Monday, May 16, 2022

Don't even know

Scott is in Germany all week for work, so there won't be any early morning runs. Just trying to fit it all in throughout the day!

Did: 1 hr gym workout
This felt awesome to get a solid hour. 

Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:24/mi
Ran after work on the cross-country trails on campus. I honestly didn't enjoy any of this run, it was hot, I had a terrible headache all day, and I just wanted it to be over. Plus, doing 2x loops of the same course was mentally difficult. I had to REALLY talk myself into the second loop. Would have called it quits if it weren't for #10kTuesday.

Did: 23 min bodyweight workout + 30 min walk
Got bodyweight workouts done in the morning then took a walk at lunch around Furman in the lovely sunshine. A good midday break during WFH Wednesdays. 

Did: 1.5 mi bike ride around Gateway Park
Took D to a bike skills lesson and got to ride around with him in the afternoon at Gateway Park.

Did: 3.2 mi neighborhood run + 15 min bodyweight workout

Did: 4.88 mi run on the SRT following D on his bike

Did: 3.25 mi mtb ride at Dupont w/ D
Another skills lesson for D and we went for a short ride together afterwards.

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