Sunday, May 19, 2024

10 Weeks til Utah

2.7 mi run with pup
Early miles after dropping off D at school. Went for a section a bit farther north just to change things up a bit. Ivy did so great!
There was another dog wayyyyyy across the park.

2.5 mi 20# ruck with pup
Lunchtime ruck in the neighborhood, took the pup out again. Gotta get her (and myself) accustomed to the summer heat, but trying to do it gently! She gets tired quickly when it's warm out. 
Love this patch 😁

6.47 mi @ 8:21/mi #10kTuesday
Ran with the early downtown crew and did a few speedy pushes on a loop around Unity Park towards the end. More of a fartlek style, just faster than normal pace for some arbitrary distance. Felt great!

1 mi Wellness Walk
Event at work with the Wellness Network group, walked about a mile around the ponds on campus. Temperatures starting to climb!

25 min strength
Hit the gym at the end of the day, not as long as I'd hoped to work out but better than nothing.

4.3 mi with 10x River Bend hill repeats
Intentionally waited until the late afternoon hottest part of the day to suffer through these. Trying to force myself to adapt to the heat AND get some elevation. Trotted easy out to the back of the neighborhood then did 10 repeats of the hill up River Bend Rd. 
Each repeat was about 0.15 miles and climbed 60ft. 
I managed to do them all at about 65 seconds +/- 2-3 seconds, pushed hard for the 9th repeat and got it at 58 seconds, then kinda phoned it in on the very last one and ended at 72 seconds.
Overall felt really good about this one, and man it was tough!

6.6 mi bike ride to ice cream
To celebrate the last day of school, we took a family bike ride up the swamp rabbit trail after dinner to get ice cream. Fun way to spend the long evening daylight hours!

7.14 mi @ 8:24/mi 
Steady 7-miler with the downtown crew this morning. Definitely getting to where the early hours aren't even comfortable temps anymore! Whew. Good start to the day though. 

2.1 mi @ 8:44/mi run 
While finishing up a workday and packing for the weekend camping trip, got in a couple miles for heat adaptation training.

1 mi ruck (20#) hike on the AT with pup
En route to camping, stopped where the AT crosses Hwy 74 at Dick's Creek Gap to do a quick 30 minutes with the pup on trail. It was quite a little climb from the highway, so the return trip was nicely downhill. 

6.04 mi trail run
Ran the Purple Trail at Jackrabbit campground (the hard trail!). Was hoping for a lot longer & doing more trails than this, but rapidly-approaching thunderstorms pushed me off the trail after about an hour. Only got sprinkled on a bit right as I made it back to the campsite, then the bottom let out and boy was it a wild storm for quite some time!

3 mi hike
Once the rain finally cleared, we took a big group hike on the Jackrabbit Mountain trail. Had 3 kids, 5 dogs, and 2 adults along for the trek. A relaxing afternoon in the woods!

3.5 mi trail run
Ran the same loop that we hiked the day before, but with a small additional side trail. 

Trillium! :)

11.4 mi mountain bike ride
At last, got to get out on the bikes! Took a big group ride with kiddos and had a great time. 
Jason giving the youngsters some life lessons

"Grown-ups" ?


Overall a pretty great and active week!

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