Sunday, January 22, 2017

GHS Swamp Rabbit Half training - Week 7 of 12

"Whoaaaaa we're (over) halfway there... " 🎡

Miles run this week: 33.3mi (highest weekly total yet!)

Fitbit's got me working on my daily steps. I've decided my daily Fitbit goals are 2-tiered:
Baseline: 10,000 steps daily
Target: complete steps before noon each day

Monday - MLK Holiday
10,000 steps before noon - done (11:39 a.m.)
5.2 mile run
Today is a holiday at work, but daycare is still open. This rare treat happens only 3 times each year (MLK Day, Good Friday, and Christmas Eve observed), so typically Scott and I will take the opportunity to do something active together, either mountain biking or road biking, and then will do something involving beer - exploring some new breweries or visiting some old favorites. Today, however, I was unfortunately interested in neither because
1) I had a challenging mountain bike ride yesterday with the Upstate SORBA ladies, and
2) Saturday night we had a "date night" at home and I over-indulged in some beverages 🍺🍺🍺
I waffled around the house for a while this morning trying to get my butt in gear and motivated to do something... anything. Finally I decided to run the Green Valley out-and-back route, a good 5-miler from the house, some nice hills, and a route I don't get to do when I'm stroller running. I told myself I could walk if I wanted to, pace didn't matter... just get out and do it. So I did, and I didn't walk at all! It wasn't a fast run by any stretch (9:45 avg pace) but I'm glad I did it.

Tuesday - #10kTuesday
10,000 steps before noon missed by 15 minutes! 
#10kTuesday run
This was the run I've been missing! Went out with the "just run whatever" plan and ended up with 8:22/mi average pace for the full run. I felt good and steady throughout but enough like I was pushing myself that I knew my pace was pretty good. I joined up with a friend by chance for mile 4 which was a nice distraction, and ran with him until my turn-around point to come back for the final mile. Great run!
Mile Splits (and 0.2 last split) on point!
Wednesday - XT
bike ride w/ Megan
10,000 steps before noon
I can't get over how gorgeous the weather is today! I rode in just shorts and short sleeves and felt great. Megan and I did the USC Upstate loop (which was busy busy due to riding through right at class change - oops!) and then finished with the hill loop. It was tough to do the hill at the end instead of the beginning like usual. Total 10.5 miles at average 14.3 mph.

Thursday - #speedworkThursday
10,000 steps before noon missed by just a little bit again
8x400 @ 5k pace
Man, this was a tough run. I did not fuel properly and speed was harrrddd. I'd originally planned to just slog these out on the dreadmill so that at least I didn't have to put much thought into it (just "don't fall off") but because it was unfathomably gorgeous outside once again (like yesterday but slightly cooler - perfect!) I couldn't pass up running outside. I had to manually press my lap timer for every segment, which required far more brain power and attention than I was wanting to pay to every 10th of a mile. Still, I hit target pace (I consider anything under 7:20 to be "5k pace") for 6 out of 8 intervals, and the other 2 weren't terribly far off. Not pleased with how difficult this run was, but the results are there so I'll take it. Hoping for good stuff at Saturday's 5k race!

Friday - yoga  rest
10,000 steps  7,000 steps
Little Man woke up with a fever, so I stayed home from work with him, hence no yoga. We took a short walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon but it was a nice quiet day.

Saturday - race day
10,000 steps before noon - check!
Greenville News Run Downtown 5k

Sunday - long run
12mi neighborhood stroller run
10,000 steps before noon - check!
I figured this would be a slow run, but man, I didn't anticipate how tired my legs would be from yesterday's race! Still, I was determined to get the miles done. I headed out with D in the stroller right about 9am. We ran from the house because I didn't feel like packing us up in the car and driving 5 minutes away. Plus the Swamp Rabbit trail sounded boring to me today. So, I traded for the convenience and difficulty of running in the neighborhood - it's hilly! We went up and down side streets and did loops around and around, climbing a total of 1,700ft throughout the 11.75 miles. It was hard and we walked a lot of the uphills, but felt good to get the mileage in. Woohoo!

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