Monday, March 27, 2023

Boston Marathon #127 Training (Week 11 of 16)

This week will start out normal but will end with traveling to Arizona for D's spring break. I'll hopefully be running a 20-miler somewhere in the Phoenix area this weekend!

Planned: off/XT
Did: 2 mi run, 2 mi walk
Lovely chilly afternoon on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Plentiful sunshine. 

Planned: intervals
Did: 7.35 mi @ 7:56/mi w/ 3x1mi
Track Tuesday, felt great in the near-freezing temps! Got in 3x 1 mi repeats each below 7:00/mi (6:58, 6:58, 6:52). 

Planned: 10 mi easy
Did: 10.02 mi @ 10:25/mi avg
Easy peasy run in TR after dropping off D at school. Chilly but sunny!

Planned: hills
Did: 5.1 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
Ran the hills of USC Upstate at a pretty good clip - crazy warm weather today, but a strong run.

Planned: off/XT
Did: 1.54 mi @ 10:01/mi avg
Quick easy loop around the neighborhood before heading out to the airport for spring break trip!

Planned: 20 mi
Did: 20.03 mi @ 9:25/mi avg
In Arizona for spring break vacation, so I mapped out a run from our hotel near Tempe to a park where Scott & D met me. It was quite warm and dry and windy, but my route took me through some beautiful parks and was overall an enjoyable journey! I even saw a few wild pigs (javelina) in a drainage ditch, which was quite odd!

Planned: 10 mi marathon goal pace
Did: 2.9 mi hike + 3.54 mi 8:43/mi avg
Hiking with the family to see a waterfall, then ran back to the condo on the way back from the trailhead. 

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