Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Back to reality + a very hot event

Normal-ish week for me, but Scott traveling all week so no early morning runs...which I guess means it's not a normal week at all lol.

Did: 3.15 mi @ 8:16/mi avg
Temps close to 70 degrees means I felt like I was flying! Ran around Cleveland park after dropping off D at camp before diving into the post-vacation work insanity. 

Did: 6.27 mi @ 9:22/mi avg
Whewwww the heat got to me during this late afternoon run! Stayed late after work to run with the Rockers Run Club and got a 5k done beforehand to make the #10kTuesday total. The run theme was America, so I decked out in my red, white, & blue. 

Did: 40 min yoga + 1 mi run
Back was hurting from...not sure? Sitting all day in the office, perhaps. Anyway, did some yoga and it seemed to help. Got the 1 mile done around the neighborhood. It's hot out!

Did: 3.2 mi @ 8:45/mi avg
Cross country trails at work today, again super duper hot. Ran in toe shoes because I forgot my regular shoes. 

Did: 27 min strength + 1.75 mi treadmill run
Work gym and a little treadmill run to finish. 

Did: Carolina Reaper Challenge - Marathon Relay

Did: 2 mi @ 10:10/mi + 1.8 mi hike
Went to Conestee Nature Park with the fam, did a short solo recovery run then a hike with everyone. Nice way to recover after yesterday's ridiculousness in the heat!

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