Monday, June 28, 2021

6 Weeks to Spartan Super

Ok, back in town means back on track with the bodyweight workouts.

Did: 30-min bodyweight workout + 20 min yoga with Adriene
I did the assigned bodyweight workout for today and man this is one of the hardest/longest ones. Whew. 

12 Days of Xmas (do the reps like the song...): 
12 jumping jacks
11 Russian twists
10 high knees (L+R=1)
9 standard push-ups
8 mtn climbers (L+R=1)
7 tricep push-ups
6 curtsy squats (L+R=2)
5 burpees
4 jump squats
3 bicycle crunches (L+R=1)
2 Spidey abs (L+R=1)
1 min plank

Yes, that results in a total of 12 minutes of planking. UGH.

Then I did a short "fill your cup" yoga video on YouTube from a series my mom recommended. It was really nice and relaxing! I'll probably try to use this more. Also, it's International Day of Yoga. ॐ

Did: 8.26 mi @ 8:08/mi avg Track Tuesday + 9-min core workout
Started off with a great Track Tuesday - got sprinkled on a little at the beginning which made it grossly humid, but the rest of the workout went great. I did 
6x 1000m (4:04, 4:12, 4:14, 4:17, 4:14, 4:22)
with a spicy 400m (82s) sprint to finish!

The bodyweight workout was a core-focused workout that I did when I got home.
25x each
Heels-to-heaven (aka reverse crunch)
Heel touch side to side (L+R=1)
Legs overhead, crunch up to touch toes
Bicycle crunch (L+R=2)
Flutter or scissor legs
Russian twist (L+R=1)

Repeat 3x

 Did: 30-min strength workout
Bodyweight plus some weights to follow (mostly upper body). 

1 min each:
Mtn climbers
Skater lunges
Jumping jacks
High knees
Fast feet
Shoulder taps
Punch & kick
Gorilla hops
Repeat all at 30s intervals

Did: 3.54 mi @ 8:33/mi run + 15-min bodyweight workout
Dropped D off at summer camp in the morning then went to Cleveland Park for a few miles just because I could! Felt nice to just relax and run in the morning sunshine.
Got home and did a 15-min bodyweight workout.
15 min AMRAP: 5 push-ups, 6 pistol squats (3 each side), 7 touchdown squats 
>> Result = 18 reps

Did: 6.47 mi @ 7:58/mi avg + 20-min bodyweight workout
Got to run early today and wow, it actually was comfortable! Ran a bit on the Swamp Rabbit + looped around Furman for a nice change... man I have missed running that campus.
Did bodyweight workout when I got home. 

10 min clock
4x up downs, tricep dips, jump squats
add 2 reps each round
Rest 2 min
Start where you left off, count back down to 4 reps, and try to beat 10 mins

9:35 for 18 reps up / 7:10 down

Did: 9.8 mi @ 7:55/mi 
Whewwww this was a fast run! Ack. The last time we did this route I blamed it on Coggins being speedy... this time he wasn't there to blame it on, so I guess we just... run fast? Yikes. 0_0 Anyway, this felt like a hard run but I'm still shocked to see just how fast it was. Wowza.

Did: 3.01 mi @ 8:42/mi
Needed a mental reset so I headed out for a few miles in the afternoon. Bad idea, too hot, came home and crashed on the couch for 40 minutes... but I *did* feel better after all of that, so maybe it was a good idea after all?

Plus it put me over 30 miles of running for the week 🥳

Friday, June 25, 2021

7 Weeks to Spartan Super

First week of work travel in, um, a long time!

(Note: that's all I got written of this entry before Thursday of the following week... ) 🙈

There were FAR too many late nights and long workdays to get in a decent workout but I at least made some time for a walk. 

