Monday, July 23, 2018

Solo week

Week beginning thoughts: It's a solo parenting week, and it's supposed to rain a lot. I'm hopeful and determined, but realizing that things may fall apart.
Also, oh no, I have no training plan to follow! What shall I do?? Should I do another cycle of mile training? Need to contemplate and look at fall (!!!!) races. Yassss fall races.

Planned: strength
Did: strength

Did FOUR sets of each exercise today vs. the typical three, and tried to lower the weight / do higher reps for each final set. Felt good, felt strong, felt energized. I forgot to log last week's lift on StrengthLevel, but it wasn't a solid workout anyway.

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.26 mi @ 8:46/mi
Ran as soon as I arrived at work and it was already gross and hot and humid. Got it done, though, and as always felt happy to have it finished before the workday.

Planned: bike
Did: 11.3 mi @ 15.9 mph bike ride
Solo lunch ride, didn't feel like doing much because boy my legs were sore still from Monday! Did the short Upstate loop +  hill, but added a little extra at the back edge of campus for an extra mile vs the usual route. Felt good and kept decent speed despite the soreness. Also, it was hot.

Planned: #speedworkThursday
Did: 4.17 mi @ 8:08/mi avg
Well, I'd intended on just an easy 4 when I headed out, but with the temperature AND humidity below 80, this felt really good! An oddball early morning thunderstorm brought some much-needed relief from the awful heat.

Planned: yoga
Did: nothing

Planned: long run or bike
Did: nothing
Early morning thunderstorms and a predicted all-day rain prompted a decision for a day trip to Asheville. Of course aside from the morning t-storms, it was gorgeous all day. Oh well.

Planned: long run or bike
Did: 4.72 mi @ 9:16/mi
Blah. Had to wait until the afternoon to start this run, and by then the thunderstorms were rumbling in the distance. I stayed close to home and went back when I thought it was about to let loose, but didn't end up actually raining until much later in the day. A little disappointed to cut this short unnecessarily, but I did not want to get caught out in a thunderstorm.
These clouds did not look friendly.
Nutrition Summary
Decided the daily notes were too much, so I'm just being mindful, still tracking, and then assessing each week. I'm proud of myself for the amount of vegetables I've eaten this week. For one thing, it's more than usual in general... I had veggies at lunch and dinner every day during the work week! Not only that, but I did it while Scott was traveling for work which is an even bigger feat. It's easy for me to get lazy when he's away and it's just D and I eating dinner in the evenings, but I made sure to cook veggies for us and then have leftovers for lunches the next day. Counting that as a small win for this week.

Week-ending thoughts: Started off quite strong and really pooped out at the end of the week. I think I just was worn out by the end, so a few days off/easy was probably a good thing. Not sure what I want to focus on training for the rest of the summer...

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