Saturday, July 2, 2022


Well, there went a month and I didn't blog. I think not being on a specific training plan makes me less focused on exactly what I'm doing each day, kind of leave it up to whatever I feel like. Not saying it's a bad thing for anything other than blogging purposes! 

I've kept up with #10kTuesdays, usually at the track. Thursday morning runs, too. Getting to the gym at work once a week usually. Kept up with the bodyweight workouts but taking a couple weeks off just due to holidays and summer scheduling challenges. Been taking walks at Cleveland park several mornings after dropping D off at camp, too - those are quite pleasant.

Here's a big dump of workout selfies and random pics.

Took a bike ride with D and friends one weekend morning.

Post-walk selfie

The Big Dog Show

Voted in the primaries after a morning run

Work gym

Simpsonville Sunrise 8k

Conestee Run

From the last Pain Cave session...

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