Monday, May 22, 2023

Pup walks and 2 strength workouts

Did: 2 mi @ 9:41/mi + 1 mi pup walk
I need to figure out a better Monday routine. Attempted a strength routine and did 2 minutes before I gave up amidst puppy being all up in my face and thinking I was playing with her while doing russian twists. Maybe Monday is a bike day. idk.

Did: 6.65 mi @ 8:08/mi avg Track Tuesday
Got out on the downtown track this morning and did 3x1 mi + 400m finisher. Was a little sluggish on the first mile, but picked it up after that and felt strong at the end! 7:08, 6:55, 6:50 then did a 93 second 400m. That's probably 10 seconds slower than when I was doing them regularly a couple of summers ago, so I've got to start adding those back in and see what I can do!

Did: 1.5 mi @ 9:33/mi + 1 mi pup walk + 40 min strength workout
Got in a quick early neighborhood loop plus puppy walk midday, then actually did a solid strength workout in the basement at home. Felt great!

Did: 6.78 mi @ 8:50/mi avg
Ran a double loop of the 5k course at work during lunch. Always a good reminder how lucky I am to have that trail so accessible when I'm in the office! Really nice overcast day.

Did: 1.5 mi @ 9:16/mi + 30 min work gym
Wheeeee two strength workouts in one week! Felt great to get in the gym for a second time, although my arms were still sore from Wednesday's workout. πŸ’ͺ

Did: 4.9 mi @ 10:03/mi avg + 2.36 mi walk
Well, this didn't go as planned. Felt proud of myself getting out early to run an out-and-back to TR, but halfway on the return stretch I developed a side stitch that wouldn't go away and got worse every time I started running. Tried to run/walk interval but it still wouldn't subside, so I ended up stopping the run and walking home the rest of the way. Beautiful morning but sadly the body wouldn't cooperate!

Did: 1.4 mi hike + 3.2 mi @ 8:45/mi run + 60 min Hot Vinyasa @ SoulYoga
Wheeeee Sunday Funday (exercise style, not drinking style). Started out in the morning with a short hike with D & pup at Bunched Arrowhead Preserve north of TR. 

Later afternoon I got out for a few miles on the swamp rabbit trail before hot yoga class at Soul Yoga. I've missed this and mannnn I can tell I haven't been in a while! Hoping to get back into the yoga habit more this summer, although I'll admit the hot yoga classes are a lot less appealing in the warmer seasons. Still, I know it's a good practice!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Busy week

Scott out of the country Mon-Fri means an oddball schedule for the week, but making the best of it!

Did: 1 mi run + 1 mi walk
I intended to do some at-home strength workouts but just never got around to it, and it was hot by the time I went running (also due to poor planning and motivation). Sheesh. Not a great start to the week!

Did: 7.2 mi @ 8:23/mi avg
Got to run with the RJ Rockers run club after work for a change of pace! Storms stayed far enough away and it was fun to run in a new place with some new folks. 

Did: 1.7 mi @ 9:30 avg + 1 mi pup walk
A quick out and back in the morning with an unexpected meeting with a stray dog that made me quite nervous. Was able to shoo him away but he was quite interested in following me for a while. πŸ˜–

Cute pup walk pics at Furman. :)

Did: 5.04 mi @ 8:16/mi avg
Ran midday through USC Upstate and felt really good about this pace, which was surprising given the heat and hills! 

Did: 1 mi pup walk + 2.2 mi @ 8:51/mi 
Not a lot of spare time today, had to get in a few short things when I could!

Did: 4.7 mi @ 8:20/mi avg + 3.14 mi @ 7:15/mi avg ZF Get in Gear 5k
Got in some early miles on the trail before heading down to the ZF Get in Gear 5k corporate shield race. The 5k course was a lollipop loop with the first and last miles being on paved slightly-rolling road and the middle mile being a combination of road, gravel, and dirt/grass. I felt really strong through the whole race and happy with my performance - good enough for 4th overall female and 1st age group placement! 

Did: 1 mi pup walk + 3.2 mi trail run at Paris Mtn
Took the pup for a neighborhood loop before church in the morning. In the later afternoon I went for an easy trail run at Paris Mtn. I'd wanted to go a good bit farther, but my calves were shockingly sore from yesterday's race efforts! Decided to cut it shorter than planned and enjoyed some quiet reading time in my camp chair by the river.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Runs and walks and trails

Did: 3.04 mi walk + 1.87 mi @ 8:35/mi

Did: 7.27 @ 7:52/mi avg Track Tuesday
Hit the track and felt super great, did 5x1000m + Hot 400 finisher. 4:17-4:24 for each 1000m plus 86 seconds for the 400. Definitely not as fast as I used to be but man it feels so good to run fast!

Did: 2.6 mi @ 9:01/mi + 1.8 mi pup walk
Awesome morning... got myself up and out the door to get early miles so I was able to enjoy the time with the pup after dropping of D at school. 

Did: 5.78 mi @ 8:03/mi avg
Got out early for a speedy run! Opted not to run up the mountain today but still managed a pretty hilly course through TR.

Did: 30 min strength + 3.2 mi cross-country run
Got in the gym at work then hit the trails for a run. Feels good to be back lifting, even if just a little bit each week!

Did: 1.4 mi trail walk + 3 mi @ 8:47/mi run
Took D and the pup out to Conestee for some outdoor time and walked one of the nature trails while we were there. Ivy loves trails! Hoping she'll grow into an awesome trail dog. :)
Once we got home, I went out for a few miles around the neighborhood. Definitely got warm in the afternoon!

Great Blue heron in the water

Trail Buddies πŸΎπŸ’•

Tired out pup
Did: 5.08 mi @ 8:47/mi avg + 1.4 mi walk
Ran from the Swamp Rabbit grocery while D rode his bike with me this morning. Turned out to be a fun morning! Went for a walk in the neighborhood with Ivy after lunch and tired her out. It's getting warm in the afternoons!

Close to 29 miles running and almost 8 miles walking for the week... not bad! 
Loving #dogmom life so far πŸ₯°