Friday, August 30, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 4 of 14)

Week 4 Goals
- Friday long run due to weekend travel
- 35 mpw

We're leaving for our family trip to Ireland this Friday, so we'll see if I even get to update this... maybe I'll publish it Friday before we go!

Planned: ~5 mi run
Did: 5.38 mi @ 8:47/mi + Big 5 stretching
My left calf muscle is sore, for some reason. I don't remember it hurting or being overly-taxed (especially compared to the right one) any time this weekend. Hmm. Anyway, went out for a lunch run on the trails at work - so nice out there today! Slight breeze, low humidity. Not super cool temps, but definitely cooler than it has been. And I remembered to stretch. 🙌

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 7.1 mi treadmill speedwork @ 8:00/mi
Scott traveling today so didn't get to do the morning track workout or group run, but it worked out fine since it's raining today anyway! Treadmill speedwork it is... and this was a GREAT workout. I felt amazing, like it wasn't even that hard for any of these intervals.
2x 1mi @ 10k pace = 7:35, 7:35
2x 1000m @ 5k pace = 6:58, 6:58
2x 600m @ 3k pace = 6:40, 6:35
2x 400m @ fast = 6:10, 6:00 (I think? I don't remember.)

Planned: trainer ride
Did: nothing

Planned: early group run or work run
Did: nothing

Planned: long run (10 mi?)
Did: 12.1 mi neighborhood run
Got out early before our vacation flight in the afternoon - knew I wanted some distance to tide me over through the next week since I didn't plan to run other than 10k Tuesday on vacation. I did loops through the neighborhood until the sun was solidly up, then continued on a loop through Green Valley to get in some more hills.

Weekly goal stats:
- Friday long run = check
- 35 mpw = nope

... and off we go! Back next Saturday. :)

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 3 of 14)

Week 3:
- 12 mi long run (plan for Sunday)
- 35 mpw
- 5k race Saturday a.m.

Planned: strength
Did: 30 min strength
I just couldn't muster the motivation for more than 30 minutes today.

Planned: Track Tuesday
Did: 3x3x400m progression, 6.39 mi @ 8:11/mi avg
Track Tuesday downtown! Low energy, so focused on short distances. 3 sets of 3x400m at progressively faster paces (10k, 5k, 1mi).
10k pace (target = 1:51) - 1:54, 1:47, 1:52
5k pace (target = 1:45) - 1:45, 1:46, 1:47
1M pace (target = 1:36) - 1:35, 1:36, 1:33

This Splits Calculator is pretty cool...

Planned: lunch trail run (~5 mi)
Did: 5.51 mi treadmill run
Just felt like getting the run over with first thing, so I went straight to the treadmill when I got to work this morning. Started off NOT feeling like doing much but ended up (as usually happens) feeling great and strong with some speedwork. Did a downward ladder at progressively faster intervals. My last 400 was around a 6:00/mi pace. Woo!

Planned: bike ride or gym
Did: walk

Planned: Friday Five?
Did: walk
I've had some twinge-y knee pain the past couple of days that is concerning to me, so I'm going to take it easy knowing I have some long miles to do tomorrow. Blergh. Not in the mood for injury, hopefully it's short-lived.

Planned: Michelin 5k + Freak Bike
Did: 1.11 mi warm-up, 3.15 mi race, 0.59 mi cool-down, 9.28 mi run, 14.16 mi bike ride
Yeah, it was a long day but MAN did it feel good!
First up was the Michelin 5k race. Race report here.
After that, I had to drop my car off in downtown Greenville so that it would be there for us after our night bike ride. The plan: park the car, run home. I wasn't totally excited about the prospect of a long run after a race, but I knew I needed the miles, and the hazy mist in the air actually made it nice to run. Once I got started, telling myself I could go as slow and easy as I wanted, just make the journey home, I felt great and enjoyed the 9+ miles of quiet time with my thoughts. It's as close to meditation as I get and man, it has been too long. I hadn't realized how mentally tiring the trails can be - having to pay attention to every footstep so I don't trip. It was nice to kind of set on auto-pilot and just run.
Made it home with no issue, clocked close to 9-minute miles most of the way, and felt pretty darn good when I got back.
Last event for the day: FREAK BIKE! The theme was Mad Max, which I have never seen or even heard of before, but I Googled for some costume inspiration and I think I did OK.
We had a great time - just riding along with friends, stopping for beers along the way, and ending with Mexican food downtown. It was a much later night than anticipated, but we had a lot of fun and it was worth it to just relax.

Planned: 12 mi trail run 
Did: rest

Week-ending thoughts:
Way short on mileage (~26 vs. planned 35) but mentally feeling much better now. Happy with the long run and the knee pain has basically gone. Didn't get on trails this week either. But oh I'm loving these cooler temperatures we're experiencing right now!

