Monday, October 9, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training - Week 3 of 10

Week 3 let's goooooo

Planned: 1/2 mi ruck with jerry cans
Did: 2.02 mi run @ 9:29/mi avg + 1/2 mi ruck w/ 2 20# sandbag farmers carry
Did an easy 2 miler on the SRT after morning school drop-off. Midday, I did a walk around the block in the neighborhood while wearing the 20lb pack and carrying a 20lb sandbag in each hand. Oh my goodness what a test of grip strength. I had to take breaks every 40 paces or so. 

Planned: PT + 1 mi ruck
Did: PT + 1.7 mi ruck (16:45/mi avg) + 6.4 mi run
At lunchtime did the prescribed PT workout for the day: 40 get up/get downs + 3 min accumulated 6" hold with ruck held overhead. 
Decided to do this out on the Wellness Trail at work at one of the workout stations. Took a total of 11 minutes, with about 5:30 overall time to accumulate 3 min 6" hold. After that was done, rucked the perimeter loop back to the car at a pretty decent pace.
After work, ran #10kTuesday Part 1 on the rail trail out-and-back, then ran Part 2 with the Rockers Run Club on their Pink Run night. 

Run Club wears pink!

Planned: 4 mi wet ruck
Did: 1 mi run @ 9:00/mi + 4 mi ruck (17:46/mi avg)
Ran a mile early in the day with a plan to do the rucking activity midday. Total lost control of the day and ended up doing the ruck in the evening - first mile with kiddo and pup, then finished last 3 in the dark after everyone went to bed. 

Dark Ruckin'

Planned: rest
Did: 4.78 mi run @ 8:01/mi 
Ran the USC Upstate loop without any extra today... not quite as speedy as the previous week, but still a darn good pace I would say!

Planned: sandbag carry 1/2 mile
Did: 20 min ruck strength + 1.6 mi run @ 8:45/mi 
Had to get creative with a workout since I still don't have an actual sandbag I can sling over my shoulder and throw around. Made up a pretty good workout to do in the work gym:
2x through:
100m bear crawl sandbag drag
20x 44# heavy bag squat
20x pushups with 20# pack
100m walking lunges with 20# pack
20x 15# med ball over the shoulder drop
20x situps with 20# pack

Afterwards, went for a perimeter loop on the cross-country trails to get in my run mile. 

Planned: 8 mi ruck
Did: 3.2 mi run @ 8:34/mi + 8.23 mi ruck @ 16:39/mi 
Traded a longer morning run for extra sleep after an exhausting week. Still got out for a few early miles around Furman and enjoyed the sunrise over Swan Lake.

D had an early soccer game, so I made the plan that I would ruck home afterwards. I made my way from the soccer field onto the Swamp Rabbit Trail in TR, turned north for a bit to get enough extra miles, and then headed back towards home. Opted for a hillier route (through Green Valley) to avoid some heavier road traffic. Was tough but I'm pleased with my overall pace considering the difficulty!

Hints of fall 

Planned: rest
Did: 2.4 mi pup walk + 1.5 mi run @ 8:51/mi + 60 min hot Vinyasa @ SoulYoga
Midday pup walk on the horse park trails was lovely - crunchy leaves! 🤩

In the later afternoon, headed down to Soul Yoga for Vinyasa class. Had time before to do a short run loop around Unity park. What beautiful sunshine! So many people out at the park. 

Vinyasa class was excellent as always - feels good to stretch out once a week! Probably should do it more.

Week totals
20 miles running
14.4 miles rucking

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