Did: 18-min bodyweight workout + 0.6 mi walk
Went for a quick walk along the riverfront of Owensboro, KY after dinner then did a bodyweight workout in the hotel room when I got back.
Riverfront Sunset

Start with 50 Russian twists, then accumulate a 10-min plank. After each break, do 50 fast feet (L+R = 1) + 20 squats
>> ended up with 2:30 first plank then mostly ~90s after that

Did: 6.23 mi @ 8:28/mi avg + 1.2 mi walk 
Had a colleague willing to wake up early and join me for #10kTuesday along the river front and main street areas close to the hotel. Ended up doing 4x 1.5-mile loops due to not knowing the area... we wanted to go across the bridge into Indiana on the other side of the Ohio River, but sadly there was no safe pedestrian passage across. 
The bridge we'd hoped to cross

In the (late) evening our group discovered the only bar open past 9pm on a Tuesday was about half a mile away... so of course we went. 

Did: 1.5 mi walk
That's all I could manage before crashing - late night Tuesday and a looooong workday made for an early night but enjoyable sunset walk along the river front.

Did: 4.01 mi @ 8:50/mi + 1.35 mi walk
Got out for a few miles in the morning and ran mostly the same loop as I'd done Tuesday. 

In the late evening walked to (once again) the only bar open after 10pm on a Thursday. 

Did: 0.33 mi walk w/ D
This barely counts as a workout and we would have gone farther but kept running into neighbors who wanted to chat - oh well! It's something, and I enjoyed my time with Super D after being away all week. 

Did: 13.27 mi @ 9:13/mi avg
Just...felt like running a half marathon today. So I did! Started through Green Valley, looped through Furman around the lake (first time in 15+ months!!), and felt great and happy for the whole run. 


Did: 1hr strength training + 0.5 mi walk w/ D
Got in a solid hour of weights (yessss) then took D to the playground and walked a couple loops around the 1/4-mile perimeter track with him before the rain moved in.

Close to 30 miles for a travel week between the runs and walks... I'll call it pretty darn ok! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2021

8 Weeks to Spartan Super

Still pretty jazzed that I got over 40 miles last week... going to be hard to do that this week without a 17 miler in the books to start off! 

Did: 15-min bodyweight workout + 2-mi run @ 8:26/mi
Got started with the bodyweight workout for the day - going back through the DIY routines for a second time, so will compare to last time and see how much improvement I can make!
40 rounds for time: 3 pushups, 3 sit-ups, 3 sumo squats
First time around did 14:02, this time did 12:44 and even got negative splits because I glanced at my watch after 20 rounds and was around 6:38. Whew.

Then I decided I wanted a little more of a workout so I went for a couple of quick miles around the neighborhood... humidity is no joke right now!

Did: 7.41 mi Track Tuesday + 20 min bodyweight workout
Climbed the ladder at the track today, then finished with a PR 400m sprint!
400 - 1:40
800 - 3:23
1200 - 5:13
1600 - 7:05
Hot 400 in 80.3s (yessssss)

Got in the bodyweight workout when I got home which wasn't too bad but definitely felt it after a hard track workout!
20 min running clock. 30sec each of: 1) fast feet, 2) jumping jacks 3) running in place (high knees) 4) calf raises 5) squats 6) squat jumps up a stair (or two); one min rest. Repeat all until you hit 20 minutes

Did: 30 min strength workout
Did the bodyweight workout plus some weights. Felt good to lift again!
Each round is: 5 push-ups + 6 jumping lunges + 7 mountain climbers; repeat 20 rounds
Time 8:27 (vs. 9:23 last time!)

Did: 20 min bodyweight workout + 2.6 mi walk
Everything fell apart for Altamont in the morning, and then had to squeeze this workout in during a conference call... blah. But at least it's better than nothing.
Static Day! Alternate 60 sec wall-sit + 60 sec plank. Repeat 10x (20 min total)

Did: 11-min bodyweight workout
Knowing the weekend would hold some pretty hefty workouts I did the bare minimum today, and that's okay.
30-26-22-18-14-10-8-4 up-downs + 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 alternating plank toe taps (L+R = 2) + 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 towel pull-ups

Did: 1.29 mi warmup + Sunrise 8k + 5.07 mi post-race miles + 3.6 stroller miles = 14.84 miles run
Ummm yeah this turned into a big day of running, and it was all awesome! First up was the Sunrise 8k, one of my favorite local races. 

