Monday, October 30, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training: Week 6 of 10

Ok, feeling more normal this week than I thought I would after the 100k last weekend... kind of crazy!!

Planned: 1.5 mi sandbag ruck
Did: 1.04 mi @ 10:55/mi run + 1.26 mi pup walk
Took it easy today to allow for recovery from the weekend. Felt surprisingly good on the short run though! Knees and ankles and achilles complaining a bit, but nothing too bad. 

ALSO! Today is the 5 year anniversary of my #10kTuesday streak!! How wild is that. 

Planned: Ruck PT = bear crawl around a soccer field
Did: 6.31 mi @ 9:53/mi avg + 3.14 mi ruck (with 0.2 mi bear crawl)
Back on the #10kTuesday train and again, took it slow and easy, but felt pretty darn good/normal! Definitely skipped the track speed workout though. 
At lunch, rucked around the 5k cross-country course and spent a 0.2 mile section in the middle bear crawling along the trail. That was much harder than I expected! 

Planned: 6 mi ruck with a 40 situp/40 pushup buy-in
Did: 1.04 mi run @ 9:35/mi + 4.7 mi ruck @ 15:55/mi + 40 push-ups/40 sit-ups
Went out at the end of the day on the Swamp Rabbit Trail (after doing the pushups/situps at home) and got the 1 mile run done before setting out with the ruck. The plan said 6 miles but I ran short on time plus did ruck miles Tuesday when I didn't have any on the schedule, so I justified cutting it a bit short today. 
Fall on the trail 🤩

Planned: rest
Did: 5.5 mi @ 8:55/mi avg
Got to run the Lakeview Lollipop route with visiting running bestie! Such a treat to share this early morning run with her. 💜

Planned: Super Sucky Sandbag Ruck
Did: 1.3 mi @ 9:54/mi run + 1.7 mi sandbag ruck workout
Early morning neighborhood loop to get the run knocked out. 
Lunchtime sandbag ruck workout and boy was this one a challenge. The workout: 40 mins, 1 min rotation of suitcase carry right hand, suitcase carry left hand, front cradle carry, shoulder carry - all with the 40 lb sandbag + 20 lb pack. Took breaks every 3 complete rotations (12 mins). Hands were super rough after holding the bag handles even with gloves on!

Planned: 10-ish mile ruck?
Did: 8 mi ruck @ 16:10/mi + 1.1 mi @ 8:40/mi run
Cut the morning ruck to 8 miles instead of 10 because, well, I didn't feel like doing 10 and I was running short on time to watch the Spinx marathon finishers go by. Also I was hungry. (excuses, excuses)
Did a 1 mile run after I got home.
Fall colors are amazing!

There was a chicken on the boardwalk. 

Post-ruck coffee 

Planned: rest
Did: 3.13 mi @ 8:29/mi run
Got a late afternoon run around the neighborhood, felt great and made it a little speedy.

Monday, October 23, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training - Weeks 4&5 of 10 (summary)

Whoops, got a little behind on weekly blogging!

Honestly don't have time to catch up on the daily blogs, but I've been following the plan for the most part. Missed one weekend of long distance ruck due to a camping trip, and another due to a little 100k run. I finally invested in an actual workout sandbag, which was excellent for carrying around the neighborhood. Here's some pics from the past couple of weeks...

Ran to soccer practice one evening


Night ruck/dog-walk

Morning run Paris Mtn. views

Camping ruck w/ pup and kiddo

Hey look, I can still ride a bike!

Fall colors!

Sandbag = 40 lbs

Ruckin' with the sandbag

Early morning rain run

Running trail loops for 30 hours

Trail sunrise

Race Report: Sadlers Creek Stumble 30 Hour Ultra

I'm a few weeks behind on regular weekly blogging, but wanted to get my thoughts down on this event from last weekend!

I signed up for this event somewhat spontaneously.. I've had a nagging desire to do one of these 24hr+ ultra events and wasn't sure when or how to go about it. I signed up with the thought that I could really do whatever I wanted (run just one lap? sure why not!) and just kind of see what the event was all about without really setting any big goals or targets. It also offered an opportunity for family camping in perfect fall weather, plus there was a biking event on Sunday afternoon (which ended up getting cancelled at the last minute). I also planned to use it as a test of "what does my body do on very little sleep for extended endurance events" in preparation for the 12-hour overnight ruck event in December. 

