Monday, November 4, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 13 of 18)

Week beginning thoughts: I'm feeling good and strong and basically have a plan for the rest of my training. eeeek!

Week 13 = 21 mi long run
Week 14 = 13 mi + 25k Sky to Summit
Week 15 = 25 mi long run
Week 16 = 16 + 16
Week 17 (Thanksgiving) = long run Sunday? depends how I feel...
Week 18 = RACE WEEK... Saturday race day.

So yeah... it's getting real.

This week:
- 50 mpw
- 21 mi long run (Saturday)

Planned: strength
Did: rest
Busy Monday at work and just didn't have the energy for it. Doubling up on double-digit weekend runs really takes it out of me!

Planned: 10 mi (with Track Tuesday)
Did: 10.03 mi @ 8:50/mi avg
Did not do track workout today but got in 10 miles before dawn despite sleeping 30 mins past when I'd planned to wake up. Ran with a group and was awesome to chat and catch up with everyone (which doesn't happen very easily on the track). Felt tired by the end but only having a stinger waffle to eat prior, it's understandable. Coffee on the way to work was enjoyed.

Planned: lunch trail run
Did: 6.02 mi treadmill progression run, 8:19/mi avg
Rain rain all day = treadmill run at lunch. Nothing too exciting, just kept bumping up the speed and did my last mile at 7:00/mi pace. Didn't push to the max because I plan to do some more intentional speedwork tomorrow.

Planned: morning treadmill
Did: 3x3x400, 5.0 mi @ 8:52/mi avg
I had absolutely no energy for this run and almost stopped after 2 miles. Made it through but did not feel great. Going to enjoy a rest day on Friday!

Planned: rest
Did: rest

Planned: 21 mi trail run
Did: 21.01 mi trail run 
Started out with a 6AM wake-up and planned to leave the house around 7 to get to Dupont by 8.
As the morning went along, I pondered my plan for the day and thinking about needing to 25 miles in a couple of weeks decided to save Dupont for that long run and opted for Paris Mountain today instead. Whee, last-minute changing of plans! I got to Paris Mtn a little after 8 and the mist over the lake was beautiful in the early morning sun.

I started out with a loop around the lake at the bottom. I stopped for a lot of pictures because the fog and the sunlight just made all of the fall colors pop.


Next I headed up the Sulphur Springs switchbacks, onto Brissy Ridge > Kanuga > Firetower.
That Brissy view

Firetower Ruins from 1938
Headed down the hikers-only Sulphur Springs for the first time in years. Forgot how lovely this part of the trail is!
Lovely and STEEP!
Little waterfalls
Made it to the bottom and sat on the large boulders to enjoy a snack. This was around mile 7... a third of the way through! Feeling great so far.
Atop the boulder

The view above my head was incredible.
I finished my snack and trucked it back to the park entrance, around the lake again, and this time retraced my steps to go UP the hikers-only Sulphur Springs trail. 
Passed by the dam
Saw this dude on a tree
Pretty cascades next to STEEP trails.
The number of people I passed who had comments of "omg you're running this??" were pretty encouraging. Some people I'd seen on the way down and now I was going back up... they were also kind of stunned. Heh.
I headed up the Firetower trail to the steep section of Kanuga leading to North Lake. Stopped here for another snack, around mile 14. 
Water like a mirror

Still smiling :)

Fall colors reflected
I looped the entire lake, almost started heading UP the steep Kanuga section, but decided to backtrack to Pipsissewa then onto the hikers-only part of Brissy. I've only done this section in reverse recently and I knew there were STAIRS... today's direction would take me up those stairs.
By the time I got to the top of Brissy, my calves, quads, glutes, hamstrings were all DONE. Thankfully I only had downhill remaining (and about 4 miles to go to reach my total). 

This was a looonnngggg run but honestly wasn't "over it" until about mile 19.5 when I was back at my car (ugh, miscalculation) and had to do another loop around the lake. Not terrible but mentally tough.
5 hours total elapsed time, 4:44 moving time, 2,656 ft elevation gain.

Bonus! Halloween Freak Bike 
10.22 mi biking
I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle a bike ride after the day's adventures but the easy pace was manageable and I think it was actually a good thing to get my legs moving a little bit so they didn't tighten up. I did immensely enjoy the plate of nachos at the end of the ride.

Planned: maybe rest?
Did: definitely rest

Week-ending thoughts: While I did hit the 50 mpw target, I got 42 miles and a kick-ass long run. I'm good with it.

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