Sunrise 8k Race Report

After the race I ran another 5 mile loop in Simpsonville which was a nice revisit of my old stomping grounds when I was first really getting in to running! Then I met Scott & D at Cleveland Park and took D out for a few more miles in the stroller. Total of almost 15 miles, not bad for one day! Definitely felt tired by the end but not too bad. 

Did: Big Dumb Workout (2 hours)
So I get a text from John (Spartan teammate) earlier in the week asking if I want to join him for "a 90-minute workout" on Sunday. I say sure. 

The Workout:
30 minute AMRAP - 
- 2x sandbag get up and run
- 20x step-ups
- 10x burpees
- 2x Tarzan pull-ups
3 mile run
30 minute AMRAP - 
- 5x sandbag clean & press
- 60s dead hang
- 6 prone to sprint
3 mile run

I texted John at one point, questioning the timing of 90 minutes after reading the workout in more detail...
Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion. 

Oh well, I'd already committed at that point!

I headed to John's around 7:45 and we spent 15 minutes going through the workout and figuring out the equipment we'd need to complete it. The sandbag he had was somewhere around the 48lb mark, and it was quickly evident that I was not going to be able to use it for the get-ups or clean & press (the event specified 40 lb for women). I ended up using a 20-lb weighted backpack for the get-ups and a 40lb barbell for the clean & press. We also both modified from the 60s dead hang (no wayyyyy dude) to 3x10s dead hang using a towel through a ring. That was still dang tough to do! Everything else was as-written. 

On the runs, I stuck with John for our 3 laps around the neighborhood and we finished right at the 30-minute mark. On the second one I decided to pick up the pace and see what I could do, and I finished in about 24:46. Woot! 
Tally board 💥

Overall we both agreed it was a solid, hard workout but not to the point where we both felt completely wiped and drained. Really good! Kind of interested to see what future weeks bring (apparently there's one of these every weekend with the program he's doing).

Weekly Miles = 32.8
Not bad! Really happy with how this week went, felt like I got enough done and pushed hard on the weekend. Feeling strong and confident!

Monday, June 7, 2021

9 Weeks to Spartan Super

Did: 17 mi trail run
Whewwww this was an adventure of the best kind! Pushed myself physically and exceeded my own expectations. Needed these hours in the woods to ground myself. The weather was perfect, trails were in great condition (despite some downed trees), minimal people out - just ideal!

Started out on the Foothills Trail from Burrells Ford campground. We climbed a bit to start (about 1000ft in the first 2-2.5 miles) and then traversed along the ridge for a while until we got to the Sloan Bridge Access area.

Morning light over the ridge

FHT is very well maintained!

Crossing the bridge at the base of a waterfall

Waterfall :)

From there we turned onto Fork Mtn trail and enjoyed some rolling ups and downs while jumping over and under the downed trees. It's SO green though, and the mountain laurel makes a beautiful white sprinkle through the trees and on the ground. 

The final ~4ish miles was along the Chattooga river which flattened out for the most part. We still never saw Ellicott's Rock (a marker where it was thought the NC/SC/GA state lines all met) but it's around there somewhere. 


Finished the whole run in just under 4 hours of moving time, much quicker than anticipated. Enjoyed some snacks by the edge of the river before heading home. A perfect morning!

Did: 6.57 mi @ 8:28/mi
Despite yesterday's hard run (and omg my legs are sore), had to do #10kTuesday today and figured the track was worth the effort! Did some easy (10k pace) 400s and it really helped to loosen up the legs. Enjoying the last few days of cooler temps and low humidity!

Did: 45-min yoga + 1-mi walk + 1-mi run
Seems like my body has decided pre-5am is the new normal wake-up time, and I'm up most days by 445. It's not the worst thing ever, and today I made the best of it by setting myself up on the screened porch for some yoga at sunrise. It was quite nice and an easy flow, but definitely reminded me what I've been missing and how much I enjoyed yoga. 