The race format was a 6.5-mile loop on mostly trails and 30 hours to complete as many loops as you can. 

I rolled up to the start line without having trained on trails or big running miles in quite some time, but of course I had to set SOME kind of goals. 

Baseline goal: complete 50k+ (achieve longest event distance / longest 24-hr distance) 
Stretch goal: complete 100k (personal distance record)

My plan to complete the 100k was to approach it in a similar fashion as the Yeti 24hr Ultra challenge that I've done in the past... do a set mileage (in this case 1 loop) at specific intervals, and rest in between each time for however much time I have. The goal was to start 1 loop every 3 hours. Luckily my campsite was just past the start/finish area, so I ended up completing the first 0.2 miles of each loop immediately after the prior loop, then I would begin my rest period. 

Course map: purple arrow is where my campsite was (course runs clockwise)

So, showed up Friday night in time to set up camp and hang out for a while at the lakeside bonfire. At one point they had everyone go around and say who they were, what event they were doing/what their goals were, and share anything else they wanted to about their ultrarunning experience. There are some people who have accomplished incredible things!

Campsite at sundown

Moon reflected over the water

Got to bed at a decent time but overnight the wind was crazy! Kept having acorns fall on the tent/car and the rain fly whipping against the sides of my tent which meant very broken sleep through the night. Finally died down in the early morning hours and got a bit more sleep as the sun rose. The race started at 9am so I was able to have a leisurely morning getting up, getting food, and preparing for the day (and night and following day) ahead. 

At the start, ready to do some running!

It was chilly in the morning and still a bit breezy. I layered up but quickly realized the sun meant I would warm up easily. After some brief verbal instructions, just after 9am, we were off!

Maybe asleep

I ran most of the first loop at an easy pace, trying to keep the excitement under control and walk anything that felt remotely like exertion. It was SO difficult to not run hard, especially since some of the others running were doing a marathon distance (*only* 4 laps... which is so odd to say) so they were pushing much harder/faster. 

Finished the first lap in 1:16 and really felt like I wanted to keep going for another loop, but forced myself to go back to camp and relax. I ended up snoozing a bit in my hammock, which felt nice.

At noon, I set off for lap #2. Again, felt quite nice though the temps had warmed significantly in the sunshine. A bit slower (10-ish mins) than the first loop, but still ran a good portion of it. Laps 3 and 4 passed in similar fashion, felt good but not difficult. I forgot to grab my headlamp before I set out on Loop 4 at about 5:45ish... I started it a little earlier than the planned 6pm time to try to get in another full loop before dark. 

Did my best to snack a lot in between each loop to maintain calories. 

Sunshine on the trail

Clear sky and trees and dirt! 💚

Feeling good, but warmed up for sure!

Chasing the sunset on the last loop before dark

After that, darkness settled in and things got very slow and challenging. I started the 9pm loop and realized just how dark the trails were and how tired I was. Decided to do 2 back-to-back loops with the goal of having a longer block of sleep... which kind of worked-ish. Was motivated by the fact that Loop 5 brought me to the 50k mark, and my 6th loop took me over my personal distance PR!


Dark, dark woods. 

Walked most of the 9pm loop which took a little over 2 hours, then walk/easy jogged the next one. Finished close to 1am and got snuggled into my hammock for a snooze til the 3am loop. 

I woke up to my ~2:45am alarm and was shivering... SO cold, and the breeze had picked up again. The temperature wasn't really that bad (low 50s) but I bundled up with several layers to make sure I wasn't wasting any energy on shivering. The 3am loop was a slow slog, basically all walking, as well as the 6am loop... both were 2+ hours. But then... oh then, the sunrise started within the last couple miles of the 6am loop, and it brought new life and energy!

First light through the trees!

