Monday, June 26, 2023

The one with all the rain

Another off-kilter week due to Scott traveling for work plus some awful weather in the forecast (RAIN all week!).

Did: 3.04 mi @ 8:38/mi + 10 min ruck workout + 60 min Vinyasa @ SoulYoga
Ran as the morning rain tapered off which meant nice and steamy conditions. Got home and decided to do a little ruck conditioning with the 20# backpack: 5 rounds of 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups. Took about 2 mins per round, and by the end of the sit-ups, I felt like a turtle trying to get right side up from my back. 
In the late afternoon, went to SoulYoga for a Vinyasa class w/ Scott - a rare Monday treat prompted by the rain which washed out our weekly bike ride plans.

Did: 6.21 mi @ 8:42/mi
Had a break (sort of) in the rain at lunch and ran 2x loops on the 5k course at work. Boy was it humid though, yuck! Kind of would have preferred the rain... 

Did: 2.21 mi @ 9:42/mi avg
Ran in the rain with Megan after camp drop-off in the morning, followed by a coffee date at Coffee Underground. What a great morning!

Did: 5.09 mi @ 8:03/mi avg
Speedy loop (in the rain, again) around USC Upstate campus. Felt much better than the humidity of Tuesday. Surprised at the speed, but I'll take it.

Did: 37 min strength + 1.5 mi treadmill run
Work gym for some strength followed by a quick 1.5 mi treadmill progression run from 9:00/mi-6:30/mi. 

Did: 10.06 mi @ 8:53/mi avg
Double-digit run! First one in quite a while, but felt great to get out early and get the run done at sunrise. Been a while since I've had a "normal" weekend run and my mental state is soooo much better for it. 

Did: ruck workout + 3 mi run + 1.7 mi hike + 60 min Vinyasa at SoulYoga
Wheeeee all the things today! 
Started out the morning with a ruck workout with the 20# pack: 
Ruck 1 Mile
Then perform 2 rounds of:
10 Push-ups with Ruck on
20 Squats with Ruck on
30 Ruck curls
20 Ruck push-press
10 Ruck ground-to-overhead
after the 2 rounds:
Ruck 1 mile

A bit later in the morning I did a 3 mi run in the neighborhood before it got too hot (relative term, although for late June it's still pretty tolerable). 

I took the kiddo and pup over to Furman to hike the trails around the lake which was nice, but it was definitely warming up by that point.

In the late afternoon I went to SoulYoga for a vinyasa class - felt awesome!! I definitely feel better when I get yoga in during the week... and this week I got it twice!

Monday, June 19, 2023

Rucking for Beginners

Did: 1.3 mi run + 14.8 mi @ 13.8 mph avg bike ride + 1 mi run
Starting (possibly) a new routine of Monday bike rides! Today featured a turtle that I saved from the road 🐢, and a squirrel that wanted to play chicken with my front tire and I may have screamed at him. 😂

Did: 7.76 mi @ 8:11/mi avg Track Tuesday
Back to the early track mornings for this week - hooray! Got in 6x 800m all right around the 3:30 mark each, which was faster than I'd anticipated doing them (had more of a 3:45 in mind). Was nice and cool as the sun rose over Paris Mtn in the distance. 

Did: 2.12 mi @ 8:50/mi + 30 min GORUCK workout
Got in a couple miles around Cleveland park after morning camp drop-off. Really pleasant cool temps this morning! Fantastic for mid-June. 
Decided to do a GORUCK workout at home in the middle of the day since I supposedly have agreed to do a 12-hour rucking event in December. 

BRAVO warmup (10 mins)
walk for 5 mins
10x air squats, good-mornings, pushup with toe touch
1 min high knees (increasing speed)

5.30.23 “CORE ACTIVATION” (did 4 sets with 2x8lb dumbbells)
20 mtn climbers
20 weighted Russian Twists
20 weighted leg raises
weighted overhead walk to end of alleyway & back (each arm)

Did: 4.88 mi @ 8:40/mi avg
Ran on the new section of the Swamp Rabbit Trail this morning starting from the Zoo and heading south. Crossed the 3 new bridges over Laurens, Haywood, and Woodruff roads - exciting! Really nice, smooth, quiet section. 

Did: 30 min strength + 1.4 mi run
Got in some strength at the gym at work, then did a run around the perimeter trail on campus. 

Did: 5.05 mi @ 9:09/mi avg + 7.6 mi mountain biking
Green Valley loop in the morning before heading out to Dupont for a family mountain bike ride!

Did: 2.18 mi Ruck @ 18:14/mi + 1 mi run
Took the 20# backpack out for a morning stroll (lol) - that's gonna be a tough one to get used to! Excited for a new challenge. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

First week of summer!

Scott is out of town all week til Friday afternoon, and my in-office days are flipped this week... so it'll be an oddball week of "just do what you can"!

Did: 1 mi run + 15.3 mi @ 13.7 mph road bike ride
First of all, it's time for the summer routine! Post-camp drop-off run/walk in Cleveland park in the mornings. 😎

Oh boy that was lovely!

Then I decided to stop wallowing about my foot (that actually feels much better today?? but not going to push it...) and hopped on the road bike for a lunchtime ride. Like a REAL ride, not just up and down the Swamp Rabbit! Man it has been forever since I did that, and was so nice. Overcast and not too warm. 

Quiet country roads 😍

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:32/mi 
10kTuesday on the cross-country course at work. Did 2 loops of the 5k... man it was miserably hot and humid. I was DYING by the end. Definitely missing my early morning runs! At least the foot felt ok?

