Monday, July 16, 2018

Race Mile Week

Week Beginning Thoughts: 
Well it's actually Monday morning and I'm writing this... so that's a good start! I've talked enough about my thoughts on the Mile that I won't include that here. I did finally register for the event, so there's that.
It's happening.
I also feel like I need to focus on nutrition a bit... I've been half-heartedly tracking with MyFitnessPal for the longest time, but haven't really paid attention to it. I usually end up tracking breakfast and lunch, then I forget about dinner. If I'm going to meet any of my strength-building goals, I need to make sure I'm getting enough calories, and the right balance of macros. So, I'll be posting my % of goal calories and my macro splits each day, for accountability. We'll see how this goes.

Planned: strength
Did: strength
Nutrition: 92% of calorie goal
Apparently I need more carbs? I had rice for lunch and pasta for dinner!
Knowing I had to take it easy on the legs already made me not super excited about lifting today, then there were some people in the gym who aren't normally there at the time I am, and our routines got overlapped and I got irritated so I just quit and did stretching/PT stuff. Better than nothing but still... blergh.
Planned: track meet Mile incorporated into #10kTuesday
Did: 3.3 mile warm-up / 1-Mile track race / 2 mile post-race cooldown
Nutrition: 81% of calorie goal
Needed more protein.
Race report here

Planned: bike
Did: 15.8 mi @ 17.0 mph
Nutrition: 61% of calorie goal 👎
Pretty darn good! But not enough calories overall.
Rode at lunch with a group today and ended up super fast! Not sure where that came from, but I'll take it. Clearly I didn't run fast enough on Tuesday because my legs did not feel tired!

Planned: run?
Did: 3.4 mi @ 8:22/mi
Nutrition: 124% of goal (I blame the beers... 🍺)
Needed more protein.
Well then... I went out for an "easy 3" and ended up with a pretty solid paced 3-ish. Not bad!

Planned: yoga
Did: rest
Nutrition: 105% of goal
I think I just put cheese on everything... 
Busy day at work, just needed a rest day.

Planned: long run or mountain bike?
Did: 12.02 mi @ 9:12/mi 
Nutrition: uhhhh, didn't totally track today

I'd thought about going to this group run + yoga thing at a local running shop, but I opted for a) a little more sleep and b) a little less social interaction, and both were an excellent idea. I needed some long slow miles to be alone in my thoughts, and that's exactly what I got. Oddly my first and last miles were the fastest (below 8:30/mi) the rest were between 9-10 mins.

Planned: long run or mountain bike?
Did: 19.4 mi bike ride pulling trailer
Nutrition: 60% of goal
Apparently this is normal.
Pulled D in the bike trailer to the Children's Museum downtown then back home. Not a fast or hard ride, but definitely worked the legs! I love being able to bike commute around Greenville.

Week Ending thoughts:
It doesn't even feel like a race week by this point... obviously the mile didn't go totally as planned, though it was totally as expected. Feels like a really solid week of training, though.

Nutrition-wise, I apparently get a larger portion of my calories from fat than I'd thought. I don't mind it, and I feel good. I could stand to consume a bit more protein, but between Greek yogurt or eggs for breakfast, and a serving of meat for lunch & dinner, I'm not sure where else to add it in. I also struggle with getting sufficient calories on hard workout days... my default is to add cheese to everything to pack on calories, which I'm totally OK with, but perhaps I can find a better way to achieve my goals each day.

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