Gorgeous sunrise 😍

With the slow walking it was after 8am when I finished Lap 8, so I only had a brief time to lay down in the hammock before I was to start my 9am loop. After that point, everything turned into a blur of exhaustion and "just finish the thing". I was super energized for the second to last loop at 9am, and it ended up being my second fastest lap of the entire event! I think the realization that I was indeed going to reach my goal had me very motivated... however I used up a lot of energy and went a lot slower on the final loop (which I started early bc I just wanted to be done!). 

Finished the final lap around 1pm and was so glad to be done! I'd achieved what I wanted to achieve. 

Can definitely say I've found a new fondness of ultra running, and look forward to more events like this in the future!

Monday, October 9, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training - Week 3 of 10

Week 3 let's goooooo

Planned: 1/2 mi ruck with jerry cans
Did: 2.02 mi run @ 9:29/mi avg + 1/2 mi ruck w/ 2 20# sandbag farmers carry
Did an easy 2 miler on the SRT after morning school drop-off. Midday, I did a walk around the block in the neighborhood while wearing the 20lb pack and carrying a 20lb sandbag in each hand. Oh my goodness what a test of grip strength. I had to take breaks every 40 paces or so. 

Planned: PT + 1 mi ruck
Did: PT + 1.7 mi ruck (16:45/mi avg) + 6.4 mi run
At lunchtime did the prescribed PT workout for the day: 40 get up/get downs + 3 min accumulated 6" hold with ruck held overhead. 
Decided to do this out on the Wellness Trail at work at one of the workout stations. Took a total of 11 minutes, with about 5:30 overall time to accumulate 3 min 6" hold. After that was done, rucked the perimeter loop back to the car at a pretty decent pace.
After work, ran #10kTuesday Part 1 on the rail trail out-and-back, then ran Part 2 with the Rockers Run Club on their Pink Run night. 

Run Club wears pink!

Planned: 4 mi wet ruck
Did: 1 mi run @ 9:00/mi + 4 mi ruck (17:46/mi avg)
Ran a mile early in the day with a plan to do the rucking activity midday. Total lost control of the day and ended up doing the ruck in the evening - first mile with kiddo and pup, then finished last 3 in the dark after everyone went to bed. 

Dark Ruckin'

Planned: rest
Did: 4.78 mi run @ 8:01/mi 
Ran the USC Upstate loop without any extra today... not quite as speedy as the previous week, but still a darn good pace I would say!

Planned: sandbag carry 1/2 mile
Did: 20 min ruck strength + 1.6 mi run @ 8:45/mi 
Had to get creative with a workout since I still don't have an actual sandbag I can sling over my shoulder and throw around. Made up a pretty good workout to do in the work gym:
2x through:
100m bear crawl sandbag drag
20x 44# heavy bag squat
20x pushups with 20# pack
100m walking lunges with 20# pack
20x 15# med ball over the shoulder drop
20x situps with 20# pack

Afterwards, went for a perimeter loop on the cross-country trails to get in my run mile. 

Planned: 8 mi ruck
Did: 3.2 mi run @ 8:34/mi + 8.23 mi ruck @ 16:39/mi 
Traded a longer morning run for extra sleep after an exhausting week. Still got out for a few early miles around Furman and enjoyed the sunrise over Swan Lake.

D had an early soccer game, so I made the plan that I would ruck home afterwards. I made my way from the soccer field onto the Swamp Rabbit Trail in TR, turned north for a bit to get enough extra miles, and then headed back towards home. Opted for a hillier route (through Green Valley) to avoid some heavier road traffic. Was tough but I'm pleased with my overall pace considering the difficulty!

Hints of fall 

Planned: rest
Did: 2.4 mi pup walk + 1.5 mi run @ 8:51/mi + 60 min hot Vinyasa @ SoulYoga
Midday pup walk on the horse park trails was lovely - crunchy leaves! 🤩

In the later afternoon, headed down to Soul Yoga for Vinyasa class. Had time before to do a short run loop around Unity park. What beautiful sunshine! So many people out at the park. 

Vinyasa class was excellent as always - feels good to stretch out once a week! Probably should do it more.

Week totals
20 miles running
14.4 miles rucking