Monday, August 19, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 2 of 14)

Week 2
- 6+8 weekend runs
- 30 mpw
- mountain bike Sunday

Planned: strength
Did: 44 mins strength

Planned: Track Tuesday
Did: 5x1000m track, 6.32 mi @ 8:28/mi

Planned: run ~6 mi
Did: 6.20 mi @ 8:37/mi

Planned: bike
Did: 40 mins stationary bike + 50 pushups

Planned: trail run
Did: 4.01 mi trails at work
Ugh it was like 100 degrees.

Planned: road run 6-8mi
Did: 7.8 mi @ 8:17/mi
Fast run with downtown crew.

Planned: trail run + MTB
Did: 6.54 mi trail + 8.26 mi MTB
Solo run + biking with friends = happy Sunday. :)
Mud, waterfall, and early mornings in the rhododendron tunnels...

Week-ending thoughts:
30.87 miles for the week = goal MET! I do not enjoy running 3 days in a row, though... but I think that's going to have to happen on the weeks where I do my "split" long run weekends. I'll manage. It was a much easier mental week to just have shorter distances to plan, but I do miss having that long run to do.

Had little free time this week, so short on the words & details but... keeping track for accountability.


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