! Still felt good to run this loop, hadn't done it in a while. Nice hill work on this route. 

Did: 1.24 mi @ 9:26/mi + 40 min strength
Decided to do my run before heading in to the office so I could use my entire workout time at work for the gym. 
Ended up with 40 mins at the work gym, getting in full body strength. Definitely going to need to figure out how to get in more strength time if I'm going to do this ruck event in December. 

Did: 11.26 mi @ 9:11/mi avg
Hit the Swamp Rabbit Trail this morning with a great group of folks - what started off as just 2-3 planned others ended up being a group of 10! Good times, and even did some pickup miles towards the end (pushing towards ~ 8:15/mi pace). 

Did: 3 mi @ 8:37/mi run + 1.8 mi pup ruck walk + 25 min ruck strength workout
Started the morning with a 3 mile run in the neighborhood. After breakfast, took the pup and 20# pack out for a walk. Finished with a 25 min ruck strength workout. Did a set of exercises for reps of 20, 10, 5, 5. Routine was squats, up/downs, overhead press, sit-ups, push-ups, curls, and plank hold all with the 20# pack (either wearing it or using it as the weight to press/curl). Plank hold was 60s, 30s, 15s, 15s. Oh boy was I pooped after this!
Pup ruckin'

Tired pup needed a break in the shade

Strength workout done.

Finally getting myself into gear for this ruck event... if I'm really gonna do it, I better get a more solid routine going! Two strength workouts plus 33 miles run for the week feels good to accomplish. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Last week of summer

So, final week of summer break (not for me, but for the kiddo) before we get into the school year routine. CRAZY.

Did: 1.35 mi @ 8:51/mi + 14.2 mi bike ride + 1.45 mi walk
Multiple activities today! Early morning mile around the neighborhood, a bike ride midday, and an evening walk with the pup.

Did: 6.61 mi @ 8:32/mi avg
Track Tuesday at Furman this morning! Did 4x800 (3:32, 3:33, 3:34, 3:27) plus warmup/cooldown. Felt good to get back on the track, it's been a little while!

Did: 2 mi pup walk + 2 mi @ 8:48/mi run
Took pup for an early walk to beat the heat. Walked out of the neighborhood to the horse farm trails, then back home. 
Trail Pup
Did: 5.5 mi @ 8:32/mi
Lakeview Lollipop course in the early morning rain. Seems like I always end up on this route when it's raining... Good as always to get in the early miles! There were tons of frogs hopping along the wet trail. 

Did: 1.36 mi @ 9:11/mi + 1.24 mi pup walk
Short morning mile in the neighborhood then a pup walk at the lake once we arrived in the late afternoon.

Did: 12.03 mi @ 9:26/mi avg + 1.6 mi walk
Got an itch to do some long miles at the lake, so went for a complete run of Lake Road out to the dam. Goal was 12 miles which I hit and felt good, then walked the rest of the way back to the house. 

Did: 3.12 mi @ 8:34/mi
Had intended to do the 8 mile Rolling Hills loop this morning, but got distracted watching the penalty kicks of the US Women's team. Finally headed out the door and realized I'd be way too hungry if I did the loop run, so I kept it short and sweet. Legs felt surprisingly good for having done 12 miles the previous day!

Almost 32 miles for the week - feeling good about that!!