Monday, October 30, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training: Week 6 of 10

Ok, feeling more normal this week than I thought I would after the 100k last weekend... kind of crazy!!

Planned: 1.5 mi sandbag ruck
Did: 1.04 mi @ 10:55/mi run + 1.26 mi pup walk
Took it easy today to allow for recovery from the weekend. Felt surprisingly good on the short run though! Knees and ankles and achilles complaining a bit, but nothing too bad. 

ALSO! Today is the 5 year anniversary of my #10kTuesday streak!! How wild is that. 

Planned: Ruck PT = bear crawl around a soccer field
Did: 6.31 mi @ 9:53/mi avg + 3.14 mi ruck (with 0.2 mi bear crawl)
Back on the #10kTuesday train and again, took it slow and easy, but felt pretty darn good/normal! Definitely skipped the track speed workout though. 
At lunch, rucked around the 5k cross-country course and spent a 0.2 mile section in the middle bear crawling along the trail. That was much harder than I expected! 

Planned: 6 mi ruck with a 40 situp/40 pushup buy-in
Did: 1.04 mi run @ 9:35/mi + 4.7 mi ruck @ 15:55/mi + 40 push-ups/40 sit-ups
Went out at the end of the day on the Swamp Rabbit Trail (after doing the pushups/situps at home) and got the 1 mile run done before setting out with the ruck. The plan said 6 miles but I ran short on time plus did ruck miles Tuesday when I didn't have any on the schedule, so I justified cutting it a bit short today. 
Fall on the trail 🤩

Planned: rest
Did: 5.5 mi @ 8:55/mi avg
Got to run the Lakeview Lollipop route with visiting running bestie! Such a treat to share this early morning run with her. 💜

Planned: Super Sucky Sandbag Ruck
Did: 1.3 mi @ 9:54/mi run + 1.7 mi sandbag ruck workout
Early morning neighborhood loop to get the run knocked out. 
Lunchtime sandbag ruck workout and boy was this one a challenge. The workout: 40 mins, 1 min rotation of suitcase carry right hand, suitcase carry left hand, front cradle carry, shoulder carry - all with the 40 lb sandbag + 20 lb pack. Took breaks every 3 complete rotations (12 mins). Hands were super rough after holding the bag handles even with gloves on!

Planned: 10-ish mile ruck?
Did: 8 mi ruck @ 16:10/mi + 1.1 mi @ 8:40/mi run
Cut the morning ruck to 8 miles instead of 10 because, well, I didn't feel like doing 10 and I was running short on time to watch the Spinx marathon finishers go by. Also I was hungry. (excuses, excuses)
Did a 1 mile run after I got home.
Fall colors are amazing!

There was a chicken on the boardwalk. 

Post-ruck coffee 

Planned: rest
Did: 3.13 mi @ 8:29/mi run
Got a late afternoon run around the neighborhood, felt great and made it a little speedy.

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