Mid-morning I got in a quick walk around the neighborhood just to take a short break from work, but then in the evening I realized it was Global Running Day so I just *had* to go for a short run to 1) commemorate the day and 2) earn the Garmin badge. 😆

Did: 6.16 mi Altamont run
The usual Thursday routine - early run up a big hill! I got there a little early so did a couple loops around the park before we got started. A tough climb as always to start the day, but feels good when it's done. I felt like I was way behind my usual pace, but I think the others were just having a really good day and I couldn't quite keep up. The sunrise painted a beautiful watercolor sky (and of course I didn't have my phone... but trust me, it was gorgeous!)

Did: 1 mile walk with D
This is the lightest workout day I've done in a while, and almost didn't get anything in but took an evening walk around the neighborhood with D when we got home after dinner. 

Did: 8.7 mi trail run
I went out for a solo trail run at Table Rock on Saturday morning. Decided on the loop up Pinnacle Mtn trail, across on Ridge Trail, then back down Table Rock trail. I've done the up and back on Table Rock Trail before (did that with Robin a few weeks ago as a hike) so thought it would be fun to do the full loop. I got there just as the park opened and was on the trail by 7:15 a.m. It was so nice and quiet and calm!

About 2 miles into the 4-mile climb up Pinnacle Mountain, I paused to glance across a little gap where the trail did a wide switchback ahead of me, and I could see across to the other side... and what did I see but a mama bear and her little cub just rustling around for some breakfast. 👀

I stood still for a while, watching them - they looked up at one point and headed up the hill, across the trail, and on up over the ridge. I debated whether I should turn around and head back down, or just continue on (y'know, towards the bears) knowing there were just as likely to be bears on my way back down as there were if I kept going. At that moment, who should come running up the trail behind me but a fellow runner who I knew! I mentioned the bears, he kind of went "eh, yeah I see them a lot... no big deal" and he kept running... so I decided I would keep going (also knowing he was up ahead of me for a while if I needed anything). 

After a while (and no more bear sightings) I came up on the bald rock overlook and was SO GLAD I kept going... this was well worth the effort and pushing past my fears.
Passed the small waterfall that I'd hiked to before with Robin, Dale, and D

Almost to the top!


After that point, the climb got ridiculously steep, especially once the Foothills Trail split off towards Sassafras Mtn and I had the (very overgrown) climb to the actual peak of Pinnacle Mtn.
Pretty flowers!

SO STEEP, it's hard to tell in the photo.

Um, yep there's a trail in there somewhere...

Made it!

Continuing on...

The next section on Ridge Trail definitely had me nervous and watching very carefully for more wildlife. 👀🐻 Thankfully it was pretty runnable but I was being cautious and pausing to look around and listen frequently. I did see a big buck at one point, but he ran away as soon as he heard me. I knew once I got to the Table Rock Trail I would start seeing more people and would feel muuuuuch more at ease... the Ridge Trail is not often used and pretty remote along the park boundary, so once I was done there I relaxed.

I made pretty quick work of the descent, but felt good enough by the time I reached the bottom intersection with the Carrick Creek loop that I decided to take it and add another mile or so to the day's run. Felt great at the end and had a nice conversation with Heyward Douglas, president of the Foothills Trail Conservancy, who had a table set up at the trailhead for National Trails Day. I told him about my bear encounter, and he offered some advice saying it's a good idea to make bears fear humans, and to act aggressive towards them if you see them (vs. my tactic of trying to be as non-threatening as possible). They are usually scared of people and it's best for everyone to keep it that way. Good to know for the future! :)

Did: 50 min strength workout
It's been a while since I did much weight lifting or strength (other than the bodyweight workouts I've been doing) so I got in a solid strength session and felt great! 💪

Wowwww so I ended up with over 40 miles this week between runs and walks!! Heck yes! That 17-miler on Monday certainly helped tip that total higher... 😆