Race Report: Michelin 5k

I had to get to the race site early to give our our new team shirts, so my day started at 4:15 a.m. I arrived in plenty of time, gave out shirts to the folks who came by, and got over to the start area in time for a nice warm-up of just over a mile.

A few announcements and we were off! They changed the race course from the last time I'd done this race, which made it more similar to how it was ~5 years ago or so. I think the new-old course is less hilly than the one from the past few years, but there are still a couple of climbs that made it challenging.

In the weeks leading up to this race, I'd had some distant thoughts of maybe trying for a PR. I'd done a good, consistent amount of speed work in the past few weeks, though none quite gave me the confidence that I was in PR shape. I arrived at the race feeling unsure what the day would hold and figured I'd give it what I had. I needed to hold a sub-7 pace in order to have any hope. In past 5k attempts, I've rolled past the first mile around 7:20 so I've known early on whether I was in the right range or not.

The race course this year was basically an out-and-back with an extra side-loop on the return. The first mile is net downhill (or so it feels), so I tried not to get too excited when I passed the 1-mile mark at 6:58... not quite enough for a PR, but it wasn't out of reach yet... don't give up.

Making the turn-around and seeing how far ahead others were... knowing the paces of my teammates, I could tell I was running pretty well. Close to the halfway mark I passed one of my teammates that I know is usually MUCH faster than I am. Again, not getting my hopes up... mile 2 was my fastest. 6:55. Keep going.

The third mile I could feel myself hit an energy wall... but I also knew I was close to the end. Don't. Give. Up. I tried to push hard but also save enough for the final hill climb to the finish line - the hardest part of the course.

Finished and hit the stop button on Garmin... ugh, 13 seconds away from a PR. But definitely the closest I've come to beating it by a long shot, and my fastest 5k since having D (ahem, 4+ years ago). Still pretty proud of this result and I didn't even realize I was 5th female overall in a field of over 500 race participants!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 2 of 14)

Week 2
- 6+8 weekend runs
- 30 mpw
- mountain bike Sunday

Planned: strength
Did: 44 mins strength

Planned: Track Tuesday
Did: 5x1000m track, 6.32 mi @ 8:28/mi

Planned: run ~6 mi
Did: 6.20 mi @ 8:37/mi

Planned: bike
Did: 40 mins stationary bike + 50 pushups

Planned: trail run
Did: 4.01 mi trails at work
Ugh it was like 100 degrees.

Planned: road run 6-8mi
Did: 7.8 mi @ 8:17/mi
Fast run with downtown crew.

Planned: trail run + MTB
Did: 6.54 mi trail + 8.26 mi MTB
Solo run + biking with friends = happy Sunday. :)
Mud, waterfall, and early mornings in the rhododendron tunnels...

Week-ending thoughts:
30.87 miles for the week = goal MET! I do not enjoy running 3 days in a row, though... but I think that's going to have to happen on the weeks where I do my "split" long run weekends. I'll manage. It was a much easier mental week to just have shorter distances to plan, but I do miss having that long run to do.

Had little free time this week, so short on the words & details but... keeping track for accountability.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Cloudland Canyon 50k Training (Week 1 of 14)

Week beginning thoughts: Oh yes, here we go! Since I'm not really following a plan, I'm basically going to lay out my intentions at the beginning of each week and see where things go from there. I'm also going to do a 3-week tune-up for the 5k on Saturday 8/24. Something short-term to focus on, but also keeping the long-term goal in view.

Week 1:
- 30 mpw
- 10 mi long run (plan for Sunday 8/11)
- Tuesday track workout
- run or trainer ride Weds/Thurs
- Monday strength
- Saturday mountain bike ride (out of town with Scott)

Plan: strength
Did: 53 minute strength workout
Did some side lunges (those will hurt tomorrow) since some plans I looked at suggested lunges and leg strength/agility stuff would be good for long trail runs. I know I need to work on calf/ankle strength and stability for the uneven ground, too. And core strength... oh the core strength. Good workout today, though.

Plan: speedwork
2 x mile @ 10k pace (7:35) w/ 2 mins recovery,
2 x 1k @ 5k pace (7:10/mi = 4:30) w/ 2 mins recovery, 2 x 600 @ 3k pace (6:57/mi = 2:36) w/ 75-90s recovery, 1 x 400 hard
Did: as planned, 8.31 mi @ 8:15/mi avg
This went exactly as I'd planned out, and I'm so so pleased with that! Met up with my track buddy, Matt, for our usual routine but I knew I had a little extra time due to working from home today (yay!). Here's how the speed splits worked out...
2x mile (target = 7:35) - 7:19, 7:39
2x 1k (target = 4:30) - 4:24, 4:34
2x 600m (target = 2:36) - 2:30, 2:27
400m - 1:28
This was a tough workout but I loved the progression and the not-full-lap distances which made it easier to play mind games with myself.
Becoming my Tuesday a.m. home base
Planned: run or bike trainer
Did: rest
Alarm didn't go off (or I slept through it) for an early ride on the trainer, brought my clothes to ride the stationary bike at work and never made it down to the gym. But I did get my 10k steps in with ~45 mins on the treadmill desk, so at least there's that.

