Monday, October 2, 2023

GORUCK Tough Training - Week 2 of 10

Feeling every bit of last week's training!

Week 2 plan

Planned: 1/2 mile ruck with a log
Did: 1.6 mi @ 8:20/mi run + 0.5 mi treadmill ruck 
Got out for a perimeter loop on the cross-country trails and was surprisingly speedy! Then put on my ruck, went in the gym and picked up the heaviest Core Bag they have (44lbs), and hopped onto the treadmill. It took a bit to get the thing situated and it was still awkward to carry, but I guess that's good practice! A colleague (who I'd talked to about rucking in the locker room just before this) snapped this photo of me:

Was definitely sweating buckets by the end of the half mile!

Planned: PT
Did: 20 mins PT + 6.22 mi @ 8:32/mi

20 Squats with ruck over head with ruck overhead press
20 4-count Flutter Kicks
20 ruck High Pulls
20 4-count Mountain Climbers
Complete the above FOUR times through.

So the first thing I realized: I cannot squat while holding a weight overhead. I don't know if it's shoulder mobility, bad/unfamiliar form, or what... but there was almost no way I was going to do those. I opted to modify and do a squat with the ruck held in front rack position then do overhead press at the top of the squat. Going to have to work on that! Yikes. The rest was tough but I was able to complete it all in about 20 minutes. 
At lunch I got out for a nice #10kTuesday in the Green Valley neighborhood. Sun was warm but felt nice and run was strong pace-wise!
Planned: 4 mi 
Did: 2.02 @ 8:48/mi run + 4.0 mi ruck @ 15:20/mi
Early easy miles on the trail after school drop-off. Nice and peaceful. 
Peaceful morning light

In the afternoon before school pick-up, I headed back to the trail in TR with the pack and did 4 miles at a solid pace. Felt pretty darn good! Still aiming for the 15-min miles, but have work to do.
Planned: rest
Did: 5.04 mi @ 7:54/mi 
Did some fast miles on the USC Upstate loop! I think the legs have been missing speedwork. 

Planned: PT
Did: 1.2 mi @ 9:46/mi + 18 min ruck strength workout
Started off with a loop around the neighborhood in the early morning hours. 
At the office, did a short ruck workout in response to a speed challenge thrown down by my other rucker teammates.  
50 sandback back squats
10 burpees
40 sit-ups
10 burpees
30 lunges
10 burpees
10m sandbag drag bear crawl
10 burpees
10m sandbag drag bear crawl
10 burpees
30 lunges
10 burpees
40 sit-ups
10 burpees
50 sandback back squats

I did this with a 44lb core bag (which is what the work gym has) and was able to complete it in 18:13!

Planned: 8 mi ruck
Did: 6.36 mi run @ 8:51/mi + 8.02 mi ruck @ 16:38/mi avg
Started off with an hour out-and-back on the trail with the early crew, then transitioned to the ruck pack and set off for an 8-mile adventure. Man oh man was this harddddd on the shoulders! Decided to do 3 miles to the north, return, then do 1 mile south and back to finish. This was a good way to break up the miles to give lots of milestones along the way and feel like the end was close. Also, the quads and glutes were super sore from Friday. Definitely a challenge but got it done!

Planned: rest
Did: 1.1 mi @ 8:50/mi run + 60 min hot yoga
Got in a quick loop around Unity Park before Vinyasa class at Soul Yoga. Felt so good to stretch out, still super duper sore from (I think) Friday's workout!

Weekly Summary
23 miles running
12.5 miles rucking

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