Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Routine :)

School has started this week and I've been sooooo looking forward to a more regular schedule!

Did: 2.5 mi walk + 12 min bodyweight workout
Took a walk during work, including part of it with my department, then completed the daily bodyweight workout.
20 RFT: 5 pushups, 6 mtn climbers, 7 air squats = 11:50

Did: 6.2 mi @ 9:03/mi
Felt sooooo sluggish this morning, ran around the track but didn't do hardly any speedwork. A few laps I did fast straights / slow curves but even that I petered out after a few reps. Not sure if it was poor sleep last night or what, but dang. Maybe I'm not getting enough fuel & hydration. BLEH.

Did: 2.6 mi walk + 23-min bodyweight workout
One of my favorite parts of the school year routine is the WFH Wednesday morning walks after I drop D off at school. I park at the TR History Museum and walk on the Swamp Rabbit Trail, and it's just so peaceful - I listen to a podcast and do an easy walk or run/walk, whatever feels right that day, for about an hour. Today I did 40 minutes and there was a light sprinkle of rain, and it was perfect. 
So happy! 🥰

Got home and did a bodyweight workout (Tuesday & Wednesday) which was tough but good. Also very happy to be restarting this routine!

5 Days of Core:
1- 60s plank
2- bicycle crunches
3- reverse situps
4- Russian Twists
5- flutter kicks
= 7:50

2x 90s each, 30s rest between each 90s: shoulder taps, up-downs, high-knees, squat & pulse (hold low squat and pulse), Score is total of each
118 shoulder taps
55 up-downs
162 high knees
164 squats

Did: 5.66 mi Altamont run + 5 min bodyweight workout
Second week of Altamont, and while it still sucks soooooo much I keep reminding myself that it will continue to suck and won't get better if I don't keep doing it. Whew. Tons of cyclists out in the dark early hours though! 
Did bodyweight workout when I got to the gym at work, and it turned out to be super quick and easy. Oh well, I'll take it!
30 single-leg glute bridge, 20 crunches, 10 side plank crunch (hold side plank, touch elbow to knee), 10 other side plank crunch, 20 reverse crunch, 30 single-leg glute bridge (other side)

Did: 1.75 mi walk + 12 min bodyweight workout + Sassafras Sunset hike
Started the morning with a nice walk after school drop-off. It felt quite pleasant out on the trail! Did the bodyweight workout when I got home before diving into the workday.
3x 30s each: jacks, fast feet, jump squat, mtn climbers, high knees, TD squat, forward kick (alternating legs), rest
Then, took the opportunity to hike up Sassafras with friends for sunset in the evening. It had been rainy or threatening rain most of the afternoon, but turned out to be a beautiful sunset for us!

Did: Michelin 5k
Took D with me to the Michelin 5k. I'd planned on run/walking with him for the entire race, but it quickly became evident that he didn't feel up to going the full 3 miles. I left him to spectate at one of the turns, ran the next mile in a 7:22, then he and I run/walked the rest of the way back to the finish line together. He did pretty well overall!

Did: 8.2 mi @ 8:37/mi run + 2 mi hike 
Ran on the Doodle trail early morning - not quite as cool as I would have hoped, definitely humid as ever. Felt pretty strong through the run!
In the afternoon, did an easy hike to Station Cove Falls with D. 

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