Planned: run or bike trainer
Did: 4.68 mi trail run
Work trails - did the reverse course of what I have been running lately. It was pretty hot out but kept a 9min/mi pace. Legs were still sore from Monday's lateral lunges (oof) so I actually took the time to stretch after I ran.

Planned: Friday Five
Did: 5.02 mi @ 8:44/mi
Downtown group didn't run this morning so I slept in a little and ran from the house (we're working from home today). Did a backwards loop through Green Valley - the hills were challenging as always, but not too bad. 

Planned: mountain bike in Knoxville
Did: 12.2 mi mountain biking
Scott & I had an overnight trip to Knoxville for a little getaway, and we enjoyed the Knoxville Urban Wilderness - a series of parks & trails connected by a ~12 mile trail loop through downtown Knoxville which was a lot of fun.
Cool bamboo tunnels

Bridge jump!

Wooden platform trails


All done!

Planned: 10 mile trail run
Did: 10.12 mi trail run
Woo hoo, double-digit trail run!! I wasn't positive how this would go, and my legs were definitely tired, but I felt pretty great with the end result and only had to walk a couple of times.
North Lake

Week ending thoughts:
Missed my trainer ride mid-week and only hit just over 28 miles for the week... but still feeling pretty good about Week 1.

Monday, August 5, 2019

50k Training and Thoughts

Well, here goes nothing! lol

Oh yeah, so... I had in my head that I'd counted back 18 weeks from the 50k on Dec. 10th and marked today (Monday Aug 5th) as Day 1. I counted wrong... it's 14 weeks. Ha! I also realized I never actually figured out what training plan I was going to do... so here I am, on Day 1 of Week 1, figuring out what training plan to follow. At least I plan to stay true to the Monday Strength Day routine + 10kTuesday, so it doesn't matter until Wednesday. 😜

Here's what I've figured out so far...

50K starts at 7:30 A.M. with a 10.0 hour cutoff (19min/mi avg)

  • Goal Race Pace = 15/mi avg // 8 hours
  • Build MPW from 30 to 55 over 14 weeks
  • Peak long run 26 mi
  • Alternate single long run vs double not-as-long runs on weekend (avoids burnout, wheee)
  • Longest run per week should be on trail if possible
  • One other run during the week on trail
  • Speedwork or hill training once per week

Weekly Goals / Long Run Plans...
Long Run or Split Run

I read several articles, and really liked the tips offered in this one from Runner's World. Nothing specific but good guidelines for how to approach training and racing the Ultra.

Hardest part I can see is the 1,000+ ft. elevation gain from mile 21 to 25... the rest is pretty "flat" (haha) i.e. it rolls along a ridgeline. That last bit is going to be killer though.

I think I'm not going to be able to outline as detailed of a plan as I would hope... it's going to be an adjustment week by week, figuring out what's working, what's feasible, and what needs to change. I need to keep that in mind... I'm experienced enough of a runner to know what needs to happen, so I just need to follow that knowledge and go for it.

So... here goes!

Countdown to Ultra Training (1 week to go!)

Did: short strength 
Was short on time but decided to stick with the "something is better than nothing" mantra and went down for a quick strength session. Must have done something worthwhile because Tuesday morning = sore glutes.

Did: 7.47 mi @ 7:53/mi avg
I commented to my track buddy this morning that, while I don't think I'm getting faster based on my interval times, I must be going faster overall because I'm finishing the workouts quicker. Did a ladder today and had time for several extra laps at the end before our track time was up.

The humidity was low today which probably (definitely) helped!
Track sunrise over Paris Mtn in the distance.

Did: 4.8 mi trail run
Ran the work trails at lunch, wasn't too terribly hot and felt like I wasn't pushing too hard. Interesting how almost 5 miles has kind of become a nice easy trail run.

Did: 40 mins trainer ride
Today's a busy day and I have to leave early from work, so I got up early and did a trainer ride in the basement. Stuck with 3 min hard effort / 1 min recovery for 5x rounds. Worked up a good sweat before 5AM! Woohoo.

Did: rest, though did walk ~1hr on the treadmill desk

Did: 8.18 mi trail run
Did a midday run at Paris Mountain today and finally felt good enough to get over 8 miles! Did the whole climb up Sulphur Springs, looped around Firetower > Kanuga > Brissy, then back down. What a difference it makes when I don't have a time pressure to finish. That little relief makes it much more enjoyable.
Did: 7.17 mi @ 9:29/mi avg
Ran through Green Valley for a morning road run, nothing much special and I could tell my legs were tired. Gonna need to get them used to building mileage and doing back-to-back weekend runs.

Week-ending thoughts:
Ummmm so 50k training (18 weeks) starts Monday. I should probably decide on a training plan. lolololol