Did: 1 mi run + 1.5 mi walk
Ran early in the morning (YAY nicer temps) before we left for the morning drop-off and commute. In the evening, I picked up D and took the pup with us to the Global Running Day group 5k hosted by Run In. I knew we wouldn't be running nor would we do the entire 5k, but it was still fun to get out and walk/occasionally run a bit (when I got tired of restraining the pup).

Did: 30 min strength + 1 mi treadmill
Hit the gym at lunch and did some strength work, then finished with an easy mile on the treadmill. 

Did: 1.7 mi pup walk + 1 mi run 
Took the pup for a walk on the Swamp Rabbit Trail after morning camp drop-off. Ran a mile loop around the neighborhood at lunchtime.

Did: Sunrise 8k Race
An unseasonably cool morning for this summertime race, but a great time! Had a small but strong showing for the Milliken team, and personally a good overall race for me. Not a course or distance PR, but second fastest time ever for this race and good enough for 1ST age group and 8th overall female!

I wasn't sure what to expect as far as performance in this race since I haven't been doing much mileage lately. Thankfully the foot has been feeling ok this week, so I felt confident enough to run as hard as I wanted to. I didn't have high expectations but just wanted to run a good race and see what happened. Tried not to start off too fast but just told myself to keep a consistent pace and not get caught up in trying to pass people. I felt like I did that and came away with a solid result of 35:48!


1st AG award

Did: 1.5 mi run 
Just an easy neighborhood out and back. 

Overall feeling confident to pick back up on some running miles, but also need to get in more strength work. And more bike time. And more walking. MOAR ACTIVITIES!!!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

My foot still hurts

Did: 1.72 mi hike + 1.27 mi run
Return trip from Jackrabbit camping on Monday (Memorial Day), stopped at the Chattooga River Access point on Hwy 76 where pup and I did a short out and back on the Chattooga River Trail. 

Did a short run loop around the neighborhood once we got home. Exhausted from a fun weekend!

Did: 6.52 mi @ 8:45/mi avg
Went out to the Furman track in the morning for Track Tuesday but opted out of any speedwork due to my foot still hurting. I'm going to try to stick with minimal running to see if that'll help it... can't quite figure out what's going on. It's not preventing me from doing anything, but definitely a noticeable pain that hasn't seemed to improve any over the past week or so. It's a sharp pain that is worse when I'm walking down stairs and especially if I'm barefoot. BLERGH.

Did: 1.09 mi @ 8:54/mi 
Just a neighborhood loop, but did get some short pup walks as well. Busy day of appointments during WFH Wednesday. 

Did: 37 min strength + 1.13 mi run
Hit the work gym for some strength and then did a short loop on the Wellness Trail to get in the streak mile. Off-road running seems to be better for the foot than pavement. Doesn't seem to get worse while running but can tell the added activity makes it a little irritated afterwards. 

Did: 1mi run

Did: 1.4 mi hike + 1 mi run
Took D and the pup out to Bunched Arrowhead Preserve again (D's choice) and enjoyed a nice loop on the trail even though it was quite warm out!


Did: 1 mi run
Gonna schedule an appointment to get a referral for some PT on the foot. Tired of stupid 1 mile runs. :(

Friday, June 2, 2023

Jackrabbit Weekend

Scott's traveling for work for a few days this week then it's Jackrabbit Camping Weekend! 

Did: 3 mi @ 9:22/mi + 1.3 mi pup walk
Got a few miles at dawn this morning - such a nice cotton candy sunrise! 

Did: 6.3 mi @ 8:36/mi avg
Ran another double 5k loop at work to get 10k today. Having some foot pain in my left arch - kind of goes through the whole foot (i.e. not just on the bottom or top of the arch). Walking is worse than running, so I was able to finish the run, but it's sore to walk on afterwards. Not sure what's up, but keeping an eye on it. 

Did: 30 min strength + 1.73 @ 9:13/mi avg
Got to the work gym for a bit then followed with a short loop on the trails. Foot still bothering me but felt slightly better than yesterday. 

Did: 3.7 mi @ 9:02/mi avg
Cut the morning run a little short due to the foot and another side stitch that wouldn't go away. Was able to finish the run and get back to the car but not sure what's up. Maybe need more water? It wasn't in the same place (left side, not right side like last Saturday). Was better/able to run through it if I took really deep breaths so maybe I've just got my breathing off a little. WHO KNOWS.

Did: 1.5 mi @ 9:18/mi avg
Just a quick out and back in TR after dropping D at school in the morning. Leaving for camping this afternoon!

Did: 19.04 mi mountain biking + 2.23 mi trail run
Started out on a morning ride with Jamie, Steph, and Jason where we did the Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow trails. I had just gotten back to the campground when the family ride was heading out, so I decided to go back out with them and ride with Scott, D, and another family with kiddos. Total of 19 miles and felt really good! 
SABA Beach

Kids picking trails


In the afternoon I did a short trail run on the Jackrabbit Mtn hiking loop. Pretty trail!

Did: 2.4 mi trail run + 2.5 mi hike + 12.7 mi mountain biking
Another full day of fun outdoors! Started out with an out-and-back solo run on the connector trail, then took some of the kiddos and pup on a hike doing the loop I had run the day before. Finished the afternoon with a solo ride to the orange trail + red trail backwards, then joined by the group for a SABA beach happy hour ride. 
Quiet morning trails

Hiking group - with ALL the sticks!

Orange Trail overlook stop

SABA Beach beer