Monday, April 24, 2017

Cradle to Grave 30k Training - 4 Weeks to go

Week Recap:
I feel good reaching the 15-mile mark in my long run. I'm now much less concerned about the race distance in a few weeks! Still need to keep up the momentum, but I'm feeling good.

Weekly steps: Had a few days that required dancing around while brushing my teeth before bed to get in the last necessary steps, but the streak is still going! I also set a personal record on Saturday... between running 15 miles in the morning and walking all around Charlotte in the afternoon, I got over 43,000!

Planned: strength training
Did: 1 mi treadmill + strength training

Another good session today. Started out with a mile on the treadmill for a warm-up, and my hips/back still feels stiff. Need to be diligent about the stretching exercises for it, and my side-steps with resistance band apparently needs to be intensified to strengthen the hip adductor/abductor muscles.

Did my lifting intermittently while watching Boston Marathon footage on the gym TV. 3 sets of 8-12 reps each.

pull-up (30lb assist)
tri dips (30lb assist)
deadlift (40lb dumbbell)
seated chest press (60lb)
squat press (55lb)
calf raise (55lb)
curl (18lb dumbbell)
OH press (18lb dumbbell)
quad extension (40lb)
hamstring curl (40lb)
goblet squat (40lb dumbbell)
rotator cuff (6lb dumbbells)
extended bicep curls (6lb dumbbells)
resistance band side-step
OH tri press (25lb dumbbell)
one-arm row (25lb dumbbell)

Finished with 20x heels-to-heaven, mason twist, and med ball toe-touches.

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.33 mi @ 9:00/mi 
I did the first 3.2 mi on the treadmill indoors, due to the rain. I considered doing the whole run on the tready as a progression run, but after a few miles my brain was thinking "Ugh. SIX." so I headed outdoors for the final 3. Turned out to be a lovely run, nice cool temps and a teeny sprinkling of rain that was nice and refreshing.

Planned: bike ride
Did: 5 x 400 at 5k pace treadmill intervals
The rain pooped on our bike ride again today. Grrrr. So I ended up on the hamster wheel in the gym this afternoon and decided on quarter-mile intervals at 5k pace. Warmed up with 0.75mi at an easy pace, then alternated quarter mile speed (7:00/mi) with quarter mile recovery (9:30/mi), then cooled down to round out 3.5 miles.

Planned: speedwork run
Did: 14.4 mi bike ride
Today's weather was much nicer, so I brought my bike and was able to get out at lunch for a very nice solo road ride. Did the Sherman College loop, felt good though maybe a bit sluggish... this cough/phlegmy yuckiness really just needs to go away because it's keeping me awake at night. The past two nights I've woken up and had a coughing fit around 3am. Blergh. Anyway, I still managed an average 15.3 mph speed, so that was good. Plus, ahhhhh sunshine :)

Planned: yoga
Did: nothing
I could have used the yoga today, but work meetings got in the way. I did take a couple of short walks at work due to the super nice weather.

Planned: Paris Mountain run + extra miles (13-15 mi)
Did: Exactly as planned, 15.07 mi @ 9:25/mi
This run went exactly as planned. Crazy awesome! I woke up early (for a weekend) to get this run done before we left town to visit my folks. Left the house as soon as the sun was up enough for me to feel comfortable running without a light/reflective vest (~6:45am). My plan was to run Altamont Road up to the top of Paris Mountain then come back down to the Swamp Rabbit and tack on as many miles as I could in the time I had remaining. The run up Altamont was beautiful in the early morning light, and mostly quiet. I had to walk a few times, but I felt good going up and enjoyed the views.

Total of 25:41 for the ascent. Definitely not my fastest. 
The swamp rabbit miles and the rest of the run back to my house were a pretty decent pace considering I haven't run this kind of distance in a long time! Mostly mid- to upper-8s and low to mid-9s. I felt good through the entire run, though I think I need some different socks because the bottoms of my forefoot started getting sore/blister-y feeling towards the end. I didn't end up with any blisters, but it definitely doesn't feel awesome. 
Oh, hello hill!

Planned: nothing?
Did: nothing
A car trip + rain rain rain meant another rest day. After all the walking and running from Saturday, though, I don't really think I missed out on anything critical. Plus, these allergies are kicking my butt! Ugh, go away.

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