Monday, June 18, 2018

Miler Method (Week 4 of 7)

Week Beginning thoughts: This whole week is up in the air with work travel and such. Just hoping I can hit most of the training goals.

Planned: strength
Did: strength + 1.5 mi run/walk
Traveled to Baltimore for a work conference today, and lucky me (?) my room wasn't ready when I arrived at 12:30pm... so I worked for a couple of hours while I ate the sandwich I'd bought at the airport when I landed, changed in the lobby bathroom, and went to workout until 4pm which is when regular check-in hours start.
Got in a decent lift, though a little scattered because of the different equipment I had to figure out. Did all of my PT, some stretching, and even a 1.5 mile run/walk on the treadmill because it wasn't quite 4pm yet when I'd done everything else. This hotel gym, though... y'all, they have equipment PACKED IN there. I have to give them kudos, they put a LOT in this little space.... but I'd almost rather have half the equipment and be able to not touch knees with the person across from me (not literally... there were only 2 other people in there... but if another person were on the equipment, it could totally happen).
Anyway, I did 3 rounds of:

  • tri cable pulldown
  • deadlift
  • curls
  • goblet squat
  • overhead press
  • curtsey squat
  • rotators
  • reverse fly
  • jump squats
  • overhead lat pulls
  • pushups
In addition to stability ball, leg lifts, clamshells, firehydrants, and donkey kicks.

Whee! I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. Here's hoping I can control myself and not stay out TOO late so I get in my early 10k tomorrow morning... (on the treadmill, blerg).

Planned: #10kTuesday
Did: 6.2 mi @ 9:08/mi avg
Ughhhhhh stayed up too late catching up with industry friends at this conference, so this morning was a struggle. I almostALMOST bailed out entirely, but finally got myself onto the hotel treadmill and cranked it out. I did 3x 1-mile repeats at a progressively faster pace each time (8:15/8:00/7:45) with breaks in between. So glad to have that done. 

Planned: stationary bike
Did: 10.0 mi @ 15.2 mph stationary bike
I had to convince myself to get out of bed this morning... I even got dressed in my workout clothes, then crawled back in bed for just 10 more minutes of sleep before I headed down to the gym. I didn't even stay out late last night, I was just exhausted! Didn't really push too hard on the bike today, just got something in, which is always better than nothing. 

Planned: 800m time trial
Did: hill repeats, 4x45s 4x60s
Decided to do Tuesday's intended hill repeat workout today in the early morning because I knew coming back from 3 days out of the office would mean limited time during the day for a workout. I shorted the warmup and cooldown for time limitations, but got all the hill repeats done. I'm finding that it's really hard to find a hill that takes 60s to get up in my neighborhood... I know there's one out the back of the neighborhood that would work, but it'll have to wait for daylight hours to do because there have been bear sightings. That would probably do wonders for my pace though!
45s hill repeat paces: 6:36, 6:38, 6:44, 6:59 (uh, wrong progression direction...)
60s hill repeat paces: 7:26, 7:31, 7:06, 6:22 (!!)

Meh, not all that impressive on the paces today, but it is what it is.

Planned: yoga
Did: yoga

Planned: tempo + long run
Did: 9.6 mi mountain bike ride
Had the opportunity to ride with friends today, so headed up to Dupont State Forest for a beautiful (ok, it was still hot and humid...) morning ride through the woods. We had a large group (11 people) but kept it fun and casual for the few hours out on the trails. We got to see two great features of the forest - the air strip that sits on top of the mountain and gives a beautiful view, and Bridal Veil Falls. Wonderful!
Stop at Lake Julia


View from Airstrip

Those mountains
Bridal Veil

Bridal Veil
The Group
It was overall a much more casual pace than I would have preferred, but a day in the woods with friends is always good. :)

Planned: bike
Did: nothing
Today did NOT go as planned. Wanted to get a morning stroller run w/ D this morning while Scott was out riding... but we woke up to a leak in the ceiling over our garage. Called an emergency plumber and came out... burst pipe. UGH. So yeah... once it got to be past 10 a.m. I knew a run was not going to happen with the ridiculous heat. Pretty blah about that, but life happens.

Week-ending thoughts: Blergh. Not how I wanted to end the week. :/

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