Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Week 19

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
Whewww another good sculpt class with my favorite instructor. She does more arms than all the other instructors, which I appreciate. I do enough running that I don't feel the need for endless squats and lunges (although there are plenty of those, too), but it's well-balanced with upper body, plyo sets, and core. 

Did: 6.29 mi @ 9:31/mi + 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Got out before the street lights went off this morning, so thankfully it wasn't terribly hot & humid yet. Ended up being a slower run than it felt like, but I guess I'm still getting back some speed while building back mileage. Didn't walk at all, so it was a consistent run, and again pain free. :)

In the late afternoon, did a power flow session - my cousin (actually Scott's cousin, but whatever) who is visiting us this week joined me, which was fun! It was a tough session and I'm definitely still sore from Monday's sculpt class.

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Cesar + 9.6 mi bike ride
Ugh, I did not have the energy for early morning yoga today. I half-assed my way through it and enjoyed the calm stretchy parts but otherwise was counting down the minutes until it was done. Some days it's a nice way to wake up, other days it's a struggle. I did manage a decent side crow though.

Later in the evening we did a group bike ride down to Gather GVL for dinner - it was a fun ride down the SRT.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Brionna
Good tough class, lots of other stress going on so couldn't mentally get into it.

Did: 4.83 mi hiking in 2hr 19min
Had a girls' weekend that included lots of hiking! We did two hikes on Friday at Peaks of Otter: Fallingwater Cascades loop (1.5 miles) and Harkening Hill loop (3.3 miles). HH was really tough to climb, about 1,400 feet of elevation, but the view from the top was worth it!

Did: 10.16 mi hiking in 6hr 08min
This was a long day, but man it was an adventure and I loved it! It was a loop + out-and-back section on the Appalachian Trail. Made me want to get back into backpacking... might happen someday. :) It was crazy rocky in some places, we had to scramble up rock faces and were rewarded with amazing views. 

Did: rest

Monday, July 20, 2020

Week 18

18 weeks.... that's as long as a marathon training program. Whew.

Did: rest
Today was an emotionally hard day... did not exercise. 

Leo, 2010-2020 🐾

Did: 6.27 mi @ 9:24/mi avg
A good 10k Tuesday! Got out early (though did not want to wake up) and beat the heat through the neighborhood. Ran the whole time except for a couple of tough hills, no hip flexor issues felt at all. Yippeeee. 👍

Did: 4.02 mi @ 8:42/mi + 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie
Got out for a quick out-and-back on the Swamp Rabbit after dropping D off at "summer camp" this morning. It was only 9am but it was HOT already. I thought about making this some kind of tempo run, but I wanted to be cautious since I'm still rebuilding mileage and making sure to not anger the hip flexor. 😬 So I decided after I did my 2 miles "out" at a comfortable pace, I'd push to go a little faster for a mile on the return before slowing for a final cooldown mile. 

Um, what happened to my heartrate?

Mile 1 = 9:32
Mile 2 = 9:12
Mile 3 = 7:51 (🎉!)
Mile 4 = 8:14
Generally executed the plan accordingly, although the final mile was still pretty fast. 😏
And the best part? NO HIP FLEXOR PAIN STILL! 🙌

Lunchtime Soul Sculpt w/ Katie kicked some butt, too - lots of squats, not as many arms as I would have liked, but still a good class.

Did: 17.25 mi @ 13.2 mph bike ride
Biked down to The Commons for a date night with Scott - first kid-free night in 4 months! We enjoyed some food and beers before biking back home. Casual ride, but nice to be out on two wheels :)

Did: 4.04 mi @ 9:22/mi + 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Got in some morning miles through Green Valley before diving into work for the day. It was not comfortable - super humid. Ugh. But pain-free so I'm calling it a win!
Did some late afternoon yoga to finish out the day - it was a tough flow from Karina, but a good one.

Did: 9.05 mi @ 9:32/mi avg
Set out from the house and didn't have the mental fortitude to attack Green Valley for a long run today, so I headed over to the Swamp Rabbit Trail for the bulk of the miles. It was crowded... ugh. But I stuck with it and got my 9 miles in as planned. I'd thought about 10, but decided sticking with 9 was the smarter idea.

Did: 1.14 + 3.12 mi walks
One loop of the neighborhood with D was all I could convince him to do... plus it took us 30 minutes, so that was enough for me. Later I went out on my own and did another 5k - did not even attempt running in the heat of the middle of the day, plus the increased mileage for the week was enough to make me take it easy.

Total Miles: 27.65 mi runing + walking
Woohoo, reached my 25 mpw goal, finally!