Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Forgot again

😏 Ok, so I guess it's only Thursday so I didn't forget the whole week. 

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Did this one out on the porch = nice. But man this was tough! We held each posture for a loooooong time. Oof. 

Did: 6.94 mi @ 8:27/mi Track Tuesday
Hit the track with Matt & Chris, did 3x mile repeats (7:29, 7:40, 7:30) that weren't exactly fast but I definitely felt like I was working hard. I felt like I had no gas in the tank. Thankfully Matt & Chris had both done hard runs the day before so at least the warm up and cool down weren't super fast!

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Katie F
Good tough class as always!

Did: 5.44 mi @ 8:43/mi
Took a lovely cool overcast morning run through Green Valley. Felt good today!

Did: 5.96 mi @ 7:58/mi
Woooo fast run with the early downtown crew! Added an extra mile to the "Friday Five" route and while we started off with a nice calm pace the middle 2 miles were about 7:30/mi - guess that makes this a tempo?? LOL. I sure felt like I was working hard, but it was good to push because I know it'll make me stronger and faster in the end.

Did: nothing
Visiting family in Florida

Did: 5.24 mi @ 8:53/mi avg
Man, what a difference 20 degrees makes! Running in Florida in the humid 80s takes its toll. We ran from the cousins' house to the beach and I should have run extra, but totally pooped out. Oh well, something better than nothing!

No long run but still close to 24 miles for the week. I'll take it.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Maybe I'll remember this week?

 Actually only TUESDAY and I'm starting this so 🎉

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Karina
Lunchtime yoga and did it outside on the patio - so nice! 

Did: 7.07 mi @ 8:09/mi avg Track Tuesday
Wheeee track Tuesday back at it, with both Matt and Chris today. Beautiful temps and felt good and energetic today. 3x3x400 at 10k, 5k, and 1m progressive pace for each set of 3. 200 recover between each within the set, then 400 recovery between each set of 3. 

Set 1 (target 1:55 / 7:40/mi pace) - 2:00, 1:55, 1:53
Set 2 (target 1:45 / 7:00/mi pace) - 1:49, 1:47, 1:45
Set 3 (target 1:35 / 6:20/mi pace) - 1:38, 1:33, 1:36

Not too far off target paces, so I'll take it! Man that felt good.

Did: 3.22 mi @ 8:37/mi
Took the only free half hour of my day to get in a quick few miles around the neighborhood in the afternoon. It was pretty warm by the time I got out, but glad to get something!

Did: 5.28 mi @ 8:19/mi
Ran home from dropping D off at school this morning and it was so nice to run in the early morning dawn hours. I made an effort to push the pace on the section while I was on the Swamp Rabbit trail (kind of like tempo miles?) - didn't really have a goal but Strava says I did pretty well with that rough concept:

Did: nothing
Crazy busy day. Exhausted!

Did: 8.5 mi @ 9:11/mi avg
Waited alllll morning for the rain to let up enough to get me out the door, finally got out around 12:45pm. It was still sprinkling and the rain just saps my energy, so I felt really slow and sluggish even though my pace actually turned out to be pretty good. Didn't have time for the distance I wanted but was good enough.

Did: 60 min Soul Sculpt w/ Eleanor + 3.5 mi hike 
Since I missed my sculpt class this week I decided to do Sculpt on Sunday. It was a great class and I really liked the instructor! Felt good to sweat. 
In the afternoon, we met D's friend at Paris Mountain and hiked Sulphur Springs in the opposite direction as last weekend. It was a tough little climb and we got caught in the rain on the way back to the car, but nice to get out on a mostly rained-out weekend!

A hair over 24 miles for the week when I felt like it was a pretty low-mileage effort seems good to me! Shows that the short runs when I'm "just getting in what I can" really do make a difference. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Uh, I forgot another week.

 Yep, forgot yet another week of blogging... yikes. 🙈

Did: 30 min power flow
I don't remember why I only did half of this class. I think the power went out and disrupted our internet connection for about 20 minutes. 

Did: 6.3 mi @ 8:19/mi
Slept through the alarm for track Tuesday in the morning (maybe intentionally since it was supposed to be storming) so ran in the neighborhood in the afternoon. Had a really fabulous and fast run! 

Did: 3.04 mi @ 9:09/mi + 60 min Soul Sculpt
Went for an "easy" run while on a conference call, ended up being pretty decent pace despite trying to pay attention.

Followed with a sculpt class at noon which was tough as always but felt great. 

Did: 4.31 mi @ 8:54/mi
Ran in the neighborhood, don't remember much about the run but seems like it was good. I know I was pressed for time and got back just in time for a conference call. Also, it was much warmer than I'd anticipated.
Ready for conference calls!

Did: 60 min Power Flow w/ Jessica
Friday lunch class = 🙏

Did: 11.06 mi @ 9:20/mi
Yessssss long run 🙌 I've been stuck in the 8-9 mile range for weeks and it felt so good to go above and beyond 10 miles today. I took it steady, not slow, just steady, and it was a great run. I also ate breakfast before I ran which I think made a big difference. 

Did: 5.45 mi hike w/ D
We kept it local and went to Paris Mountain (D's choice) for our Sunday morning hike. Started at Shelter 5&6, up Sulphur Springs to Brissy > Kanuga > Firetower > down hiker-only Sulphur Springs. Great time, only a few attitude issues from little D, but ended up having another great morning in the woods together. 💚