Monday, April 10, 2017

Cradle to Grave 30k Training - 6 Weeks to go

This was a good week overall. There were a few hiccups (working from home one day) but I feel really good about the work I put in. Looking forward to another solid week, and need to start upping my weekend run mileage if I'm going to tackle 18 miles in a month! 😲

Oh, another accomplishment... hit 10,000 steps every day this week!
Plan: strength training, 10,000 steps
Did: 1.75mi treadmill + 48min weights
I'm participating in a Wellness Challenge for the month of April with my mamas group, so I'm adding in little bits here and there to boost my "score" - you earn points for various things related to wellness and track daily in a shared spreadsheet. Fitness is tracked as 45+ mins of weight training or fitness classes, 30+ mins of cardio, or 15 mins of "other" exercise. I lengthened my treadmill warm-up to hit the 15 min "other" mark, and then extended the time I usually spend lifting from 35-40 mins to over 45 minutes of weight lifting. I got to add in some exercises for muscle groups I don't usually hit with my typical routine, so I was really happy about that! Plus the added miles on Monday will help in my overall 30k training goal.

3x 8-10 reps
bench press (65lb)
deadlift (40lb)
squat (75lb)
pull-up (30lb assist)
tri-dip (30lb assist)
cable tri pulldown (40lb)
goblet squat (40lb)
hammer curl (16lb dumbbell)
overhead press (2x16lb dumbbell)
side-step w/ resistance band
rotator cuff standing rotation (4lb dumbbell)
bicep extension (4lb dumbbell)
hamstring curl machine (30lb)
quad extension machine (30lb)
straight arm forward raise & side raise (2x6lb dumbbells)
calf extension (55lb)
plank: held 90 seconds

Plan: 10k Tuesday, 10,000 steps
Did: 6.26mi @ 9:30/mi
Looks like ~4 hours of sleep plus getting a late start and hence being hungry made for a slog of a run. And it was in the 80s! Bleh. But 10k Tuesday isn't optional, so it was done. The end.

Plan: run of somesort?
Did: P90X Kenpo + "14 Minute Workout" at home
Little Man is still sick, so I stayed home with him, plus there were severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings all day which meant we were stuck inside. YUCK. But I made the best of it and got in a solid P90X Kenpo workout (basically kickboxing) plus a little "14 Minute Workout" circuit that a friend shared.
The routine:
1 min high knees
1 min side plank (each side)
1 min squats
1 min jumping jacks
1 min hip raise
1 min mtn climbers
1 min elbow plank
The original workout called for just one side plank per round, then switch to the other on the second time through but of course I have to be an overachiever and I did both sides each time through. So technically it was a "16 Minute Workout" for me. 😜

Plan: bike ride 
Did: 6x hill repeats + "14 Minute Workout"
Back at work today, and our planned Ladies' Ride got blown away (literally) by the 25mph winds. I looked at my weekly mileage total so far and was displeased, so I headed out for a run and decided on hill repeats. It was not as smooth of a workout as I'd hoped due to lots of little things that cropped up (late start, wind, dogs, bug in my eye, etc.) but I got it done and it was hard. Guess that means I did it right?
Heartrate = also looks like hills!
Splits. Not too shabby!
Looks like my hill paces were between 6:30-7:20. Pretty pleased with that pace, even though it looks like they were a piddly little 25-45ft elevation gain!

Finished up when I got back to the gym with the 14 Minute Workout (see above) except I only did one side plank per round (as the original workout is supposed to be done). Ooof this workout is tough to do 2 days in a row. Hoping that adding little things like that in a few days a week will help build more core strength.

Plan: yoga
Did: yoga
Needed this!

Plan: run
Did: 8.26mi @ 9:18/mi stroller run
Took D out in the stroller on the Swamp Rabbit with a loop around the Furman lake & through campus. Had hoped for closer to 10 miles, but little man slept until after 8:30 so we got a late start! Was a beautiful day for a run, and felt great throughout.

Plan: ?
Did: group bike ride, 26.8mi @ 14.5mph
Scott forwarded me an email notice about a group ride hosted by Trek Travel that was leaving from Hotel Domestique on Sunday afternoon and went up the watershed to Saluda. Seemed like a great opportunity, so I signed up! Along with the guided ride, we got a goodie bag and pre-, during-, and post-ride snacks. It was great fun, and there were about 40 riders. Beautiful sunny afternoon, and felt great climbing up the long climb to Saluda.
Biiiiiig hill.
It was a challenging ride but I was really happy with how I was able to climb especially since I haven't done much bike riding lately.
State Line selfie!

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