Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Last week of May

Did: 55 min work gym session
Love getting in a solid hour at the work gym! Feeling stronger each time. 

Did: 6.2 mi #10kTuesday run + 8 min bodyweight workout
Did not get to do track workout in the morning due to Scott traveling (and ultimately coming home in the same day due to flight issues). Ran in the neighborhood and it was toastyyyyy.

Did: 8 min bodyweight workout + 30 min walk
Storms last night brought in some cooler temps this morning which were sooooo nice.

Did: 5.6 mi @ 8:32/mi run + 15 min bodyweight workout

Did: 12 min bodyweight workout

Did: 10.02 mi @ 8:17/mi run

Did: 2 hrs in the Pain Cave
First of what will hopefully be many workouts with neighbor John in his garage gym. Got lots of good tips and pointers on heavy lifting. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

It's getting warm + Forest Therapy

Did: 30 min at-home strength session
Bodyweight workout:
30-20-10...3-2-1 crunches, skater lunges (L+R=2), burpees
Total time = 11:37
Also, I have new dino leggings and they make me happy. 🦖

Did: 7.66 mi @ 7:51/mi avg Track Tuesday
Got back to the purple track today for some intervals which felt great! Thankfully today is the last cool-ish morning that we'll have for a while so it was nice to get out and run fast. Did 800m repeats and kept them all very consistent (3:26, 3:26, 3:24, 3:22, 3:25, 3:17) with a little 🔥 on the last one. Pushed hard and felt good!

Did: 20 min bodyweight workout
25 RFT: 5 jumping jacks, 4 air squats, 3 tricep push-ups (6:56)
15 RFT: 8 bicycle crunches (L+R=2), 8 glute bridge pulses, 8 TD squats, 8 shoulder taps (L+R=1) (11:41)
Surprised how good these felt! I even did the bicycle crunches with straight leg instead of bent, because they felt too easy. Shoulder taps were tough but was able to keep good form through the entire workout! Working on keeping the rest of the body stable and level while moving the arms instead of swaying side to side, really happy with the apparent progress in core strength in the past couple of months since I restarted bodyweight workouts. 

Did: 5.55 mi @ 8:49/mi avg + 12 min bodyweight workout
Got in a nice run of the Lakeview Lollipop route this morning, plus did the bodyweight workout at the end of the run. Felt great to get it all done first thing!
3 min AMRAP/1 min rest between each set. Russian Twists, up-downs, (pick your own) . Score is total of each.
220 Russian Twists, 30-something up-downs (got sidetracked/distracted in the middle), 130 skater lunges

Did: 12 min bodyweight workout
12 min AMRAP: 7 jump squats, 5 pushups, 30s plank
12 rounds done

Did: 25.9 mi mountain biking
Oh mannn what a great day for mountain biking at Jackrabbit Campground! I took THREE rides today.

First up was 11.04 mi ride in the morning. Started out with other families and D, so it was a slow ride of the green and white loops on the main trails. On the way back, I peeled off and rode the purple loop (new, more advanced trail) solo. Felt great, but those were some hard climbs and fun downhills!

In the afternoon, I took a shorter solo ride up the orange & blue trails, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites to do. It's a steep little climb but has a nice overlook at the top where I've come to enjoy a beverage and take in the sights. 

Then after dinner we did our traditional group ride to SABA Beach at sunset. We weren't out as late as we've been in previous years - everyone was back by the time the sun was really going down. Still a lovely ride and such a fun group!

Did: 3.2 mi hike on the AT
I was solo for the drive home from Jackrabbit on Sunday morning, so I stopped for a short hike on the AT where it crosses Hwy 76 at Dick's Creek Gap. It was so lush and green and quiet! Beautiful flowers too.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Don't even know

Scott is in Germany all week for work, so there won't be any early morning runs. Just trying to fit it all in throughout the day!

Did: 1 hr gym workout
This felt awesome to get a solid hour. 

Did: 6.23 mi @ 9:24/mi
Ran after work on the cross-country trails on campus. I honestly didn't enjoy any of this run, it was hot, I had a terrible headache all day, and I just wanted it to be over. Plus, doing 2x loops of the same course was mentally difficult. I had to REALLY talk myself into the second loop. Would have called it quits if it weren't for #10kTuesday.

Did: 23 min bodyweight workout + 30 min walk
Got bodyweight workouts done in the morning then took a walk at lunch around Furman in the lovely sunshine. A good midday break during WFH Wednesdays. 

Did: 1.5 mi bike ride around Gateway Park
Took D to a bike skills lesson and got to ride around with him in the afternoon at Gateway Park.

Did: 3.2 mi neighborhood run + 15 min bodyweight workout

Did: 4.88 mi run on the SRT following D on his bike

Did: 3.25 mi mtb ride at Dupont w/ D
Another skills lesson for D and we went for a short ride together afterwards.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Hard to keep up with

Failing miserably at my blogging lately. Everything seems go go go and I don't have time to stop and breathe and check in. Need to find the time to do that. But at least I still get to run.

Did: 42 min work gym strength session

Did: 6.80 mi @ 8:15/mi avg Track Tuesday + 6-min bodyweight workout

Did: 15 min bodyweight workout

Did: 10 min bodyweight workout + 1 mi walk
I was dragging today.

Did: 5.54 mi @ 8:47/mi avg

Did: 10 mins in the bouncy house for D's birthday
No seriously, that was a workout and I was breathing hard!

Did: 8.43 mi @ 8:41/mi avg
Early morning run, chilly and lovely!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Slacking on the blog...

Did: 30 min gym workout
Short but good workout at the work gym in the afternoon. Started out with bodyweight routine then finished with weights.

Did: 6.76 mi @ 8:08/mi
Track Tuesday at the Furman track. I'm writing this blog entry almost 1.5 weeks after the fact so I don't remember what I did. Oh right, 3x3x400 at 10k, 5k, and 1M pace. Yep, did that. 

Did: Bodyweight workouts, 10 mins + 9 mins

Did: 6.11 mi run @ 8:38/mi + 7 min bodyweight workout

Did: 20 min strength workout

Did: 8.03 mi @ 8:49/mi run

Did: 12 mi bike ride to get ice cream