Sunday, August 12, 2018

Back on track

Week beginning thoughts:
Vacation was great, but I'm always (mostly) happy to return to a routine. I just feel better!

Planned: strength
Did: strength
3 rounds of everything
Late afternoon lift at the gym, which usually ends up in a "meh" workout, but today wasn't that bad. Didn't go all-out on the lifts like I've been doing since I haven't lifted in, um, 2 weeks? Maybe 3? Oh dear. I'll be sore tomorrow, for sure. (yay)

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.21 @ 9:34/mi
For one thing, had to do this in the middle of the day. UGH. It's HOT. I could have done t'mill, but decided nope, tough it out. I thought two loops of the 5k cross-country course would be a nice change of pace, but by the end of the first 5k I said nope to that too. I meandered around the campus roads to hit 10k and boy was I doneeeee by the end of it. Ugh.
But at least it's pretty.
Planned: bike?
Did: nothing
Work computer stuff, meetings, weather... just ugh.

Planned: run
Did: 4.04 mi @ 8:21/mi
Ran with Scott this morning at work - really nice weather and always a good push of the pace when we run together.

Planned: yoga
Did: nothing

Planned: ?
Did: 22.5 mi bike ride
Got in a solo ride on the road bike in the early afternoon, but was on the edge of some thunderstorms that made me a bit nervous so I didn't go as far as I wanted. Still, happy to get over 20 miles and I avoided the rain.

Planned: ?
Did: 10.04 mi @ 9:08/mi avg w/ stroller
Man, I needed this run today. Headed out with little man in the stroller (parked at Furman) on the Swamp rabbit, went up for 3, back for 3, then spent the next 4 looping through campus. My overall average doesn't show it, but I was clocking sub-9s for almost every mile up to the last 2 where I walked a few times (hills, etc.) and was getting tired / needed food. Fastest mile was a 8:20, and had a couple of others in the 8:20-8:40 range. I felt it, but it felt good.

Week ending thoughts: Well, not as much of a "back on track" as I had hoped, but still an ok week. Work is just so chaotic these days that my chances of getting my lunch workout in is questionable at best. I love the early morning workouts so that I don't have to worry about it later on, but those just aren't always feasible. Like bike riding... I won't do that before the sun comes up. Anyway, we'll see what the next week holds. I still have nothing on the training calendar, which is a little de-motivating, but I know I feel better with consistency, so that in itself provides some motivation.

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