Sunday, August 19, 2018

Busy week

Week beginning thoughts: Uhhh it's Wednesday already... this week and next week I've got a big work project that has me occupied pretty much all day. So I'm doing what I can to get in my workouts so I don't go crazy.

Did: strength
Had an 8am meeting (ugh) so I got to work and did a quick 30-min lift before starting the day. Can't remember what I did but it was decent for the short time I was there.

Did: #10kTrackTuesday - 200s, 300s, and 400s
I love that the early downtown group has made Tuesdays a track workout day. It lets me feel the push and encouragement of a group run but without the pressure of "keeping up" on days when I'm not feeling it. We run together to the track (about a mile) and then do our own thing - one guy basically acts as our "coach" and decides the workout for the day, then we just go do it and have a set ending time so we can all run back together. It's awesome.

Today was 200/300/400 with 200 rest between each, repeat as many times as you can. I got in 4 sets! I didn't have an exact goal for each, but just tried to keep a solid push. I got tired by the end (as can be seen) but I was happy at least were all below 7:00/mi. I still don't understand how avg vs. moving avg. is so different.

Did: 37 mins bike trainer
Again, I'm tired of missing my lunchtime bike rides due to work crap, so I got up early and rode my bike on the trainer in the basement. I don't have a bike computer so I don't know how far I rode (probably not far) but I was sweating 5 mins into it and felt like I gave a good effort. I did a 10 minute warmup, then 1/2/3/3/2/1-minute "hard" effort with 1 minute recovery in between each, finished with 10 min cooldown.
Had to add the fan for comfort.
Not the most exciting workout but really happy to have gotten this done. I might make this a regular thing until work calms down (if that ever happens).

Did: 4.0 mi @ 9:14/mi
Woke up early to get this done in the neighborhood. Didn't have any plan - distance, pace, speedwork? hills? tempo? No clue. Just went out and started running (after dodging the HUGE spiderweb that was built across the front walkway overnight). Decided this was a "just run" day and did some loops up and down streets through the neighborhood. Felt nice and peaceful to run in the quiet darkness before the world wakes up. It was more humid today than I would have liked, but not unbearable.

Did: yoga
Finally made it to yoga class at lunch!

Did: 11.41 mi @ 9:12/mi
Pretty great run today, which was surprising since I headed out right about when I should have been eating lunch. Timing and other stuff just didn't work out for a stroller run this morning, so I opted to wait until Scott got home and went out solo. It was humid and hot, but I felt strangely good and just chugged away at the miles. I changed my intended route about a dozen times throughout the run, but ended up with a nice path, some decent hills, and nothing that felt too routine.

Did: 22.9 mi road bike ride
Had planned to ride with the early Sunday mountain bike group, but rain muddied the trails yesterday and made it a road ride day. We opted for a family bike ride down the trail to the zoo to meet some friends, then went to lunch afterwards before biking home.

Week ending thoughts: ... ?

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