Monday, September 25, 2023

GORUCK Tough training - Week 1 of 11

So, on Wednesday I realized that instead of this being a gap week before starting my training plan, it's actually week 1. SO I had a little makeup work to do. Whoops!

Week 1

Planned: 1/2 mi ruck w/ 40# sandbag
Did: 1.1 mi run + 3.5 mi ruck with workout stations
Did not actually realize my training plan was starting this week, so I didn't do the scheduled workout. I did still ruck though! Ran my quick morning mile around the neighborhood before heading to the office. At lunch, put on the 20lb. ruck pack and did 9 workout stations (pushups, angled pull-ups, walking lunges, get-up/get-downs, chin-ups, dead hang, sit-ups, squats, step-ups) and completed a perimeter loop on the cross-country trails. 

Planned: PT
Did: 6.26 mi @ 8:55/mi avg
Again, had not yet realized what was on the training plan (and that I was supposed to be doing it already) so ran a #10kTuesday loop around the neighborhood in the morning. Getting some gorgeously cool temps here in the early hours! Loving it!

Planned: 3 mi ruck
Did: 1.5 mi run @ 9:20/mi + 3.17 mi ruck @ 15:46/mi + 21 min ruck PT
Returned home from an overnight in Charlotte for a concert and had Scott drop me off a little ways from the house so I could run back to it and at least get that part knocked out. 


As I was then looking over my ruck training plan later in the morning, I realized this is week #1 and I had already missed some training - whoops! I'd planned to get out with the ruck anyway, plus my new shoes arrived and I wanted to test them out. So I strapped up and headed for a walk with a heavy backpack. Walked out the neighborhood and up to the equestrian park nearby, looped on the gravel and through some trails before heading home. Kept up a pretty good pace, close to a 15 min/mi when I was on paved roads at least!

New shoes for ruckin'

After lunch, I completed the ruck PT from Tuesday's plan as prescribed:
20 8-count man-makers
20 sit-ups
20 thrusters
20 4-count flutter kicks
> all the way through twice

Only took me 21 mins but WHEW that was hard. Did the man-makers on my knees for the push-up/row part. Wowza that was tough. 
Pinned under something heavy.

Planned: rest
Did: 5.01 mi @ 9:37/mi
Had intended to run with the early downtown group but was late, so ran solo from Unity park. Turned out to be a good thing since I was dealing with a side stitch (again, argh!) and had to go super slow to start off. Thankfully I felt better as I kept running and was able to get 5 miles total running through Cleveland Park and back. Beautiful cool morning!

My 20lb plate arrived today, too
(I'd been borrowing one)

Planned: PT ("Bear With Me")
Did: 1.13 mi @ 9:37/mi + "Bear With Me" workout
Got an early loop done in the neighborhood before heading to the office. 
Early morning in the neighborhood

Somebody demanded belly rubs upon my return

At the office after lunchtime, took the ruck out to the cross-country trails for the PT workout and completed as described:

10-yard Bear Crawl

20 Ruck Squats

10-yard Bear Crawl

20 push-ups

10-yard Bear Crawl

20 Ruck High Pulls

10-yard Bear Crawl

20 4-count flutter kicks

10-yard Bear Crawl

20 4-count mountain climber

10-yard Bear Crawl


It honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but Friday PT isn't supposed to be too tough. I considered hitting the gym weights afterwards but opted to just stick to the plan since it's only week 1. Took me about 20 mins to complete all the way through twice. I was thankful for my gloves on the grass/dirt outside!
And I do like my new shoes I got for rucking/light trail running

Planned: 6 mi ruck
Did: 6.13 mi @ 8:58/mi run + 6.08 mi ruck @ 16:38/mi 
Started off with the early crew from Swamp Rabbit Grocery for a short 6-mile easy run on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Kept a chill pace and enjoyed the dark cool morning! 
Train track bridge at dawn


Got back to the car and loaded up with the 20lb ruck for the next 6 mile adventure. My shoulders were already sore from Friday's workout (so much for being an "easy" day!) and man, these miles were HARD to get through. I pushed the pace as much as possible and just made myself keep moving with the idea that "the sooner I'm done, the sooner I can take this pack off". I also drew some motivation and inspiration knowing that Selection was ongoing, and one of the two remaining candidates was a female (more on this in an upcoming summary post about rucking and what the heck this is that I'm doing). 

Anyway, was able to finish the 6 miles in about 1:40, and oh man was it hard. I took one break at about the halfway point to sit on a rock and prop up the pack for a couple of minutes, but other than that I kept it moving. Feel pretty good getting that first "long" ruck done!

Planned: rest
Did: 60 min Vinyasa w/ Dena at SoulYoga + 1.9 mi @ 8:59/mi
Shoulders and quads/hip flexors are soreeeee. Took the first part of the day to rest, and got over to a nice stretchy yoga class at Soul Yoga in the late afternoon. Man that was needed! Lots of shoulder opening moves that felt great. Did a short run around Unity Park after the class just to get some recovery in the legs. 

Totals for the week:
23 mi run
12.75 mi rucking

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